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How about a forum night?

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If you want to bother, on Zeus Addon we are trying a new BECH mission... but it needs WGL 4.12, BNTracers 1.22 Editorupdate1.02

If not, then try tomorrow. tounge_o.gif

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i could need someone to test the respawn for 5 minutes or so.. PM me, albert! biggrin_o.gif or someone else wink_o.gif

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i could need someone to test the respawn for 5 minutes or so.. PM me, albert! biggrin_o.gif or someone else wink_o.gif

rgr, found enough players smile_o.gif

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It seems quite around here, are the forum nights still going strong? I'm not available lately due to educational obligations wink_o.gif but I'll be around again shortly. Maybe even tonight for one or two games if we start on time. How about it? smile_o.gif

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It seems quite around here, are the forum nights still going strong? I'm not available lately due to educational obligations wink_o.gif but I'll be around again shortly. Maybe even tonight for one or two games if we start on time. How about it? smile_o.gif

Well, Llauma seems not to be around sad_o.gif There was nothing going on for too long now

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I´d be willing to game.

Guess I will start the server and see what happens.

The usual data:

Quote[/b] ]You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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I hope this doesn't cost you guys anything, cause you forgot to turn of the server... Sorry anyway, couldn't make it. hope to see you next time.

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Nah. No big deal.

Thx for the games. Hopefully there will be more joining us next time.

This is the BN880 way to deal with some minor dangers:


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I've never been into ofp multiplayer because I don't have the time to wait 15 minutes for a game to start. However, since I have been looking into these "scheduled" games, I'll be happy to join you all the next game. smile_o.gif

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Since it has been awfully quiet here for almost a week now, I'll scream out loud and early: Are there any games tonight? And is anyone interested in playing along? Hope I can get some of that cropped up anger out these midterms seem to bring along wink_o.gif

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In principle : Yes.

I will check if there are more eager to play later on.

22.00 ?

Edit: Sorry, wrong time. Can´t shower and eat simultaniously ;)

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i´m trying to forward some players to your server because our ofpc-server is down atm.

dunno how many players will come, i´ll just post a link to this thread on our forums, hope that´s ok smile_o.gif

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Server will be up in a few moments.

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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I just returned home. Need to shower, eat and then I´m ready for action. Would 22.00 be ok for you ?

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Server will be up in a few moments.

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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CiA server is up...

Read the server rules

You will need:

FDF mod 1.3

FDF Desert Pack

Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1

It's not sure we will play winter nogojev but some missions still might need it.

Winter Nogojev 1.1

It's good if you get Kegs S&W revolvers as there are a couple of missions that uses them.

Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers

IP: ofp.ciahome.net

Port: 2302

No Password

All join the Teamspeak 2 server at IP ofp.ciahome.net

The password is ciafdf

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Would love to join you guys tonight again, but unfortunately my girl has claimed my machine tonight, so I'm stuck with a prehistoric notebook barely able to run XP. And no, it's not because I fear some bavarian battle smurfs revenge - just because he's unable to type quickly enough!


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You definately missed something tonight Daddl.

We just finished gaming and it was a very intense evening.

Not much players, but the quality was very high. Coop maps that last over an hour and are finished by a loadout of 5 - 7 guys are the things I love, and that was the result of today´s forum night.

Thx for the participation and I hope that we can have more of that.

OFP, the way it is meant to be played.

Great fun for me.

Edit: Here are some pics of the crazy CiA coop night hord






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I made some screens too. To be published tomorrow evening! I would realy enjoy another session on Friday.. (and starting at 8)... then after that I am gone for a week!

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