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Real life photography/photo editing

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Today, Hollywood Bowl reopened with slight acoustic improvement and  larger area for performers. Usually, cameras are not allowed inside, but today was open house so took advantage of situation.

First, if you go there, get ready for some mountain climbing. especially if you are overweight like me. tounge_o.gif

Second, if you park outside and have to use underway to enter, beware of urine smell. ghostface.gif

*If you can't see pics, sorry for that, but my host sucks.



View from middle section:


Wider view. You can see Hollywood sign on distant hill.


A giant cross and Griffith observatory(on the right handside, far away). Who says Hollywood is anti-christian? tounge_o.gif  The observatory is closed now for renovation, set to open sometime next year. They added golden roof and changed buildgin color.


A couple having good time.


A vietcong tunnel? Afterall, this is liberal state.... :0


And as always, a refreshment service for the family.


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More from my day on the road.

405, heading North. see the traffic on south bound lanes. very typical of that area. in fact 405, 10 interchange is 3rd busiest in US.


A view of Getty Museum, on the top left corner. notice that i'm about to exit the freeway AND is taking photo, all at speed of 60 mph.... ghostface.gif The spacedome-like figure in the center is actually a Holiday Inn building. Several years ago, some Jewish mob was found dead nearby.


An accident waiting to happen(3 blondes tounge_o.gif)


Bunch of costume wearing freaks near Mann's Chinese  theater. No, i did not have a SWAT gear, and I have no intention of re-enacting SWAT 3 scenario there. I also saw some wierdo who dressed up as Ghandalf. crazy_o.gif There was a blonde wearing "Blondes do it better" and she almost tripped on side walk. biggrin_o.gif


Scene of LA down town from westbound I-10(80 mph)


LA skyline on eastbound I-10(65mph)


El Capitan theater across Mann's Chinese Theater. They were setting up for premier of Jacky Chan's new comedy, "around the world in 80 days "


Gas price. High for most of 49 other states, yet low for EU drivers....talk about half filled glass of wine!


Hollywood Highland center. This is where Ryan Seacrest has his show, IIRC.


Armed forces career center in Hollywood.


Local news van, possibly heading to Hollywood bowl for more cover.


My lunch - A Philly Cheese Steak.


I also visited UCLA.

Bruin statue


Bruin Walk.


Grassy Area.


A nice walk path.


A nice grass area(again)


Royce Hall. No i did not snipe from there.


Economics dept. Just a fugly building..... crazy_o.gif



A view into Jule Steiner Eye Institute in campus.


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More from my day on the road....[/url]

Hey Ralphie,

Was driving through LA today, on the EXACT same roads you were! What a coincidence! Maybe I gave you the finger like I did for most other LA drivers tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif! Was on my way to the Glendale swap meet for M151 parts! It sucked! About 16 people there and an M38A1! So I left! And then I called a guy in Long Beach who had a jeep for sale! But he was tired and jetlagged after getting back from D-Day reenactments! So my trip through LA sucked! Then when we tried to skip through Camp Pendleton to get to the rear Fallbrook gate, they wouldn't let us through - which sucked! So then we went the long way around and stopped by the body shop to see how my jeep was doing, and the guy wasn't there, which sucked! Then we went to Fallbrook and the guy with a pile of jeep parts and an M151 has yet to get the thing running, which sucked! Then we stopped by a convenient store to get some soda and twinkies, but they didn't have any twinkies, which sucked! So then we went home and I had to reorganize my whole office workspace because it was just painted, which sucked! So now I'm sitting here with a computer monitor on my chair divided from the case by a shelf that the monitor won't sit on, which sucks!

Today sucked!

That's all I've got to say. No photos, because it sucked. Oh, but I did take a picture of a dead guy by the side of the freeway but I doubt it would create a very nice feeling towards me if I posted it.

