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Precious toilet paper rushed across border

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Precious Toilet Paper Rushed Across Border as Emergency Aid

OSLO, Norway (AP) — Danes rushed emergency relief to their Nordic siblings in Norway on Friday to help wipe out a toilet paper shortage.

A strike by truckers in Norway has been escalating since it began on March 21, leaving some food stores short of certain products. Even though toilet paper had not been among the items the industry expected to dry up, nervous Norwegians hoarded anyway, leaving shelves bare in some stores.

Denmark's P3 radio station got wind of the Norwegians' dilemma and broadcast a humorous appeal to listeners for contributions of toilet paper to be shipped to their Nordic neighbors.

The Danes were inspired by Norwegians' playful helpfulness when their own strike several years ago caused a run on baking yeast.

"It was a sort of thanks and in the spirit of brotherhood," joked Morten Resen, a host of Danish radio's humor program said.

The shipment of at least 1,000 rolls of toilet paper arrived in the Norwegian capital on Friday, and were quickly distributed on a downtown street to Norwegians who didn't mind being the butt of a Danish prank.

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How you know someone really hates you in Norway: Somebody TP's your house on a toilet paper shortage

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Hehe, this is true though! We stocked up before the strike to avoid a shitty problem tounge_o.gif

We certainly love our Danish neighbours! - another reason to join up and fight the swedes! Not even a sheet of paper coming from that part of the border biggrin_o.gif

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Hehe, this is true though! We stocked up before the strike to avoid a shitty problem  tounge_o.gif

We certainly love our Danish neighbours! - another reason to join up and fight the swedes! Not even a sheet of paper coming from that part of the border  biggrin_o.gif

You are wrong.. You can always use the receipts you receive when shopping at the border stores in sweden. As much as some buys the long receipts should be able to cover the weekly wiping needs for a normal sized norwegian family. tounge_o.gif

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Hehe, this is true though! We stocked up before the strike to avoid a shitty problem  tounge_o.gif

We certainly love our Danish neighbours! - another reason to join up and fight the swedes! Not even a sheet of paper coming from that part of the border  biggrin_o.gif

You are wrong.. You can always use the receipts you receive when shopping at the border stores in sweden. As much as some buys the long receipts should be able to cover the weekly wiping needs for a normal sized norwegian family. tounge_o.gif

LOL - you got me there tounge_o.gif However, the swedish paper industry is in a bad shape! Just think about the effect of slippery glossy paper sheets when you try to wipe......... biggrin_o.gif

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Just use leaves tounge_o.gif

And the good news is they grow back tounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Or just buy your toilet paper at Obs! or ay other store in the COOP-brand wink_o.gif

They are'nt affected by the strike.

Quote[/b] ]Just use leaves

And the good news is they grow back

Do you speak from experience? tounge_o.gif

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Quick Swedes, it is the perfect time for anarchy!

Any exported foods to Norway should be laced with laxatives.

The time to strike is now! tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Just use leaves

And the good news is they grow back

Do you speak from experience?  tounge_o.gif

Yes. Yes i do. tounge_o.gif

When you need to go. You need to go and in the bush. No ones around so who cares tounge_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

*edit* On what Ozanzac said. In the Combat stroy thread someone said a army is built on Men, weapons and Toilet paper. smile_o.gif

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Or just buy your toilet paper at Obs! or ay other store in the COOP-brand wink_o.gif

They soon will be, mate crazy_o.gif

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Then stock up on Imodium and wait it out... tounge_o.gif

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Buy some TP on Ebay

......can I send it back "fourteen days money back guarantee..... biggrin_o.gif

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Quick Swedes, it is the perfect time for anarchy!

Indeed, now we can literally take them while they have their pants down! biggrin_o.gif

Or perhaps we should be nice and offer an Oil-for-Toilet Paper program.

I can just imagine it. Swedish tanks effortlessly going through Norway and being met with waving brown flags of surrender tounge_o.gif

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I'll sell you my toilet paper. For $10 a roll.

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Quick Swedes, it is the perfect time for anarchy!

Indeed, now we can literally take them while they have their pants down!  biggrin_o.gif

Or perhaps we should be nice and offer an Oil-for-Toilet Paper program.

I can just imagine it. Swedish tanks effortlessly going through Norway and being met with waving brown flags of surrender tounge_o.gif

.........I bet you won't shake hands with me when you arrive....... biggrin_o.gif

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We are atualy very polite since Norway "stole" our oil or rater got our foreign minister drunk and made him sign a bad deal so they got most of the oil sad_o.gif I hope it was sweet and sour paper they got. ghostface.gif


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Buy some TP on Ebay

Special off Brown Toilet Toilet paper tounge_o.gif

Cleans while Degerms. tounge_o.gif

AUD$15 tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Special off Brown Toilet Toilet paper tounge_o.gif

Recycled and all........ tounge_o.gif

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I see ,i see ... a renaisance inpending in the Norwegian Bukkake film industry.

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