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Beta updates: worth the download?

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I'm not sure what to make of the idea of using beta updates. I've heard of despite some bugs being squashed. Others being created. Are there any comparisons or vaguely objective and informative opinions I can get on this issue?

I do play with AI for example so an update which renders the ai incapable of picking up certain dropped weapons would be quite useless to me. I'm just trying to figure out how to weigh the pros and cons of sticking with 1.91 or perhaps updating to something else.

Thanks in advance.

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The issues that have sprung up in the beta's aren't much of a real problem. Besides, the beta's usually provide an extra boost in performance and stability.

My advice, trust the beta updates. There are a few addons that even require v1.92 and higher. By not downloading the beta update, you lose the oppurtunity to use these addons. And besides, the beta update creates a new .exe called flashpointbeta. If you feel the need to go back to a 'final' update, the original 1.91 exe is still there to be used. smile_o.gif

And while I'm here. 800 posts, I'm an advanced member now! biggrin_o.gif

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That makes it a bit less risky to update if I can always go back. I'll definitely give it a look-see.

Congratulations by the way. wink_o.gif

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The betas are worth the download, since

1-They create a seperate execuable file, so if you still want to play 1.91 you can

2-You don't need a CD to play a beta patch

3-That AI bug was introduced in 1.94 and fixed in 1.95

4-Memory Map error was fixed in 1.92, so you load lots and lots of addons without much problems

5-Fixes a bunch of other bugs, including something with lighting that was present since 1.00

And so on.

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Also, the latest ones made it possible to use huge islands with lots of objects in lower end systems, definately one the best fixes for OFP. And AI handles planes now quite well, try some dogfight with BIS' camels and you'll see wink_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ] I hate being out of the loop.

Hop back in m8!

1.96 makes me very happy, ofp runs better then ever before!

BTW, both zeus and zeus addonserver run 1.96 now so you will be able to give your patched game the mp treatment right away smile_o.gif

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I suggest you look up the changelogs since your version and decide if you like the changes.

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No need for CD's huh? Good. Although i buy all my games i prefer using no-CD exes whenever possible. Specially since i had an original CD craking in the CD-drive...

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No need for CD's huh? Good. Although i buy all my games i prefer using no-CD exes whenever possible. Specially since i had an original CD craking in the CD-drive...

I personally don't like using no-cd exes for any game because I'm paranoid that the game won't be exactly the same or something like FADE will be activated.  I know that they are probably ok but I always have that doubt in the back of my mind. Of course the 1.96 (allows no-cd) for OPF is ok because it was released by the creators of the game.

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Been using 1.96b since first released, not looked back since, def worth the download. smile_o.gif

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