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Tow.Szumek from LWP - Ludowe Wojsko Polskie (polish mod) released his trucks pack, after long time he is only one who is still working on this mod, and as we can see hes gooooood biggrin_o.gif

Download beta version:

LWP_Trucks_Pack.exe (left click on link and "save as..")

please feal free to post comments smile_o.gif


some mirrors would be nice ;)

star266_03s.jpg star266_04s.jpg

star660_03s.jpg ural375_03s.jpg


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These look brilliant. And the guy above me, be nice, not every is able to speak fluent english on the forums.

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Of course biggrin_o.gif

Polish ver of OFP is very popular smile_o.gif. And at last some news from polish addonmakers making polish stuff.

Tak trzymac smile_o.gif

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I couldn't wait to their release, but my dream came true smile_o.gif .

Very good work. Keep it up biggrin_o.gif .

Please, tell me when the LWP Mod's page would be available.

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Great Job Tow. Szumek!

Brawo, Brawo, Brawo! smile_o.gif

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k, i did some tests and i must say there is lots of bugs  crazy_o.gif

but ... it is still beta stage  wink_o.gif

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Excellent work.

Offtime, you promised me those Ural)) If you will be online, just knock in ICQ, i am here at least for an hour)

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Very good work. It has a little bugs, but keep it going.

Swietny addon smile_o.gif Radzilbym jednak zwrocic uwage na szoferke w 266. Czasami wyglada, jakby byla dziurawa (tyl/gora).

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Very good work. It has a little bugs, but keep it going.

Swietny addon smile_o.gif Radzilbym jednak zwrocic uwage na szoferke w 266. Czasami wyglada, jakby byla dziurawa (tyl/gora).

those "holes", 2mins of work in o2 to fix that ;)

did someone noticed anything else ?

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Yes. Maby it's not a bug but it looks wierd.

I think about two things:

1. Tools on back window in Star 266 cabine are too flat.

2. At the end of Star 266, between the wheels there is a black rectangle - it looks strange. Is it similar to real Star 266?

Are you going to make those cars armed?

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Are you going to make those cars armed?

dont aks me about that becouse i dont work on them

(czy wy wszyscy wiecie cos czego ja nie wiem? :] )

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(...) did someone noticed anything else ?

Yes, I did wink_o.gif .

1. Those trucks probably have too small radius of turning back (dunno how to say it in english :P ). Chodzi mi o "promien zawracania" smile_o.gif .

2. They haven't got shadows smile_o.gif .

3. In comander's panel there is a picture of BIS' Ural instead of STAR smile_o.gif .

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skoro tylko polacy sa zainteresowani tym addonem, nie widze sensu w wysilaniu sie z angielszczyzna tounge_o.gif

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Please, could you tell us what the LWP Mod is working on now smile_o.gif ?

skoro tylko polacy sa zainteresowani tym addonem, nie widze sensu w wysilaniu sie z angielszczyzna tounge_o.gif

Zasady to zasady - forum anglojezyczne, to trzeba po angielsku (nawet lamanym wink_o.gif ).

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Yes. Maby it's not a bug but it looks wierd.

I think about two things:

1. Tools on back window in Star 266 cabine are too flat.

2. At the end of Star 266, between the wheels there is a black rectangle - it looks strange. Is it similar to real Star 266?

Are you going to make those cars armed?

Second point is my mistake - there is no black rectangle.

But I'd noticed some new things:

1. Rather shitty texture on fuel can

2. Army cars (espetialy Stars) don't have black plates, only numbers painted on.

3. You can't kill driver or passanger.

4. You can shot eaven a LAW through cabine and tarpaulin (plandeka) and extra fuel canisters. But only above connection of tarpaulin and car line.

Kurcze, czemu nawet jakies glupie mody interesuja caly swiat OFP, a na nasza polska modyfikacje leja...? sad_o.gif

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(...) Kurcze, czemu nawet jakies glupie mody interesuja caly swiat OFP, a na nasza polska modyfikacje leja...? sad_o.gif

Moze poprostu oniemieli z zachwytu rock.gif . Nie martwmy sie jednak smile_o.gif - dla mnie ten pack to duzy krok naprzód. Chodzi mi o ogólny poziom addonów, bo sa naprawde dobre (przynajmniej jak na polskie "realia", bo widac inni nie doceniaja ciezaróweczek z postkomunistycznego zadupia Europy mad_o.gif ).

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As far as i remember polish task as WP forces were to atack Denmark - maybe talk with Danish modders about little campaign smile_o.gif

Nie przejmujta sie i robta swoje smile_o.gif

A poza tym to LWP powinno byc po stronie "resistance" - nie wiadomo do kogo by strzelali wink_o.gif

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