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Modern us infantry

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Hi everybody,

Like many of you I have noticed there isn't any good modern infantry in OFP, so with Suchey's permission I will be releasing his troops which I will be retexturing into woodland cammo and releasing them with RudeDog's Bradley Pack [view ref 1].

Anyway I hope to complete this before I start university.

I've spent hours trying to get the colour right and I ask the community to approve of the colours before I add pockets, shadows and stitches [view ref 2 and ref 3].

I will also be starting on making desert varients both in the choc chip (91 Gulf War Cammo) and the newer 6 tone desert cammo which you can see on US infantry in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ref 1


ref 2


ref 3


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you could always use sucheys Modern Day marines textures IIRC they were spot on with the colour, just a suggestion, i think a soldier with weapon on back pic would be best to get a judgement on the colours.

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The colours look good in my opinion, I like the hint of the ripstop cloth structure that can be seen in the pics. There is considerable variation in the precise colours of woodlands and desert fatigues in practice, in part due to different batches coming from different suppliers, so what may seem off in comparison with some sets of clothing may be precisely right when compared to other items.



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Can you remove the MOLLE cause as fare as I know it isent standard in the US ARMY, it should rather be IIFS1 or 2 or plain interceptor west?

Oh and maybe its just me but ain't the Woodland a bit to big?


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Are these US infantry soldiers supposed to be US Army?  If so you'll also need to change their caps.  The caps on Suchey's USMC troops are VERY distinctive of US Marines and look much different from the caps worn by US Army soldiers.  US Army soldiers now also wear the black berets but only in garrison which means not when they are in the field during operations but when they are on base.  In a tactical situation they will wear either their kevlar helmet, or if the situation isn't too dangerous, either their field cap or a boonie hat.

Also the body armor worn by Gulf War I era soldiers is different and would be PASGT vests which look very different compared to the interceptor body armor now worn by most US Army soldiers (although a few still are using the PASGT vests).


So far the most realistic modern US Army soldiers I've seen have been those from the BAS Special Operations pack.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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No, they're pretty offcolor. I've seen MARPAT, in fact, I have a FSGT who wears it daily. Sometimes he wears desert (Don't ask why... he's a bit crazy) but those colors are way too dark. Go look at some MARPAT cammies yourself, in fact. That's why I recolored mine.

CPL Punishment got it right on. The US Army has plans to adopt, what I call, the Brushstroke camo, but it looks really stupid. Currently, they only have Woodland and Desert BDUs, however.

But you'll notice the Air Force with their pink camo soon...

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Mspener, I know u meant the air force comment as a joke..but actually the airforce is testing tiger strip camo now..only a VERY are using it to see if it fits the airforce image...kinda wierd if I do say so....the marines come up with one Idea and everyone wants to jump on the band wagon tounge_o.gif

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I will also be starting on making desert varients both in the choc chip (91 Gulf War Cammo) and the newer 6 tone desert cammo which you can see on US infantry in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You'll find that the NEW camo is tri-colour, the older "choc-chip" camo was often (and officially) called six-colour. wink_o.gif

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Can somebody explain me the difference between US Army, Marines, Rangers,.... and the other Soldiers???

i thought Marines and US Army are the same??



Looks good!

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Quote[/b] ]i thought Marines and US Army are the same??


Marines do naval landings/operations, US Army does land operations.

Rangers are US Army special forces.

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And I think I am right when I am saying that you can use them inside USA which you can't whit the army we don't want eny new Caesar.


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Actually that's not quite correct John...

Rangers are NOT Special Forces.  Special Forces are the branch of the U.S. Army Special Operations that was unofficially called "the Green Berets".

The U.S. Army Rangers are another branch of U.S. Army Special Operations however they operate in larger units then Special Forces who tend to operate in small teams.

Essentially the U.S. Army Rangers are the shock troops of the U.S. Army in that they tend to be extremely heavily armed, are airborne/airassault capable, and are trained to do a wide variety of special operations to a greater extent then regular U.S. Army infantry and even U.S. Army Airborne forces.

In contrast the actual primary task of U.S. Army Special Forces is to train and form guerilla armies behind enemy lines during a conventional war.  This is why during the war in Afghanistan Special Forces were sent in to work with the Northern Alliance to defeat the Taliban. Likewise in Iraq U.S. Army Special Forces assisted the Kurdish forces in the North of Iraq. 

Unlike U.S. Army Rangers, Special Forces recieve extensive cultural and language training. For this reason they have proven to amongst the most effective units operating in both Afghanistan and Iraq as they tend to understand the complex political situations due to their understanding of local languages and/or cultures and the knowledge of how to work within such cultures.

They are also heavily cross-trained, and can operate for long periods of time without re-supplies.  However many of their special operations training overlaps with Army Rangers in such areas as hostage rescue for example.

According to:  


- Army Special Operations Forces or ARSOF consist of Special Forces, Ranger, Special Operations Aviation, Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs, as well as Signal and Combat Service Support units.

-The mission of the Special Forces Groups is to plan, prepare for, and when directed, deploy to conduct unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance and direct actions in support of U.S. national policy objectives within designated areas of responsibility.

The units continually train to conduct unconventional warfare in any of its forms -- Guerrilla Warfare, Evasion and Escape, Subversion, and Sabotage. The soldiers are also schooled in direct action operations and special reconnaissance.

Approximately 1,400 soldiers are assigned to each group. The 12-man "A" Team is the key operating element of the Special Forces Group.

-Rangers are the masters of special light infantry operations. These include attacks to temporarily seize and secure key objectives and other light infantry operations requiring unique capabilities. Like their Special Forces counterparts, Rangers can infiltrate an area by land, by sea or by air.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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@Miles Teg - I just meant special forces, as in non-conventional forces. I know that Special Forces (With capital letters) are not Rangers.

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Generally that term is refered to as Special Operations in the U.S. Army.  But plenty of people including people in the U.S. Army get those terms mixed up.

They should have just kept calling Special Forces "Green Berets".


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Isn't the 75th still counted under USSOC?

yes or you can call it SOCOM(Special Operations Command), JSOC(Joint Special Operations Command) all talking pretty much about the same organization located in Tampa, FL..I'm sure someone will be along to clarify it even more biggrin_o.gif

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Like Miles said, the camo looks good, but with that cap, they just look like retextured Marines. If you're trying to model US Army troops, that hat needs to be changed.

Also, I think the US Army uses MOLLE now. After Iraq, the Marines have started moving away from MOLLE, as many of the Marines complained about it.

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I THINK USSOC goes like this:

USSOCOM/USSOC/SOCOM/JSOC/Big Qatar Thing (They moved it):


-Navy SEALs (All Teams)

-Any other little things the Navy has

SPECWARAF (I think):

-USAF Special Operations





-1st SFOD-(A-D)



-SOC Capable MEUs

I believe the SPECWAR names are wrong though.

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MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-Bearing Equipment) is a (1999, late 90's issued) recent advancement in load bearing equipment, replacing the older ALICE system. If you look pictures from the WWII to the Gulf War till now you'll notice the web belt has relatively stayed the same, it has metal brackets embended in the belt, etc. The ALICE system involved metal clamp like devices to clip on utility pouches or straps, the MOLLE and MOLLE II systems are instead using nylon straps + buttons to secure to strips of nylon on vests, chest rigs etc, a more "modern" way of load bearing gear for soldiers. Though I personally think it's flawed, under the USMC some have reported the damn things to break down after 2 months.

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Spencer - under Army, what's the "2nd" stand for? And you forgot to put in the green berets (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 19th and 20th SF Groups I think)

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Spencer...actually for the air force its AFSOC (air force special operations command) and the 160th SOAR is an Army oganization...best helo drivers in the world  smile_o.gif

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I will also be starting on making desert varients both in the choc chip (91 Gulf War Cammo) and the newer 6 tone desert cammo which you can see on US infantry in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You'll find that the NEW camo is tri-colour, the older "choc-chip" camo was often (and officially) called six-colour. wink_o.gif

Sorry actully like Deadmeat said the cammos I'll be doing will be the 3 tone and the 6 tone (choc cip)

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Like Miles said, the camo looks good, but with that cap, they just look like retextured Marines. If you're trying to model US Army troops, that hat needs to be changed.

Also, I think the US Army uses MOLLE now. After Iraq, the Marines have started moving away from MOLLE, as many of the Marines complained about it.

Yes, US Infantry uses MOLLE pouches on Interceptor body armour. They do not wear a Load Bearing Vest seperate from their body armour. They are issued one, but they do not wear it. That's one thing that needs to be changed. Also, the caps as mentioned. They should be this type:


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