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Vietnam collaboration

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close it please this is bullshit. Its not even about sharing addons its about who gets the last word.

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Than keep it in the PM's between you two. I think I speak for everyone that noone wants to hear another argument in this community

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i PMd you to keep our bitchin out of the public eye, i didnt liek how u said we have a 10000 man crew, your comments hold no reason in regards to this topic (sharing)

Mods please lock this thing...

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From what I can see, Drow has mentioned nothing of his PMs, which is the way it should be. Spencer, by constantly posting about his PRIVATE Messages, you are making them Public Messages. You are the one in the wrong. If you would stop trying to make Drow look bad by turning private things into public things so that you can get some cheap shots in on him, this thread wouldn't need to be locked. After all, you start all of this flaming.

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So is there anybodu out there in a vietnam/ ww2 mod that would like to pool resources with us? or with any one for that matter


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You can count on BDM's support if you need it.

well thats thoughtful,

thank you for the offer.

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Ah, offer, so I assume you don't want the RPK you were inquiring about a while ago?

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hey guys

You guys are already using our SKS, PPSH41, type-50 SMG's and we have bassically full animation coopration ( thanks to J-man ), texture coorpration and alot of other things. And frankly from what I know, we are already working together. Remember the project that the Unsung, TFWCIK, BDM, and this one other mod begun. The scripting thing. Why not we start to get it going?


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