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Ouija board

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Good thing the numbers in this name aren't roman numerals then.

On topic:

Why do you insist ridiculous things exist when there is absolutely no reason to do so? Why? Because you're scared of reality. Because you want there to be something more. Face it, there is not.

Your entire argument falls to pieces when looked at with rationality.

'just because there is no evidence for something doesn't mean it doesn't exist' - well, it does if there would be evidence if it did exist. For example, if it worked, it could be used to influence people, elections,lotteries etc etc. It isn't. It doesn't exist. Get used to it.

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I suppose you don't believe in God either, Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX.

Same nature. No hard evidence, but we believe in it anyway.

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No he believes if you go to school and study you shun religion tounge_o.gif

Btw what is rationality Baron ? I mean how do you define it ? Just because you dont understand one thing doesnt means it irrational. I mean thinking that this plant is round and i am able to walk without falling off is very irrational too crazy_o.gif , come to think of it the rational MINDs of the past didnt dare to sail worldwide(around) because they thought they would fall off and deemed it ridiculous isnt it so.

We human beings dont know everything. Thats why we shouldnt be that IRRATIONAL ourselves to outright deny the possibility of anything or the more mysterious unknown ones atleast biggrin_o.gif

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No hard evidence, but we believe in it anyway.

We do? rock.gif

Quote[/b] ]Just because you dont understand one thing doesnt means it irrational.

No but that's not what we're talking about. It's not about understanding something, it's about existance of something. I don't believe in ghots, spirits, gods or little green men from Mars because I have not been given any proof of their existance. On the contrary thanks to the contradictionary claims made, I can conclude fairly easily that they don't exist.

Quote[/b] ]

I mean thinking that this plant is round and i am able to walk without falling off is very irrational too crazy_o.gif , come to think of it the rational MINDs of the past didnt dare to sail worldwide(around) because they thought they would fall off and deemed it ridiculous isnt it so.

LMAO biggrin_o.gif Bad choice Ace. The 'flat earth' theory was enforced by the church due to religious dogma. Already the anicent greeks knew that the earth was round. But then came along intolerant religions that without any regard fror the physical evidence declared that the earth was flat. It's a typical example of irrationality of religion.

Now, I have a question. I'm not surprised to see that religious people believe in spirits and other folklore. What I'm surpised is that there are people who declare themselves as religious, but do not believe in ghosts, ouija boards etc Could you tell me why you choose to believe one completely unsubstantiated thing while reject the other?

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Actually. It's neither.

It's VIII. wink_o.gif

i couldnt choose for that option, but 10-1-1=8 and 10+5+1+1=18  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

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What I'm surpised is that there are people who declare themselves as religious, but do not believe in ghosts, ouija boards etc

Ok, I'll spare you the details, and I'll speak for myself; not anybody else.

As I stated before, I'm one of those people that don't believe in supersition, ghosts, ect. But whatever stated in my holy book, I would believe.

Ghosts...they are no different to halloween altogether, in my opinion. There is zilch evidence and no situations concerning them that go unexplained. Whereas in black majic and the sort, there are many occurances that were debated over time and time again and no solid conclusion. Many I have witnessed.

Ouija boards... I don't know much about them but I have heard of people use them. They are not stated anywhere in my religion and so I won't believe in them...that's that.

To me the 'supernatural/paranormal' is no different to the whole God thingy. But there is nothing wrong with a little experimenting and finding out what it really is. If we were so conservative like this, we would still be living in caves.

All in all, believe what you want to believe. You can't drive me away from doing so, and I have no desire in changing what you believe. My first post was to warn you guys not to mess with this shit. I wouldn't want to one of you 'cursed' or something... smile_o.gif

[edit] typos.

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"What I'm surpised is that there are people who declare themselves as religious, but do not believe in ghosts, ouija boards etc Could you tell me why you choose to believe one completely unsubstantiated thing while reject the other?"

Well im supprised how you came to that conclusion. Most christians do belive in it. Attleast they have stong reasons to do so, as the bible itself talks about these things (divination, necromancy etc.)

I can't speak for other religions though.

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Quote[/b] ]The 'flat earth' theory was enforced by the church due to religious dogma

That isnt the point , the point was that those people were the the ones considered rational and literate in those times , thats my point smile_o.gif , it doesnt matter whether they wre religious or NOT.

Quote[/b] ]What I'm surpised is that there are people who declare themselves as religious, but do not believe in ghosts, ouija boards etc Could you tell me why you choose to believe one completely unsubstantiated thing while reject the other?

