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May have been posted in another thread but I just had to post something about BushIn30Seconds.com. Here's my review of the videos:

Childs Pay: Sure, sure, using the children is always the best way to get your point out no matter how wrong it is. Would anyone really care if those were adults working? No.

In My Country: Yet again we use one of the people that are defenseless like children. I can't believe this guy thinks he can get away with calling the Bush administration a "group of religous extremists".

Polygraph: It's better than the others, I must admit.

Bring Em On: Sure, repeat the pictures of the 500 US soldiers killed in Iraq, make them go by really fast so it looks like there is more like 1000+, then make up a bunch of crap, and you've got yourself a good commercial I guess! 500 casualties in this war is the most best, worst, casualty count in the US history (one of them at least).

What are we teaching our children: Well, if you are like most commie pinko liberal parents today you will keep your kids away from the telivision because the evil spirits may leap out and turn them into a republican! But for those who don't, I really don't think that most kids even know what the fuck is going on. When I am at school, I hear so much misinformed crap every single day it sickens me. Sometimes I just want to tell people how much of an idiot they are because of it!

Imagine: Before making this commercial, do you really even think those kids knew how to pronounce the words that came out of their mouth (same goes for first one). I doubt it, and it's not because of the zabizillion dollar school budget deficit, it's because they are lazy stupid kids! Trust me... I have to deal with stupid lazy kids (my own age though) every day. They [other kids] really don't care these days about what grades they get etc, they just want to not go to school and be a couch potato or whatever.

Human Cost of War: Too lazy (heh)

Wake Up America: This commercial sucked. Get an original idea.

Desktop: I like how they even go as far to drag "seperation of church and state" into the trashbin.

Army of One: Someone else do it smile_o.gif

Bankrupt: Let's add that 9,000 human lives is barely anything compared to the millions of people massacred by Saddam Houssein. Only 500 are US soldiers, the rest are either militants, civillians caught in the middle of gunfire, or killed by suicide bombs or carbombs... etc.

Hood Robbin: Uhm, weetodded?

Leave no Bllionare Behind: Wasn't able to watch it

Bush's Repair Shop: Uhm, weetodded?

Gone in 30 Seconds: Jobs lost during the great depression was 3 million. Look at census reports from then and now. 3 million now adays isn't very much.


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"In My Country: Yet again we use one of the people that are defenseless like children. I can't believe this guy thinks he can get away with calling the Bush administration a "group of religous extremists"."

Freedom of speech and opinion, he can call anyone whatever he wants as long as it isnt offensive or insulting smile_o.gif

Besides, he isnt exactly wrong, there are religious extremists in TBA.

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not as ridiculous as WMD claims made by TBA. ghostface.gif

reminds me of some commercials that GOP aired lumping democrats as the ones who want to 'withdraw from war', or that infamous 'rats' commercial from 2000 election.

speaking of great depression - the reason why it's called a great depresssion is because its affect was larger than anything else. current one (or lack of growth) is not as bad as the other one, but going from projected budget surplus to deficit isn't a good way to say that you saved economy.

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In My Country: Yet again we use one of the people that are defenseless like children. I can't believe this guy thinks he can get away with calling the Bush administration a "group of religous extremists".

I'd call them that too. They are Christian fundamentalists and a lot of their perception of 'right' and 'wrong' comes from that. If you want to compare civilian body counts, Bush leads by far over bin Laden. It was BTW IMO one of the better commercials.

Quote[/b] ]

Bring Em On: Sure, repeat the pictures of the 500 US soldiers killed in Iraq, make them go by really fast so it looks like there is more like 1000+, then make up a bunch of crap, and you've got yourself a good commercial I guess! 500 casualties in this war is the most best, worst, casualty count in the US history (one of them at least).

500 pictures/30 seconds = 17 pictures per second. The rate they showed it was at most 3 pictures per second, which means that they showed a fraction of the US soldiers killed.

Quote[/b] ]

Bankrupt: Let's add that 9,000 human lives is barely anything compared to the millions of people massacred by Saddam Houssein.

Millions? The most radical estimates puts his number of victims between 500,000 and  1 million - and that's including the soldiers that were killed in the Iran-Iraq war.

Quote[/b] ]Only 500 are US soldiers, the rest are either militants, civillians caught in the middle of gunfire, or killed by suicide bombs or carbombs... etc.

And what are you saying that only the US soldiers matter? It's like saying that the 9/11 attacks weren't so bad since only four hijackers were killed  crazy_o.gif Actually, the 9,000 is a very very conservative number of the civilians that died during the actual shooting war. More realistic estimates put the number at 20,000-30,000 Iraqi civilians.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed with the videos. While they got the political message through they weren't as original and inventive as one could expect.

