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Some realism suggestions

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(sorry for my English, it is not my native language)

I've looked briefly at other topics with suggestions about new things in ofp and the only thing that scares me are posts like "bullet time" and other arcade things. In more arcade fps people got bf1942 and now bf:vietnam and I guess there is no need for another such a game. Some say that realism affects 'playability' of the game, but we know that there is lot of players that the extremal 'boring' realism is the most playful thing. The others choose bf1942 and so on.

From things that i guess are not too complicated from scripting point of view I'd suggest some things that would make flashpoint 2 much better in category of realism.

- sniping scope adjustment possibility (I mean distance and wind correction). Could be used mouse scrolls f.e. because of its 'clicking' as in most of real scopes. Wind/temperature affection on a bullet. It would be ultra-realism but it would prevent from choosing snipers by newbies. Sniper would be really marksman shooter.

- the grass - it is included in BF:Vietnam and it is very important from tactical point of view. As same as trees/leaves moving while the wind blows. It was a minor in OFP that everything except humans and vehicles was static.

- more smoke and ground particles - it is much smoke in ofp, but while shooting from RPG in real there should be a lot more. As same as after artillery attack. Very very large amount of ground and smoke that is present for a long time after...

- sun almost does not blind in OFP, but in real attacking the hill against the sun is nothing pleasant probably.

- rare weapons jams/not blowing grenades.

- radio problems.

- importance of artillery.

- some animals from time to time... It is not so hard to see a deer in forest or birds on the trees even during the war... There were a game "Seal Team" from 386 era and we got there some insects and birds etc.

- Even better sound enviroment - echo in empty streets of larger town or mountains, shivering leaves noise, wind blows not only at high altitudes, screams, commands and so on.

Sorry for my attention for details, but I just can not see OFP in arcade way. I see this game as the new standard of tactical games. Graphic is not AS important as we think - I hope programmers will not forget about other things than a visual engine.

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Sorry, some of my suggestions do already exist on forum. Damn, I am not so genial.

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I would like to see this :: in OFP, grenades will blow up when they reach the ground (Hand grenade and m203 too), well, it's not like that really. So timed grenades would be nice.

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While timed grenades are already simulated in the ECP mod, I'd like some effort in making realistic grenades that can be bounced off corners as well as different types of nades.

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I like everything except for the "wind" factor.

Remember, there is a certain point you can reach where you can no longer get anymore realistic.

That is the case with wind. A computer just cannot properly do wind.

For one, there is little way to judge it. Wind is a PHYSICAL trait. Other than leaves and grass blowing, you cannot see it or accuratly judge it. There would have to be a WIND METER on your HUD or something(unless they invented a FAN attachment to computers to simulate wind).

Number 2, it would not be fair using the AI. The AI would be able to either shoot perfectly every time or never hit a target in the wind. AI can't use judgement.

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Ice fire - It is not so hard to judge wind speed and simulate it. For example - more or less good thing to judge is an angle of swinging flag, or swinging small tree. There is even a specified mathematical solution to get more or less wind speed basing on the angle mentioned above. In real life there is very seldom situation where no wind at all is present.

AI snipers colud also be affected by wind as it is for example in RPG games. You just need to count the probability and randomize as throwing the dice. Probability is set by some factors like distance and wind speed. It is possible to make almost totally realistic behavior of AI in this way. I don't think wind is any programistic problem for people from bohemia.

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I see this game as the new standard of tactical games. Graphic is not AS important as we think - I hope programmers will not forget about other things than a visual engine.

agreed. unreal and it's relatives really make awesome graphics a waste...

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Actually I'd accept the polygon count from OFP1 because it was enough to have great impressions during the fight, and I would spend the rest of processor potential on things like better particle simulation, physics wind, grass, AI and sound. I think that new ultra-polygoned monsters from DOOM 3 are not more scary than less polygon monsters from Quake 1. Polygons/smoothness of surface is not so important, really. Much more important is way the posture is moving, ragdolls from max payne 2 are almost perfect.

By the way - there is still no game where you cannot fight with long gun like m21 (or minigun in more hardcore games) in small rooms - I mean in every game the long barrel never hits the wall or pole or chair or even other soldier. It is funny standing with 1m long gun face to face with wall that is 20cm far.

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By the way - there is still no game where you cannot fight with long gun like m21 (or minigun in more hardcore games) in small rooms - I mean in every game the long barrel never hits the wall or pole or chair or even other soldier. It is funny standing with 1m long gun face to face with wall that is 20cm far.

Trespasser, circa 6 years ago, does that biggrin_o.gif

There is a mod for UT2K3 that also does it I think.

Hitman and some other games kind of do it but not really.

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perhaps you should not be able to turn as in there is a physical barrier that stops you turning anymore so you cant use big long armalites in a small space

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In the game Vietcong, when you turn your gun into a wall or a teammate, the game engine automatically raises the gun.

At that time you cannot fire.

Back on topic; What i would like to see in ofp2 is a better interactive landscaping.


When i throw a molotov cocktail into a forrest, or napalm bomb it, the trees/grass should catch fire

When explosive shells, bombs, missiles or rockets hit the ground, a crater should be formed.

The craters should actually be blocking cars from passing thru, or make them get stuck.

Soldiers should be able to dig foxholes.

Digging a hole too close to water would flood the hole.

Digging a trench with a bulldozer close to water would create a canal.

Another thing i would like to see are underground structures like caves, tunnels etc.

I do realise this will mean a major change to the game engine, but imho, it worth it.

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Well no offense to BIS but they cannot just produce "more of the same", or even some minor improvements. This has got to be a sequel not an addon pack, so i hope that these suggestions will be taken seriously and some engine improvement to make OFP2 as groundbreaking as OFP1 was when it came out will be undertaken.

Dont forget, OFP1, success because it did what no other game before it had done (wide open warfare, ect), OFP 2 needs something groundbreaking to sell it on crazy_o.gif

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