void_false 1 Posted April 7, 2004 Over flashpoint.ru forum some guy Empath posted lonk to sound addon by BIS that wasn't published!!! grab it here http://intrain.compositiv.com/download/ofpe/soundbis.pbo You get new sounds for pistols, few new sounds for vehicles, wound sounds, flying rocket sounds, new engine sounds. OMG there too much to list. Grab it now! They are much more realistic that current ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalmalte 0 Posted April 7, 2004 cool thanx a lot mate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted April 7, 2004 OMG, i was so excited that made hundreds typos  EDIT: i'm still excited ATM! forgot to say how to install - put this file into res/addons directory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellfish6 7 Posted April 7, 2004 I'm kind of wary about this... I'm not going to download it unless BIS can verify the authenticity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted April 7, 2004 What? they just forgot to release it and someone found it. btw sounds are great! I dont understand you mate. give it a try Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Postduifje 0 Posted April 7, 2004 "just forgot to release it and someone found it" doesn't sound very reliable to me. I don't know, if it are great sounds that's cool and all, but it doesn't sound like a BIS product to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Hmm I dont hear any new sounds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted April 8, 2004 sry guys this wasnt meant to be public if there is clarification about being allowed to publish, it will be on again regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted April 10, 2004 I've received information that states this is not a Bis addon, and obviously it should not have been claimed that it was a Bis addon, that is a silly thing to do as it causes confusions amongst the community, and possibly harm to Bis. Please do not do it again, in future if such a thing turns up speak to Bis first before making such statements in public. I'll move this to A&M:D seeing as somebody has to claim responsibility for it as well as the fact it's not known what state (if any) of completion this "sound add-on" is at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted April 10, 2004 here we go. the pm from suma @ April 08 2004' date='11:54)']my friend provided my with a file called soundbis.pbo, telling me that its an addon which enhances original ofp resistance stuff (sounds).I am here to ask if that file is BIS content and if i am allowed to publish it? I am not aware of any such addon being released by BIS. As far as publishing it goes, for publishing you need to get approval of the content creator. As I do not have a slightest idea who can it be, I am afraid I cannot help you in this. Regards well so we have to find the content creator. anyone has got a clue? and what happens if we dont find him - cant i release it at all then? didnt find any track inside the addon, therefore i will quote the config.bin ... maybe it helps :/ Quote[/b] ]class CfgPatches { class SoundBIS { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=1.850000; requiredAddons[]={"BIS_Resistance","BIS_WeaponPack","Kolo","6g30",& amp; quot;LaserGuided"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle: Default {}; class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {}; class Cannon30HE: ExplosiveBullet { soundFly[]={"objects\bulletnoise",0.250000,2}; soundHit[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\cannon30HE_hit.wss",31.622778,1}; }; class Cannon30AP: BulletSingle { soundFly[]={"objects\bulletnoise",0.500000,2}; soundHit[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\cannon30AP_hit.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor1[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\armor_hit1.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor2[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\armor_hit2.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor3[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\armor_hit3.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor4[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\armor_hit4.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor5[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\armor_hit5.wss",0.031623,1}; soundHitMan2[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\human_hit2.wss",0.012589,1}; soundHitMan3[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\human_hit3.wss",0.012589,1}; hitGround[]={"soundHit",1}; hitMan[]={"soundHitMan2",0.500000,"soundHitMan3",0.500000}; hitArmor[]={"soundHitArmor1",0.200000,"soundHitArmor2",0.200000,"soundHitArm or3",0.200000,"soundHitArmor4",0.200000,"soundHitArmor5",0.200000 }; hitBuilding[]={"soundHit",1}; }; class AT3: Default {}; class Hellfire: AT3 {}; class AT6: Hellfire {}; class AT6Kamov: AT6 { soundHit[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Kamov_missile_hit.wss",100.000008,1}; soundFly[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\missile_flying.wss",0.010000,2}; }; class Zuni: Hellfire {}; class Rocket57: Zuni {}; class Rocket57Kamov: Rocket57 { soundFly[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\rocket_flying.wss",0.010000,2}; }; class Grenade: Default {}; class 6G30_Ammo: Grenade { soundHit[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\6G30_hit.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class HandGunBase: Riffle {}; class IngramBase: HandGunBase { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Ingram_single.wss",1.000000,1}; }; class FullAuto { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Ingram_single.wss",1.000000,1}; }; }; class CZ75Base: HandGunBase { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Cz75.