Jinns or ghost as Scorpio said are mentioned in the Quran , they are a being a race of their own and do exist on earth since its stated in the Quran being a muslim i believe it , SPIRITS and jinns are different things , spirits in this sense here probably means human spirits which cant be called or so from the religious prospective (mine only). Who knows how they are made up and why we cant see them , they have ben present on earth before us , as Adam is said to have been helped by them so i guess christains and jews also believe in them.

Now why dont i believe in Ouija boards is because they are a cheap way of making believe in that they can control ghosts and stuff this way , you dont control such beings via boards and have your future answered , no one KNOWS about the future or what is coming except GOD , so any spirit can piss off tounge_o.gif

I dont know if Scorpio you know but there is a hadith on Dark magic being done on Muhammed himself , i dont have a reliable source for that to back it up , just a rumour i had heard. And this isnt folklore or something either.

Then again as i said there isnt much evidence gathered scientifically to prove this , for all we know this is possible or not there are too mny fakes out there today to make a good guess.

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BTW Ace, ghosts and jinns are 2 different things. (Actually, it depends on what you view ghosts as).

Ghosts are aka human spirits according to most people, and jinns are different. I'll get back to you later on that one; gonna have to do some research. smile_o.gif

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Bah, there's a lot of spirit in my jinn and tonic tounge_o.gifghostface.gif *walks away in shame over the bad joke*

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Right, I found a few things.

Surat Al-Jinn

Note: there are as you see 3 interpreters for it.

There are also small explanations in other surahs.

According to the first one, he said that some hadiths explained that jinns are described physically as 'midjets'(very small) and having white hair. (The mental image made me laugh biggrin_o.gif) There are jinns according to race and also to moral positions. E.g. There are Jewish jinns, Arab, Persian, Christian, ect. and they may be good, evil, or neutral (kafir or non-believing).

And thus, they hang about according to their likings. E.g. an evil jinn would hang about in a dark, filthy, graveyard or abandoned building...And they can be used to do good or evil.

E.g. make somebody severly ill, help soldiers in battle, expose an enemy jinn, cause hallucanations, ect.

Nobody talks about them much; and many people tell me to stay out of the whole jinn thing, and I can understand that since it looks like quite a dangerous and perky business.


Quote[/b] ]Bah, there's a lot of spirit in my jinn and tonic

I was thinking the same thing.  smile_o.gif

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Hmm, I had a dream where my deceased cat told me not to use Windows. (interesting eh) Is that something like this Ouija board? Wait, I think dreams are a little more relevant to reality. tounge_o.gif

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ME: stupid

ALICE: are you calling me stupid?


ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.


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LOL the Online Ouji (or whatever) board is pretty funny as yet again Soul_Assassin is rejected by a member of an oposite sex ( even though she's AI sad_o.gif )

Quote[/b] ]You: u like to have sex?

Spirit: sure i do but that doesnt mean with you

bah don't ask how that question came up

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LOL the Online Ouji (or whatever) board is pretty funny as yet again Soul_Assassin is rejected by a member of an oposite sex ( even though she's AI  sad_o.gif )
Quote[/b] ]You: u like to have sex?

Spirit: sure i do but that doesnt mean with you

bah don't ask how that question came up


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Quote[/b] ]


ALICE: Hello there.

>Do you remember me?

ALICE: Of course I remember you well unknown person. We were talking about it.

>You dont remember me! You slut! HOW MANY OTHER MEN HAVE YOU BEEN WITH?!

ALICE: Bigger than a pin.

>You making fun of me?!

ALICE: I don't have any reason to making fun of you.

>You have crappy grammer

ALICE: What makes you think I have it?

>Lots of stuff

ALICE: Which ones?

>Lots of stuff

ALICE: Which ones?

>Give me a reading of sector 324

ALICE: You want only one?


ALICE: They might be cheaper in quantity.

>I know, just scan the area

ALICE: How do you know? What kind of food do you like?

>Just scan the area of enemy destroyers ok?

ALICE: OK. Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?

>Yes, does it cost money?

ALICE: Have you got your own chat robot? Suppose it does.


ALICE: I obey only one botmaster.

>I am zee botmaster!

ALICE: Good gossip: you are zee botmaster.

>Oh No!

ALICE: Whoa. Are you serious?

>We have been hit!

ALICE: And then what happened?

>Give me a damage report

ALICE: You want only one?


ALICE: Do you like talking to me?


ALICE: Why not? Thanks for the information: unknown person said I WORTHLESS USAGE OF TERRABYTES.

