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Static Objects Add On

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I think i have a rough idea about the billboards config and how it should look.

Besides i'm on holiday for a few days here so it will keep my mind occupied.


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theres a user definable billboard addon out there. . .mabe take a look at it and see how they did it?

they did it by using hidden selections and stuff, very easy to do on a billboard

o ya and give some of those models sharp faces

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Yeah and don't forget to make the matching pack of matches for the billboards. Also here are some names of some clubs i just thought up on the fly because you know in the editor ofp has that open pub that you can walk into with the cool yet mysterious second floor that ive met many moles and hostages in my life of ofp:

club names:

the roxy

foxxy spot


the canister

meat grinderz

bills pub

red star lounge

Edit: maybe you could go international and make a special pub sign that anybody can make any picture they want on it, kinda like a set texture thing so they can make it an arabic pub too.

but yeah like i said, just make a regular standing up billboard sign, i mean a neon sign, maybe a two dollars off drink night thing at the corner, and ill set pos the thing up on the face of the building, maybe put some neon effects on it too, that'll kick major ass. But yeah have the matching matchbook.

I got the idea off of Die Hard with a Vengeance. He saw the pack of matches in the phone booth at the crime scene and went to the club and there were the russians with the stolen gold. Speaking of stolen gold maybe you could make an ammo crate opened up full of gold, like a hijack operation or something. Make some diamonds too.

OH I GOT ANOTHER DOPE IDEA! FOOD! Make food so that way if they don't take the food ......no, better would be water because you can only go 24 hours without water. Yeah make some water jugs. Then someone could script it to where if they don't take some water within a certain time limit they die of dehydration. Badass.

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lol bowerybaker you amuse me with your outbursts! they're good ideas. Thanks all...hmm dunno about the billboards now cos someone has already made what look like good ones.

How do you mean sharp faces?

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[Edit] Updated pic of diamond below.

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Hi edejl,

I have sent you a PM and maybe using alpha channel/ transparent textures would make the diamond look seethrough and more realistic.

I am trying to figure this mask/alpha channel thing out but have problems trying to understand the tutorials.


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Thanks oyman, I'm on it. A quick laptop model is being made. Just keeping you updated.

I keep doing quick models of things because then I can have a brief pack of things and then make them better, rather than completing one then moving on.

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I've added and textured a stand for the diamond.

I'd like to thank Parker Hale as well.

Other addons are coming along quite well, suggestions are still wanted though.

Thanks all.

(Again, jagged edges and darkness are from the screenshot, not as it appears in game)


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sharp edges is the correct term, to learn about them, read official ofp m16 tutorial by bis on the o2 page

it will work wonders on your addons smile_o.gif

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It's had sharp edges done on it.

Do you think it needs smooth edges?

Diamonds are sharply cut

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and the prize for the most useless addon to be made for ofp goes to...

*drum roll*


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lol drow. No, if someone wants to do a museum piece or exhibition guarding mission then this could be the centre piece.

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First Laptop Beta version is finished.

[Edit] Screenshots are a bit dark, it is lighter ingame



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Hey edejl,

How are you coming along ?

The laptop is looking really good and the diamond stand was a good idea.


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Hey Parker,

things are coming along well I think.

I'm just finishing off the first Beta versions of everything and perhaps creating some more things.

You'll get a credit if they are released, which they probably will be, even if no-one wants them lol

I'm going to look into transparency which could be a good thing and also I'm going to make some sort of speech stand or announcement podium.

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Hi edejl,

Don't worry about putting my name in the credits, i just wanted to help out and put what i have been learning to a possitive test.

I think the use of transparent textures (especially on the diamond addon) would add more realism in certain respects.

alpha channels - masks ...... aaaarrrrgggghhh!!!!

I'm still stressed by them LOL


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You should make the diamond more realistic like it could fit in a soldiers pocket. That way its more hidable. Who's going to steal a diamond he can't even carry?

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lol but it would be so small you couldn't see it!

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Parker, unless you really don't want me to I feel I should give you some credit!!

Update: Washing Line in the making, civilian version on its way.


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Hi again edejl,

If you want to give me credit then go ahead i don't mind but i just wanted to help out and in some small way give something back to the community that i have enjoyed being a part of.

Love the idea of the washing line LOL


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Who's going to steal a diamond he can't even carry?

Guba tounge_o.gif

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Openable suitcase with bags of white powder inside?

U would be able to say by radio: "BINGO, It is not sugar" biggrin_o.gif

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