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Does that "Hussein massacred millions" include everything that Saddam did when he was a good friend of the US? And does it also include the amount of people who died because of the sanctions?

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If they have a freedom to criticise bush, then we have a freedom to criticise them for criticising bush. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]When I am at school, I hear so much misinformed crap every single day it sickens me.


In my case, these are some of the explanations of what 9/11 was, pieced together of actually what some of the teachers found out and then turned into Middle School-style gossip(The goddamn school admidistration didnt bother tell us what happened!):

Quote[/b] ] "Hey! I hear the Russians sent a sub into Niagara Falls and planes and bombed NYC!" "I heard the Chinese bombed NYC"

"Hey, I heard *Insert name of country* attacked a few buildings in NYC!" Several kids after school start crying when seeing planes in the air on the way home crazy_o.gif


(All the above is true. Everything)

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Quote[/b] ]reminds me of some commercials that GOP aired lumping democrats as the ones who want to 'withdraw from war', or that infamous 'rats' commercial from 2000 election.

"Democrats" ends with "rats". It's a simple fact. If the word scrolls by from right to left, then you'll see "rats" for a fraction of a second.

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Quote[/b] ]not as ridiculous as WMD claims made by TBA.

The claims were believable, but some harder evidence would have been appreciated before he sent the troops off to war tounge_o.gif .

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I remember hearing on the radio today that even Saddam Hussein thought he had WMD, his scientists were lying to him.

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Equating Saddam's intelligence to GWB's? Good! Us "liberals" are finally making you see the light of day, eh? The fact that both of them are awash in deceit and are non-democratically elected tyrants is a start. The ad campaign that I'm helping fund is working. biggrin_o.gif

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I knew I should of turned the station when I heard seventh music in the background!

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I remember hearing on the radio today that even Saddam Hussein thought he had WMD, his scientists were lying to him.

ROFLMAO! yes, that seems to be the case. Hussein wanted to get some 'results' in weapons, and scientists swindled money out of him by making results that were non-existent ot was overly sexed up.

Quote[/b] ]"Democrats" ends with "rats". It's a simple fact. If the word scrolls by from right to left, then you'll see "rats" for a fraction of a second.
IIRC, it wasn't a scrolling, but rahter a static flash.

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Here's a good one

If pro is the opposite of con, does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?

Eh? Eh? eh...

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I just saw an interview with the creators of bushin30seconds.org on CBS Evening News. They showed a few of them.(Blackdog's favorite being one of them.) biggrin_o.gif

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Here's a good one

If pro is the opposite of con, does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?

Eh?  Eh?  eh...

Is Bush a Republican or a RepubliCAN'T?

(Paraphrased from a recent movie)

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Quote[/b] ]Is Bush a Republican or a RepubliCAN'T?

He sure creates a lot of government programs for a "conservative".

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International Herald Tribune

The Independent


From Signe Wilkinson (Etats-Unis)

Philadelphia Daily News.

What is sad is that US Newspaper E-media sites are being locked, as you have to sign up. Some are free.

If you don't want to be "any" "propagandas consummers", left or right handed "propagandas", you have to diversify the number of your information sources, and not just copy&paste sites.

Or are the others still corrupted ?

And you have to know a bit about economy, geopolitics, geography, history,.... for just being able to start to understand just a part ofthe problem.

I have to confess, it's an ocean of Data, but you have to learn to swin through, if you don't want to be a nameless cow in the cattle.

Don't listen to, take notes and search for information, onbserve the acts, all the acts. The words always fly away, while the acts stay on the ground. For any human being, being a "leader" doesn't mean neither everything he said is the entire truth, nor that it won't be able to tell a single lie. They are human too, they know powerful being identified as friends, and everybody knows that man is not perfect.

The way to true selfishness, or even for the worst Evil, is easy to follow. The harder is to make the first step. After, you just have to let you being carried by the winds

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Quote[/b] ]If you want to compare civilian body counts, Bush leads by far over bin Laden.

Guess flying jets into our buildings and suicide asshole bombers don't count. sad_o.gif

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Payback is a bitch...

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Quote[/b] ]If you want to compare civilian body counts, Bush leads by far over bin Laden.

Guess flying jets into our buildings and suicide asshole bombers don't count. sad_o.gif

Link removed

Payback is a bitch...

eek.. what kind of vehicle were they fireing from?

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My guess is that it's the 30mm of the Apache.

Really nasty footage sad_o.gif I wonder how those pilots can look themselves in the mirror. That was pure murder. You can clearly see that they are unarmed.

Quote from the video -> "He's wounded - hit him again"..

Edit: And oh yeah, farmcoot, that video was shot in december in Iraq, so it can't by any means be "payback" for the WTC attacks...

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