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How close is it to being finished (the Mi-24 pack) ?

And those are great news btw.

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Please, can you explain me this strange thing? I can not realize how this is possible: look at these screens where specialy gear parts (and animation points for gears in memory lod,...) are similar to our improved and long time ago released CSLA.

"But there are no credits to me or to CSLA MOD? Whats happend with good breeding within OFP comunity"







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Court is now in session.

People of the OFP Community versus LWP MOD.

LWP how do you plead?  

CSLA present your case


mad_o.gif  smile_o.gif  sad_o.gif  wink_o.gif  rock.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  blues.gif  ghostface.gif

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This should not be a court. But it is obvious, that something is going wrong. sad_o.gif

We want to see some explanation from LWP. And possibly some support from community...

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Please, can you explain me this strange thing? I can not realize how this is possible: look at these screens where specialy gear parts (and animation points for gears in memory lod,...) are similar to our improved and long time ago released CSLA.

"But there are no credits to me or to CSLA MOD? Whats happend with good breeding within OFP comunity"







first two screens are almost same... there are some differences but they still are similar...

Szumek is my friend and i talk with him often, he told me he wants to make it like CSLA but he didnt told me he will take parts of models from not his addon....

he is good addonmaker and honest man so realy i cant understand this situation.

i will call him when il be at work, there must be some kind of explenation for that.

simply i cant believe he is thief... rock.gif

maybe he just forget to credit csla or something... or maybe he just use csla model as reference and made those parts very similar rock.gif they arent exact copies...

please ppl lets wait for word from Szumek.

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Well, well...

I have a sowjet Hind reskin ready on my disk for some time (it was made from the BIS Hind and shouldn't be that bad, I hope) and I could release it with scripts with all of your permissions, but I think I better wait for this situation to be cleared...



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i just talked with Tow.Szumek about this whole case

he cant be online for now becouse he is on dialup and he can log in only at night (lower connection costs)

but that is what he told me (maybe not 100% exact becouse of my translating skills)

"they are hilarious man

i wanted to use they parts for this addon but they never answered any of my emails. [...]"

then i asked him if he took those parts without permission.

"no way man, i didnt, all i did was taking they addon and using it as reference, that means i oppened they model and iv made it similar, if you take a closer look you will see that it is just similar and not exactly same,

truth is that flaps cant be made much different becouse they will not fit to rest of model. [...]

maybe i could make wheels from different number of faces but i figured that if they look good on they addon then i will make them from same ammount of faces.

but if it will make those ppl who call me thief happyer, i will make them more or less detailed in next release."

and that what he told me

personaly i believe him, and after looking again at those pics... it is just not same thing.

maybe he should give credits for using csla model as reference, but i never saw anyone doing that, so i realy dont think thats the case anyway....

i think that after RDF and RHS case we have here something i would like to call "wich hunt".

lets think twice before caling someone thief  wow_o.gif


realy nice textures man

Szumek is planing to relese update of this pack with soviet versions, can he stole yours textures ? tounge_o.gif

just kidding man   wink_o.gif  realy good job smile_o.gif

realy sad thing with this wich hunting on forums  ghostface.gif

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Hey, hey man...we are not ones who should feel ashamed...I am an addonmaker and I see what I see on previously published screens. We started very seriously and quietly (without accusing somebody) to talk about the issue. We did not call anybody a "thief". But if you want to hear it, yes, here it is.

I (as a modeller) can say that undercarriage is exactly the same. Story about using CSLA model as a reference could be told only to people without any modelling experience. Placing, orientation and geometry of undercarriage in not accident. Is thar major change if one point on undercarriage covers is deleted? Every point sit on the other...even texture mapping is the same.

We did not received any e-mail with such a request (Mi-24 modification) on our official e-mail adress. Sumek seems to be not only thief, but liar as well. I think, it is pretty clear.

This is not witch hunt, you made such a statement fist (but you are not victim, but we are), we only asked politely for you stand point. And how unpolite you are, we know....now. We have saying in Czech republic: Guilty goose is the loudest.

Moreover, I am sad as well, because we would not make problem if we would have been asked properly. And all this issue couldn't happen.

At the end I have to state, that model is BIS model and we are talking here about retractable gear, which was made by CSLA.

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I must say that I have bad feeling from this issue. Althought we were damaged and we have the right, this issue will not serve good to OFP community. Original posts has been intended to show that something is wrong and CSLA has been damaged on non written rights of this community. That's all.

From this time no member of CSLA will continue in this dispute, pls, to calm situation and not spam LWP thread more than necessary, otherwise the LWP thread would be closed. Thanks.

Edited for clumsy fingers and tired brain...or vice versa? smile_o.gif

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what can i say without checking all that by my self (wich i cant do now becouse im at work and o2 is not one of tools i should use at work smile_o.gif ) is nothing...

i hope you are wrong, i hope Szumek is not lier...

if you are offended by my last post then im sorry but i just cant believe what i see in this topic, it is just too much for my tired brain.

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First I was mad when Offtime told me that someone said I didn't made this addon. I wanted to make few screens from different angles to show that it is not same model but my brain almost popup when I've spoted that I have in my directories not this model i was making to be released but model I was playng before which was made out of CSLA addon. So now i feel like lier and thef sad_o.gif

But it was just simple mistake wich I can prove by releasing

updated pack with correct model as soon as il get all stuff together that I was preparing for update. You will see that it was mistake. Sorry Offtime for disappointing you and thanks for believe in me, but CSLA have right to demand credits for this addon. I will make sure that in updated pack will be only correct models and I will place proper info about credits for previous version.

Sorry for all this mess. sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

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I have holidays so I'm working at addons even 12 hours per day, because I want to complete LWP MOD. Somtimes I'm so tired that I don't know what I'm doing... Maybe I should have a rest...  rock.gif

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this is a bunch of bull, LWP stole CSLA's hind! Why is it so hard to make ur own stuff?

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this is a bunch of bull, LWP stole CSLA's hind! Why is it so hard to make ur own stuff?

read again man.

i dont know why but i have some kind of sentiment for LWP mod and even after this case my feelings to this mod will not change.

and if he said it was mistake and he can release update

i trust him.

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I look forward to seeing the updated Mi-24 pack soon. As to this situation, I believe and support Szumek as well as share the same sentiment with you Offtime.

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I hope this well become a happy ending smile_o.gif

More disputes should end like this smile_o.gif

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realy nice textures man

Szumek is planing to relese update of this pack with soviet versions, can he stole yours textures ? tounge_o.gif

just kidding man   wink_o.gif  realy good job smile_o.gif

Thanks. I think we can find a way to work together! smile_o.gif

I'd really like to see my baby fly without these annoying, non-retractable gears. wink_o.gif

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definitely Yes

I wanted a fully funktinol Hind since Summer 2001, unfortunately the CSLA Hind had a Badly alligned aiming dot for unguided rockets, rendering them useless.

But could you implemt an more realistic loadout, like replacing the 30mm Turretcannon with the actual 12,7 mm Turret...?

And give it back that 8 x AT-6...?

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