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Uscg pack beta

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Hi all,

here are some screens of the cool purple smoke:) Any chance to get Orange too?



And from the USCG Base:


Have fun,

Daywalker biggrin_o.gif

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Hmmm Irish Air Corps uses the Dauphin/Dolphin in the same role, and the Irish Naval service operates Patrol vessels with similar taskings.....

*nudge-nudge* *wink

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Oe its makes me all tingly inside  biggrin_o.gif

Very cool also the base nice very cool biggrin_o.gif

For all you boys and girls out their that can't wait to fly the real thing(OPF style)here is a easy way to make your own dolphin SWEET

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Day, 2 things

1: how long do u think your island will take?, and will be be compatable with lower end computers like say a 1.5GHZ?

2: why is your USCG Pilot still neon blue? in the last beta we released the updated pilot which has a more realistic flight suit

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Yeah the islands still takes a lot work, and i am trying to keep the number of objects as low as possbible with the most playabilty.

the screenshot is a bit older:)

so what about the orange smoke? and flares?


Day biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah the islands still takes a lot work, and i am trying to keep the number of objects as low as possbible with the most playabilty.

the screenshot is a bit older:)

so what about the orange smoke? and flares?


Day biggrin_o.gif

i dont see why tounge_o.gif

ill look into it. . . but no promises like i said i didnt make this weapon or ammo so i dunno how exactly the whole smoke and flare thing works / how the color code works

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quick update

its 10 in the morning on saturday june 19th and i have the new version of the MH-68 Stingray and am currently working on a problem with the weapon optics and a problem with the gunners animation

will post screens once the gunner animation is fixed

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lol i was just about to ask to see some before u posted that .... biggrin_o.gif

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lol i was just about to ask to see some before u posted that .... biggrin_o.gif

i took 8 shots and this one was the purdyest  tounge_o.gif

MH-68A Stingray Drug Interdiction Helicopter

this was takin during a beta test flight there is no gunner in it

cuz we are working on teh gunner proxy right now too  tounge_o.gif

What island is that is that the USCG island that Daywalker is working rock.gif

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lol i was just about to ask to see some before u posted that .... biggrin_o.gif

i took 8 shots and this one was the purdyest  tounge_o.gif

MH-68A Stingray Drug Interdiction Helicopter

this was takin during a beta test flight there is no gunner in it

cuz we are working on teh gunner proxy right now too  tounge_o.gif

What island is that is that the USCG island that Daywalker is working rock.gif

lol no thats the Aces It preview island its malden. . .but with the aces it runway textures just to show wrp editors how to use them

its a quick load island. .. quicker then desert island

i just slaped in a shitload of 3WX hangers, admin building, CWK Hardend Aircraft shelter and a few other objects for scenery and screenshto purposes biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]MH68ANewOrleans.jpg

NEW ORLEANS, La. (Apr. 25, 2003)--Coast Guard MH-68A HITRON helicopter patrols over the skyline of the city of New Orleans. USCG photo by PA3 Kyle Niemi

Helicopter Interdiction Tactical squadRON (HITRON)

Not Bad Eh? wink_o.gif

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Very cool biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Not Bad Eh?

It doenst work

By the way hows the Dolphin Coming allong???

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Hi Pappy,

don't sure my message arrived to you. Please contact me, maybe I can help out in case "Dauphin"...

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nope i didnt get any PM from ya  crazy_o.gif

if we need help we will be sure to contact you

right now we have a lil gunners optic bug on the MH68 Stingray (in the pictures) where the scope doesnt follow the gun. . .it moves left and right but not up and down. . .anyone know what could cause this and/or how to fix this?

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've send an ICQ message. I don't want to offer my help. Just for provide the Dolphin Helicopter. But ok, ... don't wan't to stop you on your great work

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Hey Pappy damn nice edited picture wow_o.gif

Wooooooow nice picture m8 wink_o.gif

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