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Xm-8 is a go!

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Quote[/b] ]Don't forget that some european countires still have conscription.

They do?!? Very interesting...

Quote[/b] ]how come from what i've heard that the M16s are being designed so perfect that it could hardly being better then now?

The only thing left to improve on the M16 is the ammo. As soon as Project Dragon Squirter is implemented, the Army will replace the .223 cartridges with a much more powerful "Super Soaker" ammunition tounge_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Don't forget that some european countires still have conscription.

They do?!? Very interesting...

DUH. tounge_o.gif

Off the top of my head, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, most former East Block countries, Russia...

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In reply to your earlier post regarding my "Membership" to this forum. I know for a fact that there isn't shit you or I can do, unless you have ribbons on your chest or stars on your shoulders. Military life is full of political bullshit, which neither you nor I can help.

Example- The H-6 hughes scout helicopter was phased out of use towards the end of the vietnam war. Why? I've talked to three vets who flew the OH-6A. Two of them later flew it's replacement, the OH-58. They said any day of the week they would rather fly the H-6.

There was no tactical reason to switch to the H-58. But, there was a political one. The wife of either Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford (I forget which) had connections with Bell textron, the makers of the H-58. She convinced members of the government to intigrate the H-58 into the war. Or so the rumor goes.

But thats politics bud, there isn't shit we can do about it. I was hoping that with my earlier post, it would get some of the other members of this thread to stop bitching.

"The XM-8 looks like a toy,"

"The XM-8 is underpowered"

"Blah, blah, blah..."

Summing up: Don't try to read too much into my posts. I say what I mean, and mean what I say. Politics have a strangle hold on the government and it's military decisions. It isn't if the guy in the field likes the rifle, it's how it looks on the nightly news.


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Quote[/b] ]DUH.

Off the top of my head, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, most former East Block countries, Russia...

I don't live in Europe, so why would I know European recruitment procedures mad_o.gif ?

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Quote[/b] ]Summing up: Don't try to read too much into my posts. I say what I mean, and mean what I say. Politics have a strangle hold on the government and it's military decisions. It isn't if the guy in the field likes the rifle, it's how it looks on the nightly news.

Unfortunately, that's all too true. That's probably why they were so insistent on the OICW. A simple 7.62mm HK rifle would work fine, and their has been a lot of in-field testing of their G3 series.

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Also, I would be willing to bet my left nut that very few of you had or will have military experiance, so it isn't something you need to worry about.


How do we do this, do we like cut your testicle into a few hundred pieces and take a bit each or all have the whole thing for one day per year?

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Ahh the G3....  biggrin_o.gif  how can you NOT love it....

Pipski- I figured you would each take it for one month, return it to me in December for cleaning, and I would send it back out.

On the other hand, this bat seems to really like the XM-8.

What do you think of the XM-8?


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Quote[/b] ]Ahh the G3....    how can you NOT love it....

I've got an HK-91 (American civvie G3), I would have to say it's one of the best in my "collection" biggrin_o.gif .

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I got one of these in my collection.

Me likey!

Colt 1911A1 Government model (Exactly like the one on the far left)


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I've got a Mark 23 SOCOM with a suppressor (Sorry, no laser sad_o.gif ). It's not as quiet as they are in the movies tounge_o.gif .

Edit - The M1911 is a great gun. I might get one biggrin_o.gif .

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Ahh the G3....  biggrin_o.gif  how can you NOT love it....

Pipski- I figured you would each take it for one month, return it to me in December for cleaning, and I would send it back out.

On the other hand, this bat seems to really like the XM-8.

What do you think of the XM-8?


How you can not love the G3 thats easy its whights a ton and give a hell of a recoile (I have fired it)

I love the C7 "no" recoile and surpricinly easy to controle on full auto considering that I then had difficulties lifting my own body whight and it was the thired or fouth time I held a assult rifle I had onlt held the G3 before, maby it is also because I had just fired the G3(like when you lift a a realy big hammer then it is much easyer to lift one that is a bit lighter).


