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Obviously whoever made the addon thinks it's better the way that they did it. Otherwise why would they have done it? And why do you people feel the need to tell them that they shouldn't do that?

So essentially you're saying that addon makers are free to make whatever they wish, but the community that they release them to is not free to hold an opinion about them. That's a bit hypocritical.

I agree with the sentiment expressed in this thread. There's really no reason to constantly try to reinvent the wheel. BAS has released the best Rangers in the game. Hands down. The same goes for Delta Force. Digital Grenade has modern Marines all tied up nicely. They also put out the absolute best quality weapons that the OFP community has ever seen. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that BAS wasn't going to try to compete with Suchey and Earl by wasting time creating yet another M-4 and releasing it -- they accepted that the best has already come and decided that there was no need to reinvent the wheel. I, as a player (and light modder,) would definetely like to see this type of behavior on the part of mod teams more often since it means only good things for the community.

It's good and fine if somebody wants to make what has already been made -- that's their perrogative. However, they shouldn't do this and not expect people to ask "why?" when it has already been done adequetely. There are so many other things that they could use their talents for. Rather than been known for releasing M-4 #29.456 that maybe three missions will make use of, they could be remembered for providing a classic addon to the community that everybody uses since it hadn't been done before.

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Quote[/b] ]So, everyone is OK with 9,537 different M4 addons, and 1,203 M249 addons, but three sets of rangers is too many?

A lot of people aren't OK with the bazillions of M4 addons, but people can't stop making them. It is a very well-photographed weapon, it's very easy to get high-quality pictures of it, so it's a nice starter weapon. I just wish people would stop releasing them.

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Earl's weapons spoiled me for using anything else.

M4's are good for starting addon makers(as has been said) but please people...keep 'em to your self just for practice.

And no more M249's or Remington 870 shotguns either!


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HUMMVEE'S!!! <--- (Somebody has to want to make these!!)

*cough* *cough*


me meant good ones

hey we're working on them, can't help if they are buggy even harder going through someone elses addon trying to mend them, then make improvements, You can always wait for BAS HUMVEEs. At least they don't crash your system when they get wacked, and hopefully another update this weekend. There always the default BIS humvee, or Quakegamers.

Next folk will snivel there are too many humvees out.. And they are not using Earls and Suchys weapons. ;)

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Why all this whining about there beeing too many M4's and other weapon addons?  crazy_o.gif

If you don't like them, don't DL the. It doesn't get simpler than that.

I on the other hand, like to see the quality of these weapons and units constantly being improved.

Back on topic:

Any plans of updating this pack in the future?

I'd wouldn't mind seeing  NV and boonie hat versions of the grenadier, medic and Machinegunner.

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Personally, I don't really care if somebody releases something that has been done to death over and over again. I'm not going to download it and thats that.

If there is a need however, one could give a small pointer to the author and suggest a better idea to take on...instead of pouncing all over him. If he ignores the suggestion then 'fine, suit yerself'...

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Yes, alot of rangers and m4´s.

But I think that lasers rangers are VERY good and this pack have camo helmets wich I prefer so I´m happy.

I have a problem thou... If I see a squad leader in 3d its CTD.

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I've got some comments. Stop bitching.

To take something commonly said by deadmeat, who is being a hypocrite, "Don't DL it if you don't like it". "Treat others as you would be treated." There's more to say also, just give me more damn ammo, and I can fire 300 rpm.


He wanted to make it, he did, now why do you flame him for it?

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I've got some comments. Stop bitching...

...He wanted to make it, he did, now why do you flame him for it?

My point was, the ONLY difference between this and Lasers Rangers, is the camo texture on the helmet.

Which means that you are downloading 12 megs of someone else's work, and a few 100kb of his own work, all under the title of "his" work.

If you care to check your quotes more carfully, I never said that he shouldn't have made these. What I did suggest is that he co-operate with Laser, to improve Lasers' version of these units, thus reducing the amount of "redundant" addons floating around.

1 set of Rangers is far more likely to have missions made for them than 2, 3 or even 4 sets. What I was trying to achieve was some form of understanding about the addons, rather than have someone spend time on yet another set of identical units.

Infact, this post is the nearest I've come to a flame in this whole thread wink_o.gif

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hmm, a big discussion, or argument?

anyway, I love it. 12mb is not a big deal.

thank waffendennis, and expect new version

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I've got some comments. Stop bitching...

...He wanted to make it, he did, now why do you flame him for it?

My point was, the ONLY difference between this and Lasers Range...

I modifed the whole unit exept the body texture :P. and i given credits.

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