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class SkorpionBase: CZ75Base { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Skorpion_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; class FullAuto { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Skorpion_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class TokarevBase: CZ75Base { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Tokarev.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class BerettaBase: CZ75Base { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Beretta.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class GlockBase: HandGunBase { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Glock.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class M16: Riffle {}; class HKG3Base: M16 { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\G3_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; class FullAuto { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\G3_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class FALBase: HKG3Base { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\FAL_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; class FullAuto { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\FAL_single.wss",10.000000,1}; }; }; class HK: Riffle {}; class UZIBase: HK { class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\uzi_single.wss",1.000000,1}; }; class FullAuto { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\uzi_single.wss",1.000000,1}; }; }; class SniperRiffle: Riffle {}; class HuntingRifleBase: SniperRiffle { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\hunting_rifle.wss",1.000000,1}; reloadSound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\hunting_rifle_reload.wss",0.000316,1}; reloadMagazineSound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\hunting_rifle_reloadMagazine.wss",0.000316,1}; }; class RevolverBase: HandGunBase { reloadMagazineSound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\SaW_reload.wss",0.000316,1}; class Single { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\SaW_single.wss",1.000000,1}; }; }; class Cannon30HE: Default { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\cannon30HE.wss",3.162278,1}; }; class Cannon30AP: Cannon30HE { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\cannon30AP.wss",3.162278,1}; }; class LAWLauncher: Default {}; class CarlGustavLauncher: LAWLauncher {}; class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {}; class HellfireLauncherHind: HellfireLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncherKamov: HellfireLauncherHind { ammo="AT6Kamov"; sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Kamov_missile.wss",5,1}; }; class ZuniLauncher38: AT3Launcher {}; class Rocket57x64: ZuniLauncher38 {}; class Rocket57x40Kamov: Rocket57x64 { ammo="Rocket57Kamov"; sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\Kamov_rocket.wss",3,1}; }; class GrenadeLauncher: Default {}; class 6G30Base: GrenadeLauncher { ammo="6G30_Ammo"; sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\6G30_launch.wss",0.000316,1}; reloadMagazineSound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\6G30_reloadMagazine.wss",0.000316,1}; reloadSound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\HeavyGrenade_reload.wss",0.000316,1}; }; class LaserGuidedBombLauncher: Default { sound[]={"\SoundBIS\Armaments\bombdrop.wss",0.031600,1}; }; class CarHorn: Default {}; class BikeHorn: CarHorn { drySound[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_bell.wss",0.100000,1}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Land: AllVehicles {}; class LandVehicle: Land {}; class Motorcycle: LandVehicle {}; class Kolo: Motorcycle { soundEngine[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_chain.wss",0.010000,1}; soundGetIn[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\\bike_get_in.wss",0.005000,1}; soundGetOut[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_get_out.wss",0.001000,1}; soundLandCrash[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_crash.wss",0.000500,1}; weapons[]={"BikeHorn"}; }; class Jawa: Motorcycle { soundEngine[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\Jawa_engine.wss",0.017783,1.500000}; soundGetIn[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\Jawa_get_in.wss",0.005000,1}; soundGetOut[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_get_out.wss",0.005000,1}; soundGear[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\Jawa_gear.wss",0.002000,1}; soundLandCrash[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bike_crash.wss",0.004000,1}; }; class Car: LandVehicle {}; class Truck: Car {}; class TruckV3SG: Truck {}; class TruckV3SCivil: TruckV3SG {}; class Bus: TruckV3SCivil { soundGear[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bus_gear.wss",0.001000,1}; soundEnviron[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bus_treads.wss",0.100000,0.900000}; soundEngine[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bus_engine.wss",0.100000,1}; soundGetIn[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bus_door_open.wss",0.005000,1}; soundGetOut[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\bus_door_close.wss",0.005000,1}; }; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Helicopter: Air {}; class Mi24: Helicopter {}; class Kamov: Mi24 { soundEngine[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\kamov_engine.wss",3.162278,1}; soundLandCrash[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\kamov_landcrash.wss",0.316228,1}; }; class Plane: Air {}; class A10: Plane {}; class A10LGB: A10 { soundEngine[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\A10_engine.wss",1.000000,0.800000}; soundEnviron[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\A10_treads.wss",50,1.200000}; soundLandCrash[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\A10_crash.wss",1.000000,1}; soundCrash[]={"\SoundBIS\Vehicles\A10_crash.wss",1.000000,1}; }; class Man: Land {}; class Civilian: Man {}; class Woman1: Civilian { hitSound1[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; }; class Woman2: Civilian { hitSound1[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; }; class Woman3: Civilian { hitSound1[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; }; class Woman4: Civilian { hitSound1[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; }; class Woman5: Civilian { hitSound1[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound2[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound3[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound4[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound5[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound6[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound7[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound8[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound9[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound10[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound11[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound12[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound13[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\death2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound14[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound15[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\pain4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound16[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt1.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound17[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt2.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound18[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt3.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound19[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt4.wss",0.056234,1}; hitSound20[]={"\SoundBIS\Women\grunt5.wss",0.056234,1}; }; }; (became a litte buggy by quoting) not being able to release it would be a shame coz its really well done and just needs to be in a modfolder to work regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted April 10, 2004 Huh? you wanna feel me shame?! Yeah, right! when some one found new site dedicated for ofp2 u all were happy. Now, when i post something really useful you put all gestapo on my tail. You are very *nice* guys THANK YOU!!! Okey, at least you agree that it is very well done sounds OMG! just noticed... You put it in A&M:D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Stryker 0 Posted April 11, 2004 does it add more bass? and dude i want to punch that kid in your sig, i swear to god if i ever saw him I would. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benu 1 Posted April 11, 2004 Maybe it's from the battlefield insane soundpack? Iirc they have got one soundbis file too in their pack.... You should compare the configs to make sure though as i could be wrong... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted April 12, 2004 @ April 10 2004' date='23:25)']not being able to release it would be a shame coz its really well done and just needs to be in a modfolder to work I made a modfolder and made a addon folder inside.. and pasted the file into it. but I dont hear a shit new sounds. whats wrong ? or shall it in a DTA folder ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
@cero 0 Posted April 12, 2004 I particulary like sound Wright, but it need to rework his explossions. I can't get a download in the link above, it gives me a "page not found" thingui. If its better than sound Wright I will try it. I would give you guys a link to sound Wright, but the last time I cheked the site was down and now I can't find the damm thing anywhere. I wanted to contact the author about the explossion sounds, but I can't get the contact details, I may update the pac for personal use if I find a way to compress and decompress WSS sound files. You don't need a configuration but you need a mod folder to put a new Sound.pbo in the DTA folder. For that, I may just use explo mod or ECP thoug. @CERO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted April 13, 2004 thx benu, you r the man battlefield insane soundpack information well the soundBIS.pbo is the 2nd part of his sound addon, containing mostly sound replacment for res units. works for sp as well as for mp. for best sound combine it with another sound addon - just have this in the first loaded modfolder! res sound project main cwc pack Quote[/b] ]This sound pack improves sounds which are added in official patches and OFP:R. **Require version 1.91** ******************** ** INSTALLATION Put SoundBIS.pbo to addons folder. Codemasters/OperationFlashpoint/Res/AddOns If there is SoundLDDK.pbo in /AddOns folder, delete it. This sound pack does not compatible with Kyllikki Soundpack v1.0. *********************** ** UNINSTALLATION Remove SoundBIS.pbo. Here is the list of sounds which are improved; [People] Women's voices are added. [Armaments] Cz75 Beretta Tokarev Glock Skorpion UZI FN FAL HK G3A4 Smith & Weston Hunter rifle Ingram G36a Steyr AUG Mm-1 6G30 [Vehicles] AH64 V80 (Kamov) A-10 (LGB) Motorcycle (JAWA) Bus Bike M2A2 BMP2 Su25 M163(Vulcan) Laitex E-mail : [email protected] I want your feedback. http://svd.s20.xrea.com http://ak74.free-city.net Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted May 6, 2004 Resistance Sound Project has been updated to ver 1.7 beta. (Apr 14th, 2004) Quote[/b] ]New two fullauto sound systems are introduced: Type Single Shot & Type