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Petition - water level control

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It has recently been brought to my attention that if BIS could give us a patch (or just the ability somehow) that enabled you the capability to control the water levels rising and falling it would significantly help modders. This is particularly important for islands where the rivers are more important than the sea.

Please cast your vote.  smile_o.gif

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There's nothing more annoying than finding a bridge that you can't cross because the tide has caused one section to be 5m higher the the other crazy_o.gif

Although, I doubt BIS will release a patch just to adress this issue. Lets just hope that this can be adressed in OFP2 wink_o.gif

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good idea. i voted for "yes". but BIS is certainly not gonna patch that smile_o.gif

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What i would really like to see is more waves out at sea,  things that flip a fishing boat over  tounge_o.gif

But i like it as it is now unless if they made it possible to raise the height of water in certain areas then dams would look good.

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Here here,good idea would serve good for jungle maps etc. but I think the chances are slim BIS would release a new patch for OpFlash..

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What i would really like to see is more waves out at sea,  things that flip a fishing boat over  tounge_o.gif

But i like it as it is now unless if they made it possible to raise the height of water in certain areas then dams would look good.

how about variable that would define this on specific maps ?

nothing would change for you and for those who better like still rivers it would be greate update ;-)

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On the topic of waves - maybe someone could develop the water equivalent of the original grass addon. That addon placed some grass within a certain radius around your character. Maybe someone could make a wave one. Only difficulty is they'd have to move somehow... (probably not very possible at present).

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gee what do i hear?!?!

man ever seen still water at beaches?

look at some pics of visnorsk

i use static water to make rivers

this way it even small rivulets, waterfalls or streams can be done!

and waves... well

if a mirror is possible why not waves?

a solution

create a "wave" model in oxy

make a script that creates waves

1 that makes waves go up and down

2 one that makes the waves head to the beach


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gee what do i  hear?!?!

man ever seen still water at beaches?

look at some pics of visnorsk

i use static water to make rivers

this way it even small rivulets, waterfalls or streams can be done!


tell us how to make static water smile_o.gif

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What is this the Star Wars Galaxies forums all of a sudden?

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with lots of models, I really dont think it would be wise for such large maps as I Corps though.

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This feature will cetrainly not make it into OFP1.

We will try to make sure water in OFP2 is more configurable and scriptable.

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