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Cool pics! Looks great!

I'm really interested to know how it all works:

-will you be able to choose your wagons to put on the train?

-If so, how would you do it? if its as simple as placing it in the editor, where abouts in the editor would you place it?

-Will there be a steam train version? (for later releases)

-Will it be laggy?

-Will it be AI friendly?

-Do i ask to many questions? tounge_o.gif

Keep up the good work!

- the engine have to be placed in the editor near a track and autopositioning itself by the trainscript, all connected wagons do the same.

uncoupled wagons at mission start ... erm ... ive got to ask our scripter wink_o.gif

- A steam version is afaik very complicated to realise it with the actual OFP engine (especially the wheels)

- in a 'normal' (what is normal wow_o.gif) use not too much, but surely depented from the computers equipment performance and the enviroments

- yes, it will be (with some small limitations) AI friendly

- not yet, but it decelerate my work speed wink_o.gif


I hope that 'the engine will be finished in the next weeks' but i can't promise that. (depends on my job, my friends ...)

One week is definately a to small time.

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Ok, im the modeller of the Engine. If got many problems last time with my PC (1st RAM, then died my HDD :/ ). Thats why the engine isnt rdy :/. I wanted to help Lester but  i couldnt do it sad_o.gif he had enough to do with the other waggons.

I hope that the new HDD will be there in the next days, so i can finish the Trainstation wich i began a few Weeks ago.


How is the Engine ? ;)

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Wow !

I just saw the sreenshots on ofpinfo and guys it look so awesome, finally we'll get a working train in ofp. One thing is sure, i'll add it on my island when it'll be released wink_o.gif

Can't wait for the release tounge_o.gif

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One of the most amazing addons I have ever seen!

Looks like a fantastic job you are doing!!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Yes, this is really amazing! Very nice job indeed! Can't wait for it.

I hope you'll manage to make a steam train version someday for WW2 scenarios.

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ahhhh this looks awsome!!!! Way to go!!! I sooooo can't wait to see this come out!!!! I just hope my lil 56K can take it...or i'll run to someones house that has cable int. and start loading up!!!! wow_o.gif woo hoo..keep up the great work!!!

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Lookin' good! Very good!

I've got one question - will you release island-maker stuff like tracks, train traffic lights, etc. too?

Or it'll be just on your island?

Oh, and will there be a possibility of dammaging tracks and making train stop because of that?

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I nearly bought Railroad Tycoon 3 last weekend...

I think Ill wait now until someone makes and OFP version smile_o.gif

Looks great guys.

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Guys, i think its something the whole ofp community is waiting for that kind of addon for more than 2-3 years. I said it like a revolutionary addon wink_o.gif

Its sure itll be a good idea to release it before ur island is finished (if it took too much time) so itll let us(island maker) start working with it because you can be sure, lot island will be created with your train on it.

P.S. I already few ideas for missions around this addon so if you need help for mission maker, just ask !

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Looking real good guys,nice work.

Yes we have wanted trains forever in OFP,I would have settled for a train that even went straight,but looks like your working on the whole shebang,sweet

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just imagine it yourin the rear lines in a battle CQ requests 155mm you put it on a train to deliver it next thing you know enemy aircraft start attacking the trains anti air mgs start firing and blow it out of the sky or youve been ordered to retreat your army of200 men or a train robbery possibilities are endless

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hey, these pics are lookin quite nice. keep that good work up! biggrin_o.gif

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I've got one question - will you release island-maker stuff like tracks, train traffic lights, etc. too?

Or it'll be just on your island?

Oh, and will there be a possibility of dammaging tracks and making train stop because of that?

Yes, of course we will release it, but not know, because we have to be sure, that there won't be any changes with the tracks, we discussed that already intern, If we should release the tracks earlier, but we decided against that, sorry.

Second think:

No, we had the choice:

Tracks that can be dammaged, or tracks that can be build on hills. Of course we chose the second one. But, don't care... just blow the engine up with a RPG... smile_o.gif

We're also thinking about a possibility for derailing, If you hit one of the wagons, or so ;)

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Guest major gandhi

omfg smile_o.gif this is awesome, and here again we can see a project which pushes ofp to another level. this is exactly while i'm still playing ofp. the community keeps ofp alive.

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Will there be a train bridge and some overpasses?
One overpass (like resistance streets is ready to use)

Trainbridge the moment no, one bridgepart of one Bridgedesign makes a little trouble.

(Funnily enough a other bridgedesign works perfect ?! with the AI)

But we will finish minimum one of it as a AI useable trainbridge in our train addon.

Unfortunately my system harddrive (SATA 120GB) gone by the wind yesterday at 4:00PM crazy_o.gif

All OFP model/texture data is 100% ok, but i need to fix my system first, before i proceed with modelling ...

(at the moment my system works with a old ('first help' image on a very old and lousy HD.

Why does i have such 'hardware refusal to obey orders problems' only at weekend ? wow_o.gif )

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nice now me and my hobo friends can ride the frieght trains in opf tounge_o.gif

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Could the same system be used for AI Airport ground crew? Rather than a train coupling with a carriage it would be a tractor coupling with a plane for towing.

If it could follow a path like the train follows it's track? It would be perfect.

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ahh noooo not a delay!!!! ...j/k I just can't wait to see it released! We've all been waiting for this for avery very long time!! smile_o.gif

So ummmm... make sure and copy your information to a cd or something...just to make sure you don't loose all the data!!! crazy_o.gif crazy hard drives

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