Loop. These systems are based on scripts and quite unusual. This architecuter must add OFP more realistic sounds I believe. This architecture is still young and no one except me may tests it. I am not sure what kind of bugs it contains. If you download this sound pack, plese be careful to use it. When you find any troubles which are suspected to be bugs, please notify me of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laitex 0 Posted May 6, 2004 I am the creator of "SoundBIS.pbo" and it has nothing to do with "Bohemia Interactive Studio". http://battlefieldinsane.soundvault.net http://svd.s20.xrea.com/ First, my apologies to all for bringing confusion to this community. I am an administrator of "Battlefiled Insane Soundpack" project. The 2nd sound pack which was introduced in this forum was named "SoundBIS.pbo" after the project name "Battlefield Insane Soundpack", not after "Bohemia Interactive Studio". I should have named it not "BIS" but "BISP" . Please let me introduce my sound projects. As you visit my site, you can find two major projects: Basic Sound Project and Resistance Sound Project. The former project just replaces "Sound.pbo". Most basic OFP sounds would be replaced. And the latter project, often discussed in this forum, focuses upon the sounds which were added mainly in OFP:R. Not only many sounds are replaced but also new features are introduced  in Resistance Sound Project; new sounds which are driven by event handlers are added. Here is a list of it: Quote[/b] ]class CfgSoundsclass FighterEjection & class ejectLever : When you eject from Kamov, A10 and Su25, this ejection sound is played. class HeloEjection : When you jump from AH64, CH47D, OH58 and Kamov, a parachute opening sound is played. Note! If the chopper's height is lower than 20 m, no chute sound is played. Because you are thrown against the ground before your chute opens. class Go : When you jump from CH47D, instructor says "Go!". Note! The instuctor never tells you "Go!" unless the chopper's height is heigher than 20 m. He knows better than to urge you jump from the chopper at that lower height. class KamovPropellerBlow : Kamov blows up blades when you eject. class busStarter : An engine starting sound of bus class JawaStarter : An engine starting sound of motorcycle class carStarter : An engine starting sound of PoliceJeep and HMMWV class CfgRadio class Warning : When vehicles get dammage more than 0.5, "Warning!" sound is played. class gearUp : A gear up sound of A10(LGB) and Su25 class gearDown : A gear down sound of A10(LGB) and Su25 class engineOn : An engine-on message of A10(LGB) and S25 class engineOff : An engine-off message of A10(LGB) and Su25 class Paveway : When a pilot of A10(LGB) releases LGB, he says "Paveway". class AT6 : When a pilot of Kamov launches AT6, he says "AT6". *(Apr 14th) I released new Resistance Sound Project which version is 1.7 beta. I put "beta" because this new version contains very challenging ideas; Reallistic Fullauto Sounds. Details are introduced in my site, so I'd like to tell you what it is like. Many sound modeler have complaints about fullauto sounds of OFP. When you fire in fullauto mode, previous firing sound just dissapears as soon as you fire next bullet. Hearing is believing. Here is a example of firing sounds from famous addon "MG42". MG42 : Normal Fullauto Sound Can you feel it's natural sound? No, I can't! Then I just try to make more natual fullauto sound system which is based on scripts. And here is my new fullauto sound. MG42 : New Fullauto Sound I have just implanted this new technique to Resistance Sound Project and M2A2, BMP2, V-80(Kamov), Vulcan's canon sounds are enhanced. Please visit my site, you can compare the sounds before and after this new technique. I am also looking forward to hearing feedbacks about this new technique. I have already received some feedbacks which claim that "mission addons ......." message appears in a few missions when you fire M2A2, BMP2, V-80, Vulcan in which new fullauto sound technique is implanted. I also want to know whether this techniqe is available in multiplay; whether you can fire properly and whether you can hear propperly when other guys fire. I am not sure whether this new fullauto sound technique is available in OFP. Anyway I believe that this new technique has influence upon OFP2. This is why I have released this new technique to the public. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Stryker 0 Posted May 6, 2004 first of all cery nice work dude I LOVE IT, i like what your doing its jsut another one of those things to add to this game. Your Full auto aounds good dude very nice idea, good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted May 6, 2004 Damn nice addon! All this fuss made you a good advertisement eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted May 6, 2004 Excellent job on this Resistance soundpack. What amazes me is how small it is!!! You did an incredible job compressing the audio!!!! I highly recommend it to all of you who haven't downloaded it yet. The V-80 helicopter sounds are my favorite. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