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Do you live in the US, I thought you needed an ASS LOAD of permits to buy a suppressor?


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Quote[/b] ]DUH.  

Off the top of my head, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, most former East Block countries, Russia...

I don't live in Europe, so why would I know European recruitment procedures mad_o.gif ?

I live in europe and i didn't even know that lol. Why would "SOME" of those countries need conscription unless they are short of soldiers, its not like Germany went to war in Iraq or anything. I know that Russia just tries to look big against the US and try and scare the closer countries.

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Quote[/b] ]Do you live in the US, I thought you needed an ASS LOAD of permits to buy a suppressor?

A year of paperwork and a lot of cash mad_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]DUH.  

Off the top of my head, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, most former East Block countries, Russia...

I don't live in Europe, so why would I know European recruitment procedures mad_o.gif ?

Just kidding, that's why I added the tounge_o.gif

@Merc: That's not the point. People discuss shit that they don't know anything about or have any effect on in forums just to pass the time. That's obvious. That's (partly) what forums are for. So there's no point in coming in and acting all arrogant and pointing it out. I understood your post like

"Oh you poor babies, whining and bitching about shit you don't understand. We're lucky to have some REAL men in here who know what they're talking about and realize facts."

Now that's probably not what you meant, but it can be perceived that way. Why don't you come into every thread and point out that discussing things don't have any effect on them?

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, those are words of wisdom.

Just my 2 cents. wink_o.gif

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Well, I still like the G3, that and the FN-FAL, oh and the M14.

I like a nice heafty rifle. The weight is worth it if you can drop a guy with one shot.

The only full auto I've ever fired was this: Cobray M11

A little 9mm uzi knockoff. The one I fired had a crap load of after market shit on it (FN-FAL stock, fake suppressor). But it still rocked. Shot a two foot flame biggrin_o.gif

M21man, I still think it would be worth it!


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Quote[/b] ]M21man, I still think it would be worth it!

The suppressor, or the M1911 biggrin_o.gif ?

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The only problem with the G3 series is that you can't always collect the brass and reload them. The gun is very reliable, but it really rams out the cartridges wow_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Do you live in the US, I thought you needed an ASS LOAD of permits to buy a suppressor?

A year of paperwork and a lot of cash mad_o.gif .

More importantly, why do you need a supressor for personal use?!

Silent takedowns when hunting deer?

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Quote[/b] ]More importantly, why do you need a supressor for personal use?!

Silent takedowns when hunting deer?

No, I don't hunt at all. Never have, never will. The suppressor is basically a useful collectible, I may never be able to buy one again, and it keeps the flash down smile_o.gif .

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it has always been more easier to get things by "illegal" way.......(if you know how)

as i remember i have seen a Chinese-American who owns a shit loads of firearms: 2 AR15 full of equipment eg. CRANE buttstock, suppressor etc. , a AKs74u i guess, a remington 700, a uzi and a MP5SD with another shit loads of live ammunition all stored in a safe , i wonder how many more handguns he owned

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Quote[/b] ]it has always been more easier to get things by "illegal" way.......(if you know how)

I am not going to buy guns illegally mad_o.gif .

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IMO looks don't matter, as long as its reliable (first and foremost - which is why I dont like the SA80) and accurate (which is why I do like the SA80)

Being light never hurt either. Especially when you are wandering around welsh mountains with it.

I don't really understand this whining about weapons not having enough 'stopping power.' If you can aim, you'll hit them and they wil go down. If you can't, a bigger round isn't going to help that.

Having said that, a round that isn't deflected by light brush or whatever would be nice too. The 6.8mm round in development looks quite good. (it uses the same size of cartridge with a larger round in it, so weapons can be converted to fire it with only a new barrel- if the weapon can do that )

Pity the EM-2 project was shelved after the Americans made us use 5.56 - that would have been a good round.

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