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Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

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Mega Blocs? crazy_o.gif

jep, and the effect while destroying them ...


the 303rd ...


used Addons: plz look 3 posts before;

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Wow, some really impressive (realistic) looking pics in the last few pages...

Anyway, heres another of mine...


E&S Marine pack, KSVK rifle

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Picture released!


- new uk forces (cold pic war)

- no outscaling size

- no dawn/dusk pic.

- no massiv contrast-orgien

- just 1 pic of many addons not differently

- no eye damaging color playings

- rendered once only

known bugs:

- greater than 100kB

link: http://www.defcon-network.de/ukforces.jpg

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LOL Phobos  smile_o.gif Good pic also.

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*The Moon and Myself* (unedited)



=> really alarming for me: like have a look in a mirror - but where do i have such helmet ...  crazy_o.gif

used Addons: OPEF-Addons (Addons & Mods Discussion); webcam-pic from myself.

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crazy driver of that tank drove into the airport doors...


great pics to all!

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Keep chatter to a bare minimum please, as splendid as Parvus' avatar is it has no relevance to this thread, if you feel he should change it PM him.

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ok ok, its a apc, but for me it's a tank, cause it has tracks...

(sorry for offtopic...)

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My comments weren't to you don't worry smile_o.gif, as long as it doesn't turn into a 3 page debate about tank v apc it's ok smile_o.gif

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Hey man, maybe it´s tank for him? let the man have some dreams!  tounge_o.gif

On other note

D-day..... (lite tounge_o.gif)

The american soldiers hit the beach, only to be encounterd by German MG42;S.. these pictures show the side where the casulties were the lightest.



Oops sorry, forgot to add the addons :

WWiiec us pack 1.0, Invasion 1944 Mg42

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Mechanized infantry awaiting orders.

i44 demo 1.2

FDFmod 1.2

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CBT- M2A1 IFV on patrol in Southern Afghanistan

Learn, and live by the quote.

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Here is a multiplayer action scene from once when I was gaurding my team flag. . .

Here is me... watching from the window


Here is my view of the flag


Here is when I detonated bombs in the flag area when an enemy tried to take it...  you can see him just to the left of the crosshair... he died  smile_o.gif


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Here is a multiplayer action scene from once when I was gaurding my team flag. . .

Here is me... watching from the window


Here is my view of the flag


Here is when I detonated bombs in the flag area when an enemy tried to take it...  you can see him just to the left of the crosshair... he died  smile_o.gif


Ahh those were the times... hiding satchel charges next to flags then detonating them when the "Enemy has taken you flag!" sign came up biggrin_o.gif good times, good times.

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