Enough of that BS, here's a picture of my wall. smile_o.gif


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I abosloty love the Malaysia counry side and town. Not becuase of the chep pireted games but for the landsape and I was thinks of starting a mod about a war there...but that never happened

Malayia pictures from 2002


Along side the road to the Cameron Highlands

A nice picture on the way up the hill. At the base there a Malaysia Gurkhas camp. Spent some time there.


Cameron Highlands

Cameron highlands was like England what I rekoned. Very cold and is where i fell in love with tea and skons.


East coast fish boats

On the east coast we went throught alot of fishing villeges and I must say the east coast was very nice. The water and jungles was nice.


Kuala Lumper road side

Tooke this picture of a road in KL to show some people back home that the trafic was worse than in Melbourne


Kota Bahru market

Picture of a market in Kota Bahru. Lots of vegetables


Malaka shopfront

Shop front along a road in Malaka. Even thought it was 2 years ago. I still remenber walking down there.


Penang Budhast temple

Budhasit temple in Penang. I also found two really hot British Chicks there and they dig my Australian voice


Durians sold on the road

Walking with the family down the street and taken a snap of this stall selling durians on the street


Terrengua house group

Last pic today is a house group in Terrengunua. I wasnt able to get a pic of the make shift soccor field that I went down to one day and lost too some 14 year old Malaysia. There better than me.


Well thats all the pics. It took me 1 hours to put this post together so I hope you enjoy these pics. I got more but they got family members in them so I dont want to show those pics.

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Nice pictures there batdog. Oh and i have one as well. I was out and running yesturday and decided to take the camera with me this time.

And i found: a Horsie!


Maybe not very exctiting but there it is...

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Spam deleted, thread re-opened, this is a real nice thread, don't destroy it people smile_o.gif

SpeedyDonkey - Your horsie is no more, deleted it to fit in that football video?

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Hey there

I'm back from my month away working, so I will start posting a series of pics I took.

Hope you like em!

Heaps more to come... just finished processing these ones...

All shots from the recent Feelers / Opshop tour on NZ.








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Hey great pictures eveyone!Sorry I haven't uploaded any pictures lately.I'm just so darn busy. sad_o.gif

But I got a lot of good pictures to upload soon.(hopefully tomarrow) smile_o.gif

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Ok, here's some more pictures.

Here's twin white flowers.


A yellow flower.


A white flower.


And a freak flower. ;)


Ok, here are some pictures of the little wild birds I raised all the way from an egg.(The mom bird threw all the eggs out of the nest)

Here are the 2 little rascals at day 2.(uglyiest things I've ever seen. ghostface.gif )


This is present.



Sadly, one of them was flyin around the house, and smacked into a window, broke his neck and died. sad_o.gif  So I decided to let the other one go.He seems to be doing fine out in the wild.

It was a good experience raising 2 orphan wild birds from an egg to an adult.And I'd do it again next year. smile_o.gif

Now time for some stream pictures.


My best stream picture.


A picture of a lake where I caught a huge Rainbow Trout.(26"!)


Here's some pictures of the damage done at Granby, CO.(The moron who drove an armored bulldozer thru the town)


My pictures of Granby.






And the library.I remember stopping in there to go use the bathroom.Freaky. ghostface.gif


And ma dear old .357 Magnum Winchester. biggrin_o.gif


More later! smile_o.gif

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Great pics skulls viper! Especially the real close up on your two birds... I think I remember seeing something about the rampaging bulldozer all the way down here in NZ... Only in the USA...

Here's a whole bunch more photo's from the last tour. I am using an automatic batch re-sizing tool, so they should all be under 100kb.

Hope you like them.







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More to come soon. Am I clogging up the board? Its just so easy to post pics with this new system!

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Not at all, very nice pictures everyone! I'm so mad at myself for letting my grandfather borrow my camera, it's now in the repair shop. What to expect, huh? wink_o.gifsmile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Hey Killagee, nice pictures. What camera/lense do you use for those stage shots?

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