void_false 1 Posted May 6, 2004 and me loves tokarev sound. and women screams as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laitex 0 Posted May 7, 2004 I'd like to tell you the new fullauto sound techniques. Following wave form shows what you hear in default fullauto mode. Sample sound Each color corresponds to each shot. Look at <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and <span style='color:blue'>blue</span> wave forms. Both sounds are halt as soon as next shot starts. This spec brings quite artificial fullauto sounds. And here is my solution to this problem. Sample sound I built the new fullauto sound technique with the aid of script. In this new technique, you can see the <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and <span style='color:blue'>blue</span> wave forms invade next shots to some extent. And as a result, this brings very natual fullauto sounds. Above is one of my new fullauto sound techniques. I named it Type Single Shot. But I also have engaged another technique; Type Loop. Some BIS addons, Shilka, Vulcan, M2gun, various machine guns play wave files cyclically. Here is an example. Sample Sound As you can see, one wave file which begins from <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and ends to <span style='color:red'>red</span> is played cyclically. Is there any problem in this default loop sound? Yes. Firstly, look at the end of this sound. It always stops at the red part. In this default loop sound, whenever you stops firing, the wave file is kept playing until it gets to the end. If you brought too long wave files, your addon would often kept playing firing sounds though you'd stop firing. This is why you addon maker must have chosen short wave files for loop sounds. Secondary, default loop sound system can only specify a body sound. In actual fields, you will hear reverb and echo sounds after you stops firing, but default loop sound system cannot specy this reverb sounds. I have just thought of introducing reverb sounds to the defaul loop sound system...and Here is my solution to the default loop sound problems with the aid of script. Sample Sound Please notice two points which I have told. Firstly, body part, which is shown as "LOOP PART" in this picture, becomes quite long. But it does not necessarily keep playing until it gets to the end. In this picture, it stops at the half of it (The point it stops is not red). In this new technique, the body part stops as soon as you stop firing. Addon makers need not edit loop sound sources as short as possible. Secondary, look at the end part of the picture. When you stop firing, "<span style='color:blue'>END PART</span>" is played. This is the reverb part. In this new technique, you can specify two wave files; body part(LOOP PART) and this reverb part(END PART) newly. I have applied Type Single Shot against M2A2(25mmHE), BMP2(30mmHE&AP) and Kamov(30mmHE&AP) and Type Loop against Vulcan(20mm canon). Here is the link to the new version 1.7beta -> Download If you have any trouble, you can easily restore previous version 1.61 -> Download This new technique seems to require a little bit PC resources because it is mainly coded by script. 1 GHz or faster may be the border of this technique. Anyway if I get enough feedbacks concerning this technique, I will open specifications for addon makers to be able to implant this new techniques easily in their addons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted May 8, 2004 awesome work dude! really like the Reallistic Fullauto Sounds. but a) you do really notive a performance hit every ~1-2 seconds. its because of the script, i suppose, the wait time (0.09) seems really short to me, but i am not expert here. ask for help/comments from gurus here on your scripts, maybe they can help. try moreBenchLX for realtime fps benchmarking. b) didnt check, but it seems u use EH for it - well at least the wgl smoke launcher from m2a1/bmp2 doesnt work any more. --- i would be great if u could post a more detailed list on the changes with 1.71b or is it "just" the Reallistic Fullauto Sounds? regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laitex 0 Posted May 9, 2004 Quote[/b] ]i suppose, the wait time (0.09) seems really short to me I guess you talking about "~0.09" in BMP2_Cannon30.sqs? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #HE ? _this select 1 != "Cannon30HE" : Exit [_this select 0] exec "\SoundBIS\scripts\BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" ~0.09 [_this select 0] exec "\SoundBIS\scripts\BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" Exit I put "~0.09" here because BMP2 consumes two bullets in 0.18 second. You can find following definistion in bmp2.pbo. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">multiplier=2; reloadTime=0.180000; And "BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" generates single shot sound. Here I call this script twice with an interval 0.09 seconds in accordance with the definition of BIS BMP2. I am not familier with actual Russian Army, I am not sure this rate of fire is correct or not. Quote[/b] ]b) didnt check, but it seems u use EH for it - well at least the wgl smoke launcher from m2a1/bmp2 doesnt work any more.--- i would be great if u could post a more detailed list on the changes with 1.71b or is it "just" the Reallistic Fullauto Sounds? Sorry, I am not familier with "wgl" projects. It seems "wgl" also adds event handler against m2a1/bmp2 and my "SoundBIS.pbo" overwrites it. If you restore the previous version 1.61, you can see "wgl" effect again. As you said, 1.7beta is "just" the Reallistic Fullauto sounds. M2A1, BMP2, Vulcan and Kamov is changed in this version. Conversely, I can change ONLY M2A1, BMP2, Vulcan and Kamoc from the restriction config.bin. If you want to apply the "Realistic Fullauto sounds" to all BIS addons, you have to change original BIS config.bin but it would introduce "cheat" warning in mp. But my purpose in this  version 1.7beta is to test the new architecture the "Realistic Fullauto sounds" and open its result and architecture to the public. I hope some projects which change config.bin, such as "wgl", "INQ", "DR" and "ECP", of course including countless addon/mod-makers, show interest in this project. What really takes advantage of this "Realistic Fullauto sounds" is not my sound packs but them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites