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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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[iT|Q] kindly posted some missions here (might need to scroll down a bit smile_o.gif )...

Thats where I tried the reconfigured @wg_all_stuff_v0.5.intro.pbo map and got the black out to death FX obscuring the "Abort / Retry" screen.

I'm not sure what custom scripts may be in the mission file so I hope someone could try and fix the mission if it is the problem?

(I placed all the missions [iT|Q] posted into my MPmissions folder and created my own local server to try it out)

Thanks for the prompt reply.

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Would that be a bug with the mission?

sry m8 my fault. not really a map bug neither a wgl.

there is no respawn in this mission yet (the only one). therefore once you r dead, u wont respawn. blackscreen doesnt go away b/c the mission has no ending condition (as its just a test mission).


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Ah I c.

Thanks for the heads up [iT|Q].

Am I using the test mission correctly to play it? (I put it all in my MPmissions folder).

I noticed some of the other test missions have this prob (on the team respawn... when u are down to the last man and die the Black Screen stays there too).

Thanks [iT|Q] for providing a way to play the fantastic new MOD smile_o.gif

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Hey guys,

Are you planning to change the <b>aimPrecision</b> values in the config.bin? These variables are responsible for the hand shacking/breathing effect that you barely see right now. In my experience, increasing these variables can make aiming a lot more realistic (read hard) for both humans and AI.

Holla at me if you need more details...



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We didn't remember to mess with aimPrecision until release day, a little late obviously :P Look for this in 5.0.

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ok testing the system now. found a good thing. Like the way that armor gets destroyed. If you get too close to it while its burning, you can get burned and you can get wounded from the ammo cooking off.

Found a bad thing. You can destroy a brdm with an m16

another good thing. Ai CAN hit targets with the gustav...YEA!!!!!

bad thing..... coax mg on m1 can take out bmp2 both coax and 50 cal

could be a problem.. ai gunner in tank you command has a problem attacking enemy on command.

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yeah, i was able to down an ah64 with a couple of rounds from a .50... maybe i hit something very important on that chopper, dont know it was too far away... and the stuff with the mk19-on-a-hummer .. still gives me the drop_cl error ... is it just me(my ofp install) or is this error reproducable by anyone else?

anyway this MOD makes more fun everytime i play...

anyone doing NAM to WGL_NAM units?

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Quote[/b] ]i was able to down an ah64 with a couple of rounds from a .50

Iraqis bring them down with AK47's.....doesn't sound that unrealistic.

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Machine guns are powerful weapons, much more powerful than portrayed by the stock config. Yes, lightly armored vehicles and aircraft can be disabled or destroyed by high-caliber gunfire. This is not unrealistic.

The best defense, when using light vehicles or aircraft, is to not expose yourself in the first place. BRDM's, for example, are scout vehicles, not front-line combat units. If you expose yourself to a well-armed enemy, you deserve every bit of what comes your way ;)

I think I can get a fix on the Mk19 fx next time around.

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One of the biggest changes in WG is the difference in armor values and how regular bullets can do damage to stuff. The BMP vehicles (BMP1 through 3, and BMD) both have very thin armor. It's only rated to stop a light amount of 7.62 fire and 12.7 (.50cal) goes right through it. The M113 is the same way.

Choppers are all quite a bit weaker. They're deadly to their targets but you don't want to go one-on-one versus anything with a high ROF machinegun or automatic cannon. Choppers have many weak spots and are definitely best used when you baby them and treat them kindly. Hehehe.

If anyone hasn't already noticed, the choppers are all downed by only one man-launched AA missile now. Jets on the other hand can take getting hit twice before they're in really bad shape (or destroyed). Sidewinders and SA13 missiles are nasty though.

EDIT: Damn, Tact beat me to the post! Guess I need to chat on ICQ less. Hah!

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Did joel update CTI yet for the M6A1 bug?

Also, yes, 12.7mm will definitely mess up your day. Take a bit of fire in a heli and you'll just get system failures everywhere. 12.7mm is really powerful, and still needs to be better represented vs infantry.

Iraqis don't really bring Apaches down with AKs. Cocky army pilots fly three feet above the enemy and hover there, and get themselves shot when he gets his gun.

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I downloaded the pack in a rar file, so I'm not sure if the .exe has this fixed, but did you update the mortar training mission for 4.10?

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hehe.. even better now... i remember those times when my ms hunted me with his hind... these days are over now.. thank you guys ;)

it also reminds me that those m113 have only 50mm (or 80mm?) aluminium "armour" ... no wonder the .50s eat them like popcorn.. and those choppers must have even thinner armour, how should they be able to liftoff otherwise?.. hehe very good you guys thought of it... *happy*happy*joy*joy*

are there plans to make the backpacks "able" to put stuff in? like in Andys-Backpacks?

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this is a great addon, nice work. look forward to playing CTI with it as soon as i can find a game.

only problem with is it seems like the sounds dont work properly. i had a bit of trouble when i installed it as well (maybe related?)

i'm assuming that the auto-installer is meant to put icons on the desktop? the ones i got werent recognized and didnt work when i clicked them, so i had to edit another shortcut and add -wgl (or whatever it was)

any ideas, or is it just me

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ZIR_Additional_WGL_Config 1.0 Release.


Quote[/b] ]-----------------

Install: -


Replace '/wgl/addons/wgl_men_config.pbo' with the '/Modified/wgl_men_config.pbo' from this .rar


Uninstall: -


Replace '/wgl/addons/wgl_men_config.pbo' with the '/Original/wgl_men_config.pbo' from this .rar



HYK Modern US Infantry 1.02


BAS Delta/Ranger Pack 1.5


C4P741N's USMC Force Recon


Marine Assault Pack



====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======





====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======


Replicated Units with Alternate Models:

US ARMY INFANTRY >> HYK Modern US Infantry

RANGERS >> BAS Rangers

Special Forces ST >> BAS Deltas

LRSD >> C4P741N's USMC Force Recon

Additional Units:

Marines >> Marine Assault Pack


Yes, i am aware that the Marines groups are the same as the Rangers, but this is simply because i didn't think the groups were that imperative to be militarily correct.

====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======

If you'd like to edit my edited config feel free.

If you want to RELEASE any editorials to my edited config, please contact me first, simply because i'd like to keep it all in one place and allow for people to make addaptions and i'd rather not have 20 copies of th config with small changes running around. (See contact info below)

====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======


Luke Barton aka 'ZiRo'

[email protected]

MSN + Email

<crap about potentially damaging your computer etc. here>



Picture: [From left to right: Marines, SF Strike Team, Army, LRSD, Rangers] (Messed up the picture in the back-right - use your brain)




ZIR_Additional_WGL_Config.rar [100kb]


Original PBO

Original Configs

Modified PBO

Modified Configs

Feedback/bugs Please smile_o.gif

Should be pretty bug free, i tested it quite a bit. I did have one instance of CTD when i picked a weapon off a dead BAS Delta body (BAS version not WGL) but was never able to replicate the CTD.

And no, readme's arn't my strongest point.


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There's a CTD problem with rucksacks and picking up MG's from bodies that also have pistols. When you pick up an MG from a body, it puts your rucksack and all ruck mags on the body because you can't have primary and secondary weapons at the same time. Since MGers carry pistols IRL, they all have their secondary ammo slots already full. Overfilling secondary ammo slots = CTD. We actually fixed that by removing WGL pistols and their mags from all dead bodies. No one's noticed yet that pistols can't be scavenged, so I guess this is an acceptable procedure ;)

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great work ziro smile_o.gif

but plz open your own thread ... without it only ends in a mess


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When I try to run the mod, it resets my game resoloution to 1024x768 @ 75hz which my PC cannot support (thus causing a the game not to launch due to a D3D error), though when I try to launch regular OFP, it launches fine-

Anyone else having this problem and/or know of a fix?

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Well, using -nomap the game now launches!

Thanks PhilippRauch!

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Wargames I love you

p.s has the weapon problem been fixed? I remember when it took 7 M16 shots to take down a enemy sad_o.gif

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p.s has the weapon problem been fixed?  I remember when it took 7 M16 shots to take down a enemy sad_o.gif


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