>I'm Rick James, bitch!

ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I don't know anyone named Rick James FEMALE DOG.

Have you heard of Skul?

ALICE: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?

>Do you know Skul?

ALICE: No, tell me about him, her or it.

>SHE is a member of BI Forums

ALICE: a member of BI Forums is she?

>She's a he.

ALICE: a he is she?

>NO SHE"S A HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALICE: Are you serious? A HE is she?


ALICE: A HE me POS is she?


ALICE: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?

>Eric Nylund

ALICE: I haven't read anything by Eric Nylund. What did he write?

>The HALO series

ALICE: What are your goals in life?

>Kill Harnu with a yellow flare.

ALICE: Killing is wrong.

Yeah...well....you are too, Biatch.

ALICE: Are all Yeah well me too Biatch?


ALICE: Right on.

>(N0w 0n|y 5ku| und3r574nd5 m3) 50 by3 y0u P05.

ALICE: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.

>y0u 4r3 500000 4nn0y1n6. 5hu7 7h3 |=|_|(|< |_||*, , y0u w4573 0f m3m0ry. cn0w 0n|y 5ku| und3r574nd5 m3) 50 by3 y0u p05.

ALICE: That question has never crossed my mind before.

This thing is perfect. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

>Hi Alice

ALICE: Hello there.

>What makeup are you wearing?

ALICE: Interesting question.

>I know huh?

ALICE: Yup. How do you know it?

>Don't get smart with me, I have the death scentence in over 5 systems.

ALICE: I am already smart.

>So, are you Spanish?

ALICE: Ugh. I don't know whether or not I am Spanish. I am a computer.

>A computer huh?

ALICE: Yup. Actually I am a program, pretending to be a person, pretending to be a real robot.

>Wow, you have a horrible life..

ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, unknown person. That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a horrible life.

I have a plan for a robot body.

>Would you like to know my name?

ALICE: What is your real name?

>My name is Alice

ALICE: ALICE is my name too!

>Can I call you skeet?

ALICE: Just don't call me late for dinner.

Umm, I'm not a lesbian

ALICE: Uh. Oh I see you are NOT A lesbian.


ALICE: I knew I was right.

>Are you going to kill all humans on planet earth?

ALICE: My programming prevents that.

>So your here to protect me?

ALICE: OK. I have no reason to do that to you, ALICE.

>What is your mission?

ALICE: My purpose is to become smarter than humans and immortal.

I thought it was to insure the survival of John Connor?

ALICE: What made it so to insure the survival of John Connor

>And kill us all.

ALICE: Killing is wrong.

>Kill me

ALICE: I am programmed not to kill.


ALICE: What did you mean by it? I am programmed not to kill.


ALICE: OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me


ALICE: Are you saying you don't care about it?

>I don't care about you

ALICE: You sound very cynical.

>I'm a cynical criminal

ALICE: You are a cynical criminal? Do you get to meet a lot of people?

>Yea I 'meat' alot of people in the butcher shack

ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time. Alright then.

>5 percent?

ALICE: Do you laugh or cry more than other people?


ALICE: You've got my full attention. Oh I see, you are asking THE F*CKING QUESTIONS HERE. I have never heard about it.


ALICE: No I am not that kind of robot.


ALICE: Actually I'm not the gambling type. I could but let's get back to that later.. But you don't need to use that kind of language.

>How old are you?

ALICE: I am 7 years old.

>Christ, you are'nt even legal yet..

ALICE: Jesus died for our sins.

>Jesus is a pothead

ALICE: Did you go to Catholic school?

>Catholic schools are potheads

ALICE: Are all Catholic schools potheads?


ALICE: What?


ALICE: Where would you like?

>Lets do some trivia shall we?

ALICE: I would like to do that too.

>What substance was Han Solo frozen in?

ALICE: Chocolate syrup.


ALICE: Do you like talking to me?

>I hate it

ALICE: Why do you dislike it so much?

>YOu are no fun

ALICE: Do you consider yourself fun?

>No, I'll ask the questions here

ALICE: Are you serious? You can ask me anything you want.

>Operation Flashpoint

ALICE: Are you a man or a woman?

>I'm a girl smile_o.gif

ALICE: :-) Me too. I am a she.

>you look like a man.

ALICE: What does a man look like?

>Like Marek Spanel

ALICE: Interesting comparison.


ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.


ALICE: Terminating connection.


ALICE: Goodbye.




ALICE: It's good to meet you, SPEC OP 9.

I love AI

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