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Updated BAS Pavehawks

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very nice screenshots

do you mind if I use them on ofp.info?

of course you can, go right ahead smile_o.gif

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What can I say?

Great Chopper,looking very beautiful

wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif

Thx for your outstanding work!

Mfg OG

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WoW, got to say the desert camo is way cool. Great job on the choppers. and out of curisity, is it possible to refuel mid air with these choppers.

I think it would be cool if you could refuel with these with HAWK's c130.

any way nice choppers good job!

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what still no PJ's? or even Airforce pilots?

kinda ruins the pavehawks to have US Army SOAR pilots...

it would nto take much to atleast give them proper pilots would it?

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Quote[/b] ]it would nto take much to atleast give them proper pilots would it?

You're perfectly welcome to make an Airforce pilot model.

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an AF pilot is actual different then a pavehawk pilot..

If I bother to make an AF pilot it will be for the AC-130.

You would think BAS who made all the nice ranger/delta's and the SOAR pilots could spend the extraday and make an AF Pavehawk pilot..

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But they didn't, so quit complaining.

I think the pack's great. The desert scheme is really cool, and one that you don't see very many photographs of.

If I'm correct they have a capacity of twelve?

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geez some people are dicks.

Great work BAS!! The desert camo looks awesome.

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Great work BAS!! The desert camo looks awesome.

Desert Scheme is thanks to Silent Pro wink_o.gif

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what still no PJ's? or even Airforce pilots?

kinda ruins the pavehawks to have US Army SOAR pilots...

it would nto take much to atleast give them proper pilots would it?

Theres always a critic, hope everyone is enjoying the updates to the pavehawks. smile_o.gif

To the point. rock.gif No, it doesnt look quite right when 160th flyboys are crewing this bird but, we all realize that. Let me tell you a little story, maybe it'll help some of you learn from it. First off i'd like to say gamers are some of the most spoiled, immature, selfish beggars and hermits on the planet (of course you know what kind i am speaking of). Now, going back about 3 or 4 months ago BAS released their latest addon, the USAF HH60 series PaveHawks, before hand they had warned us not to expect a desert version to accompany it. At release I indeed saw that it was missing, i played the demo mission. Had fun, but i knew BAS could not be whined (you know like what some of you do here), wined (as in intoxicated) or dined into making the desert skin, no matter how much I or the others missed the desert version.

So i went ahead and did it myself. wow_o.gif Luckily i had a few days off and had completed the reskin within the next day or so. At that point i now had my own desert version flying around tonal, Nogova...etc.


Was i all that happy that i now had this all to myself? No not really, I was proud of my work but was missing something. I knew BAS wanted a desert version, BAS week was struggling and i sought to do something for the community. I provided them with this reskin to distribute with their updates and have never regretted it since. Now most of the OFP community knows, cares and is excited about their existance, I had tried to gain some exposure before but, only few really cared.

So if you want something, go do it yourself before you make yourself a nuisance to those who need not be bothered with the whining of a child who is not his/her own. Go start your own PJ's, SEALS, or updated infantry pack. If you dont have the skill, learn how if it matters that much to you.

To those who are grateful and understand what BAS is about. You guys have been very supportive and understanding...may you all someday contribute to this community.

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A very good post Silent Pro, max rez to BAS and yourself for bringing the periodically ungrateful community this update smile_o.gif

I won't forget all those hours spent on your IRC channel discussing ways of implementing new NVG's and trying to get my nose into some secrets about your next project. And even sharing a few good talks about real-life issues, and other more... Uhm.. Pubesant (sp?) issues aswell biggrin_o.gif

It's really sad seeing BAS going away from the OFP1 scene but in my eyes you lads (and lasses) are leaving the OFP1 scene with all the sense of dedication, skill and charm you entered it with.

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Your welcome GoOB! biggrin_o.gif

@ Heavy Metal

Thats because the site is not back online yet.

I myself will miss BAS's presence as well, had a feeling this was coming though. It is sad, but i hope i can see you BAS guys and gals playing online more often. Would be a pleasure to do some co-op's and even some CTF, C&H with you all. Enjoy your break BAS, you've earned it.

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Great work BAS!! The desert camo looks awesome.

Desert Scheme is thanks to Silent Pro wink_o.gif

Cough, Cough  Readme Cough Cough

Sorry had to do that, great update BAS, SWAF will enjoy them as usual

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Great work BAS!! The desert camo looks awesome.

Desert Scheme is thanks to Silent Pro wink_o.gif

Cough, Cough  Readme Cough Cough

If you've read it, you'll see that Silent Pro is credited in there. I don't know why you seem to want to tell me that tho tounge_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Thanks BAS and Silent Pro, they look great smile_o.gif .

Something i always wondered about the Pavies is that their pilot and gunner doors dont open like on the MH-60 pack, i have always been curious about this because the base model is the same, right rock.gif .

Anyone care to satisfy my curiosity rock.gif . Oh and thanks again, the desert paint scheme really makes the pack even more valuable smile_o.gif .

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Thanks BAS and Silent Pro, they look great smile_o.gif .

Something i always wondered about the Pavies is that their pilot and gunner doors dont open like on the MH-60 pack, i have always been curious about this because the base model is the same, right rock.gif .

Anyone care to satisfy my curiosity rock.gif . Oh and thanks again, the desert paint scheme really makes the pack even more valuable smile_o.gif .

i would assume adding in the same option from the MAH60 pack into the config of this would achieve that. ..

but in all honesty i think they left it out cuz too many user actions gets annoying and the opening pilot/co pilot door is just pointless/usless mission wise. no offense.

just like the M2A2 or the M113 from Combat. theres no reason to have that ramp or door open. they get out just the same.

smile_o.gif hope this helps

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Quote[/b] ]Closing the door allows less chance of people inside being shot.

...not if it is the copilot shooting at you. blues.gif

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