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Political test

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Quote[/b] ]Yeah, you have an odd mix sice your 'conservatives' are actually more like 'ultra liberals' in economic questions. Your liberals are actually conservative left wingers in economc question while they are liberal in social questions.

I'd hardly call most liberals fiscally conservative tounge_o.gif .

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Last year:

Quote[/b] ]

Economic Left/Right: -6.38

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.31

This year:

Quote[/b] ]

Economic Left/Right: -6.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.31

I've become more authoritarian    wow_o.gif

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Dont know if you can see the graph but my scores are:

Economic Left/Right: -5.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00

Ahhh, nope you can't see it, but those are the scores nonetheless biggrin_o.gif

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In other words you dont vote for a president you vote against one.

Quite true. People generally vote for "the lesser of two evils". I'll of course be voting against Bush again next November. smile_o.gif

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@ Jan. 04 2004,13:01)]since the Presidency is decided by the electoral, and not the popular vote, and because I live in what can only be described as Bush country (which I am reminded of constantly by all the bumper stickers), I can kick up my heels with the knowledge that my contribution to the national election will be purely symbolic. Woo.

Well at least we agree on that, same election process in Canada. Sucks...

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Last year:

Quote[/b] ]

Economic Left/Right: -7.75

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.69

This year:

Quote[/b] ]

Economic Left/Right: -7.12

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79

Must be sliding towards the right in my old age rock.gifwink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Must be sliding towards the right in my old age

Soon, we will have you forever... blues.gifblues.gifblues.gif

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I do have my doubts about the test itself though. I was marked as clear left wing in economic questions while in reality I'm fairly centrist with right-wing leanings. In social questions, I think it placed me fairly well.

Same here, I don't think I'm as extreeme left as the test makes me out to be, it almost seems to lead you to the left with the questions it asks. This one made me chuckle:

Quote[/b] ]What's good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us.

This time Milo had gone too far. Bombing his own men and planes was more than even the most phlegmatic observer could stomach, and it looked like the end for him. High-ranking government officials poured in to investigate. Newspapers inveighed against Milo with glaring headlines, and Congressmen denounced the atrocity in stentorian wrath and clamoured for punishment. Mothers with children in the service organized into militant groups and demanded revenge. Not one voice was raised in his defence. Decent people everywhere were affronted, and Milo was all washed up until he opened his books to the public and disclosed the tremendous profit he had made. He could reimburse the government for all the people and property he had destroyed and still have enough money left over to continue buying Egyptioan cotton. Everybody, of course, owned a share. And the sweetest part of the whole deal was that there was no need to reimburse the government at all.

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Yep, I've always thought that I'm more to the right than the test result. Maybe I'm not, or maybe there's something wrong with the test.

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Quote[/b] ]Economic Left/Right: -3.88

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.00


Quote[/b] ]Economic Left/Right: -3.38

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.67

Still can live with that...

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