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gandalf the white

Petition to stop Doom 3!

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(relation to OFP: another part of the "do games affect our children" debate)


Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>petition offered to the US congress</span>


Doom 3 will contain satanistic sympols witch our precious youth will see! Some claims that they look more forward to doom 3 than the second coming of Jesus Christ. The madness and violence must stop NOW! Don't let ID Software ever release doom 3 or it won't be long before we'll have a youth full of devil woreshippers and another columbine highschool situation


The Undersigned


I mean, the whole game is about killing demons and destroy the gate trough wich hell reaches humans , you are being hunted by your own friends, demons , more demons , creepy sounds troughout the WHOLE GAME! when you see a satanic symbol the first thing you want to do is run and hide rather then slaughter a sheep! when someone on the TV half a hour ago said "and it was just like hell" i got fucking scared when i heared that word! NEVER!  crazy_o.gif .

Perhaps i will replay Doom III when it has been modded to a Super Mario PC version... aaah... mario....  the good old day's... the safe day's...

*hides again*

<span style='color:yellow'>(and i request any moderator to remove the C in the name here....  can't do that myself)</span>

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(relation to OFP: another part of the "do games affect our children" debate)


Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>petition offered to the US congress</span>


Doom 3 will contain satanistic sympols witch our precious youth will see! Some claims that they look more forward to doom 3 than the second coming of Jesus Christ. The madness and violence must stop NOW! Don't let ID Software ever release doom 3 or it won't be long before we'll have a youth full of devil woreshippers and another columbine highschool situation


The Undersigned


I mean, the whole game is about killing demons and destroy the gate trough wich hell reaches humans , you are being hunted by your own friends, demons , more demons , creepy sounds troughout the WHOLE GAME! when you see a satanic symbol the first thing you want to do is run and hide rather then slaughter a sheep! when someone on the TV half a hour ago said "and it was just like hell" i got fucking scared when i heared that word! NEVER! crazy_o.gif .

Perhaps i will replay Doom III when it has been modded to a Super Mario PC version... aaah... mario.... the good old day's... the safe day's...

*hides again*

<span style='color:yellow'>(and i request any moderator to remove the C in the name here.... can't do that myself)</span>

I'm sick of asshats trying to legislate responsibility and tell me what I can and cannot see.

Useless pieces of shit. Its bad enough they got the Corvette commercial taking off the air becuase the kid was "driving dangerously" despite the fact right at the beginning it says "This is a dream. Don't drive recklessly".

People are fucking idiots and I'm tired of the lot of them.

EDIT: Got me so worked up made me misspell more than normal tounge_o.gif

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Plus they cant spell which...

Stupid naive people. If they don't like it then they don't have to buy it but other peoples freedoms shouldnt be screwed over by a minority. rock.gif

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A) wow...just wow

B) some people have 0 sense of humour. I personally read the ign review or preview (forget which it was :P) and the author jokingly mentioned "Doom3 has slightly higher expecations than the second coming of jesus christ". Of course, it was a joke to try and convey this game's anticipation.

C) why do people blame this game. It is the responibility of the parents to control which games their children play, and it CLEARLY states (ESRB) that this game is for MATURE AUDIENCES. Good god.

I play doom3, now I'm going to go worship the devil! see you all later!

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Quote[/b] ]it won't be long before we'll have a youth full of devil woreshippers

Too late.

They have christian games dont they? Where you have to go around and get stuff with what ever christians kill demons with, i think we should be allowed a game where demons and satanists and what not are getting killed in a slightly more violent way. Maybe the makers should include a pro-abortion mission, just to piss them off even more.

Maybe someone should set up an Anti-Anti-Doom3 petition, i'm sure it would get more votes then the Anti-Doom3 petition.

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This is what I came up with so far. Suggestions are welcome.

Quote[/b] ]Opposition Petition In Support Of Doom3

We, the Undersigned, hereby give our support to Id Software and their release of Doom3, in opposition to the petition located at: http://www.petitiononline.com/kull1522/petition.html

We, the Undersigned, support Id Software’s right to produce, distribute, and market such entertainment, and call upon a little known concept known as “personal responsibility.â€

We, the Undersigned, resist all attempts to legislate personal choice and freedom, and the attempt to take the responsibility away from the Parent’s to raise their children.

We, the Undersigned, support the process already in place of Game Ratings, and call upon the Parent’s and the Individual to be responsible for their own actions.

We, the Undersigned, resist all attempts to legislate morality and “values†by groups of any kind.

EDIT: Let me know, and then I will post it for those who want to sign.

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Stupid fundamentalists. I'm going to go out and buy Doom 3 just to give ID some more cash for Doom 4 biggrin_o.gif .

Also, I just noticed that a lot of the "signatures" in that petition contain links to pr0n wink_o.gifwow_o.gif .

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LOL. Anyway, Akira, i like what youve come up with, especially pointing out personal choice and freedom and how its the parents responsibility.

Actually, this petition of theirs is a load of crap, i mean, half the people who signed it only did so to make a "funny" comment or object.....

My favourite:

Quote[/b] ]Flight Officer Ellen Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the game from orbit. It's the only way to be sure

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Well here it is guys. Have fun!

Whether it was a joke or not....was fun to make the petition biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>MY FEEBLE TEENAGE MIND HAS BEEN CORRUPTED!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!</span>

Now I want to blow myself and 20 other people up sad_o.gif

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Teletubbies - That's fu... demonic crap to ban.

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Here's a few of my favorite responses...


32. Dumbo Dunkins GOD HATES F--S.....i mean........DOOM 3!!


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Also lol at Akira for:

We, the Undersigned, support the use of basic text editors and spell-checkers.

Hehe. I can accept non-first-speaking people to misspell things (like myself) but when e.g yanks or brittish do it in an important thing like a petition(I have no problems with it on forums, etc), and write sympols then I got loony.


8. Mike Hellknight I'm demon-possessed myself, but I must agree with the petition, since I see them as competition that must be destroyed

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I say we take off and nuke the bible bashing freaks from orbit...


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We are getting closer and closer to the day when elected officials would have grown up playing video games and then this nonsense won't stand a chance.

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