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What is the best mp game???

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I want to know what is the best MP game that most people play rock.gif

My vote goes for TO (Tactical Ops Assualt On Terror)

Official Site

You can download also the mod version there but if you want to play on each server go and buy the retail version I think it is the best MP game ever wink_o.gif

I played Counter Strike and OFP MP games but Tactical Ops is better than Counter Strike and OFP MP.

As MP game OFP is ok but not superiour as Tactical Ops

Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest....... tounge_o.gif

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Far best yet encountered mp game:

OFP with Delta Forces, Littlebirds and Teamspeak for coordinated tactical/covert operations.

But I'm playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory nowadays, because...

...you can play with/against 32+ people (net code seems more stable)

...you can play instantly after joining a server of your choice

...you can gain experience during a campaign

...it runs under Linux and it's available in Gentoo's portage tree.

der bastler aka fraggin' engineer/mad machinegunner

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Opf (co-op with good and trusted friends), then a fair way behind Delta Force (as a whole).

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Bf1942 + mods (forgotten hope my fav) but as a wise person once said about most members of this forum ...

Quote[/b] ]Sharia:"IF IT'S NOT REALISTIC IT IS SHIT!!1!one!!"

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Bf1942 + mods (forgotten hope my fav) but as a wise person once said about most members of this forum ...
Quote[/b] ]Sharia:"IF IT'S NOT REALISTIC IT IS SHIT!!1!one!!"


By the way, did you know BF1942 is Swedish. unclegustaf.gif

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By the way, did you know BF1942 is Swedish. unclegustaf.gif

If I were Swedish that's not a fact I'd want known smile_o.gif

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By the way, did you know BF1942 is Swedish. unclegustaf.gif

If I were Swedish that's not a fact I'd want known  smile_o.gif

OI ! mad_o.giftounge_o.gif

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By the way, did you know BF1942 is Swedish. unclegustaf.gif

If I were Swedish that's not a fact I'd want known  smile_o.gif

Funny since -

Quote[/b] ]Gamespy - 90 out of 100
Quote[/b] ]XGR - 98%
Quote[/b] ]IGN.com - 9.3 out of 10

The game is a perfect bet for fans of online action. We play nearly every multiplayer game that comes out here at work and nothing, not even Warcraft III has pulled in the kinds of crowds we're getting here at work.

Quote[/b] ]Game Power - 9.0 out of 10

1942 is, quite simply, the best multiplayer WWII first person shooter ever, and possibly the best multiplayer shooter of all time.

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Most sucky-sucky games get high scores at gamespy and IGN (including BS1942) biggrin_o.gif

Fav. MP-games (coop): Jane's Longbow 2 first, OFP second. smile_o.gif

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Seriously, I'd vote for America's Army (Because it's free biggrin_o.gif ).

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= Reviews mean nothing.

How a game plays is what counts, and for me it's an abysmal game, bastardising the genre.

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Must agree. Battlefield 1942 out of the box was fun for a bit, but then it's cloak was removed, and I stopped playing. However, with Forgotten Hope and Desert Combat, IMO, it is fun. It isn't the most realistic game (Forgotten Hope sent it more towards realism by leaps and bounds, but it is still much more an FPS than a realistic tactical game.) At least in FH, they removed the uber sniper (Snipers ARE Deadly, but they are rare, and don't run around in the open, stop, fire, stop, fire, repeat.. there is just a tad more to it then that. smile_o.gif ) They also made AT weaponry a bit more effective.

All in all, best MP game is Windows Online Hearts. biggrin_o.gif Ok, so maybee not. I enjoy Co-op IL2 Forgotten Battles most. OFP is easily 2nd on my list of Multiplayer favorites.

(And yes, Longbow 2 is STILL the best chopper sim out there. Nothing beats hopping into my trusty Appache, or Blackhawk, and putting it to the OPFOR. (Read, get my ass shot out from under my by Shilkas and 2S6's. biggrin_o.gif)

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Quake 3 funny no one mentions the King of all FPS shoot em ups unclesam.gif

After that OFP is the best.

Quake 3 is good for fast pacd bashem ups while OFP for tactical gaming smile_o.gif

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Placebo it may not be realistic but don't you realize that's not what their goal was, their goal was to make an FPS focused on MP game play.

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Quake 3 funny no one mentions the King of all FPS shoot em ups  unclesam.gif

After that OFP is the best.

Quake 3 is good for fast pacd bashem ups while OFP for tactical gaming  smile_o.gif

Quake 3 is like the Red Bull and vodka of MP games, whereas OFP is like the fine Italian red of MP games  smile_o.gif

EDIT: Yeah I'd take a fine Italian red anyday over Red Bull and vodka  wink_o.gif

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for people who havent Played TO go in the first message to the link and download it you will love it like I did wink_o.gif

My girlfriend hate that game cause she wants sex but I want to kill tounge_o.gif

I sure want sex but after some playing wow_o.gifbiggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif

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I'm something of a Team Fortress Classic fanatic. It's old, but it's still amazing and actually requires teamwork to do well.

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Quote[/b] ]...[it] actually requires teamwork to do well.

Doesn't Flashpoint rock.gif ?

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Quote[/b] ]...[it] actually requires teamwork to do well.

Doesn't Flashpoint rock.gif ?

I was referring to the games above, quake and bf1942 which usually just boil down to rambo mode.

Though I have to admit ofp is better than all of them tounge_o.gif .

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