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Who runs the wars?

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Hi all

One of the greatest fears that President Dwight David Eisenhower had was the so called Iron triangle of a Military Industrial machine taking over the politics of his country.

What would he think of The Carlyle Group I wonder?

Seperation of powers is one of the key protections of democracy.

Judges Judge

Politicians set policy

Generals command the army

The civil servants organise

Industry makes things

The media watches over them

"and never the twain shall meet"

Their power is kept seperate so that no overarching group is alowed to control it all.

Wake Up People of America the enemy is in your house.

These people control too much.


The film is a long 48 minute documentary the first 1 minute and 45 seconds is in Dutch after that it is English.

Ever laugh at those paranoid conspiracy theorists with their nutty images of a group of business people controlling the world? So did I till I leaned about this company.

If you learn nothing else about politics learn this.

Kind Regards Walker

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It is shocking. Absolutely shocking.

If I was American, I would take up arms and march to Washington crazy_o.gif I can't believe that this is going on in front of everyone's eyes, with almost no one asking any questions!?

Walker, did you catch the name of the Black congresswoman or whatever she was? I'm interested in finding out more about her case.

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Quote[/b] ]If I was American, I would take up arms and march to Washington

And have A-10s cut you down like puppies under a lawnmower...

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Quote[/b] ]If I was American, I would take up arms and march to Washington

And have A-10s cut you down like puppies under a lawnmower...

Hi m21man

I did not know your people were so afraid of them.

Very sorry for you sad_o.gif i thought that as a free people you stood up to tyrany.

I felt sure that if the US thought it was going the way of Stalin's Rusia it would do something about it.

Sadly walker sad_o.gif

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What format is the video? Because all I get is a little square  sad_o.gif

Real Media.

You will need Real Player, get it from here:


Be careful during installation, do NOT click "yes" and "continue" without reading the screens, or your system will be taken over wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]If I was American, I would take up arms and march to Washington

And have A-10s cut you down like puppies under a lawnmower...

I thought the whole point of the 4th amendment (or whichever one is stating your right to bear arms) is to prevent exactly what has happened - to prevent people like that Carlyle group hijacking your country?

And in any case, your military swears allegiance to the country and the constitution - not the government, right?

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What format is the video? Because all I get is a little square  sad_o.gif

Hi Consigliere

It is a Real media file.

There is another link to download the source file.

The Documentry apears to be largely recorded and made in the US with just Dutch and intro and credits.

I hope it will be shown on the BBC maybe NBC or CNN might show it too.

Kind Regards Walker

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Heh, I just posted this a bit ago in the Terrorism thread, did you beat me to it Walker? tounge_o.gif

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All I can say is... Whatever icon4.gif

Do you have anything more profound to say?

Did you even watch it?

Have you visited the link to the group, checked for yourself the names on the board?

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Heh, I just posted this a bit ago in the Terrorism thread, did you beat me to id Walker?  tounge_o.gif

Hi bn880

I have known about The Carlyle Group for a few years now. Other Luminaries include Margret Thatcher and her Husband I seem to remember.

I have not checked what media interests they own or are linked too recently but it would prove an intresting line of enquiry.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

I wonder if Tony Blair or his wife will get a job with The Carlyle Group or one of its subsiduries?

Quizicly Walker

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Very interesting wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif

That's definitely worth watching, some shocking stuff wow_o.gif

EDIT: http://www.thecarlylegroup.com/eng/index.html

It's true, go to Team and look for Senior Management crazy_o.gif

Perhaps you would like to explain who these people are? smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

Team Members


Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.

Chairman of Carlyle Europe

The Rt. Honorable John Major, CH

Chairman Emeritus

Frank C. Carlucci


William E. Conway, Jr.

Daniel A. D'Aniello

David M. Rubenstein

Senior Counselor

James A. Baker, III

Senior Advisors

Richard G. Darman

Arthur Levitt

If it's just a case of politicians lining their own pockets....that's hardly something new. This happens endlessly throughout the world in "democracies" and dictatorships alike.

If it's something else...well let us know smile_o.gif

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Right, I am talking about this particular video of it. You beat me to posting it I meant. tounge_o.gif

Interesting eh. I find the videos at tagenlicht re worth 100x the price of a holywood movie. Ok make that infinately more. smile_o.gif

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If it's something else...well let us know  smile_o.gif

Hi Leone

Did you watch the film?

In it a US Congresswoman explains how her election got fixed by The Carlyle Group after she ensured one of The Carlyle Groups projects to foist an inefective weapon on the US army was foiled.

Is that shocking enough for you?

Kind Regards Walker

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Like spawn? It's not spam, even if I am not so sure about the election fix of 47000 Republicans crossing over to vote. I would need to see more info on that to believe it 100%.

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Thanks Walker!! smile_o.gif We already knew this but keep up your great posts.

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Very interesting documentary. It raises quite many ethical questions.

I can fully understand it from the Carlyle Group's point of view. You have these politicians with a lot of connections and a lot of knowledge of the policies being implemented - and their term in power has expired and they have nothing to do. So you pick them up and use them both as advisors and as representatives. The obvious ethical question is if it is ok that for instance an ex-US president uses his weight (which is actually the weight of the office of president and not his private influence) to make money for a private company. It becomes of course much more questionable when his son is the active US president. You don't have to use your imagination to see the conflict of interest.

Another good example case is Powell. He was the sitting secretary of defence under Bush Sr. When Clinton came to power, he got a job as an advisor at the Carlyle Group. And now he's Bush secretary of state. It really raises the question of who controls whom.

And when it comes to the Carlyle Group's dealings with Saudi Arabia and the connection to the current Iraq war things look even more suspicious.

It's a very tight bond between private business (carlyle group) - politicians (employed by carlyle) and defence industry (owned by carlyle).

I also guess you've seen the interesting cross-section of the carlyle group senior advisors, the project for the new american century (primary neo-con ideological branch) and the both Bush administrations. It's the same people.

But again, who controls whom? Is this just another elaborate way for the politicians to earn money or is it Carlyle that controls the politicians?


Perhaps you would like to explain who these people are?  smile_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]

Team Members


Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.

Chairman of Carlyle Europe

The Rt. Honorable John Major, CH

Chairman Emeritus

Frank C. Carlucci


William E. Conway, Jr.

Daniel A. D'Aniello

David M. Rubenstein

Senior Counselor

James A. Baker, III

Senior Advisors

Richard G. Darman

Arthur Levitt

The Rt. Honorable John Major, CH = Former British prime minister

Frank C. Carlucci, Former US secretary of defence

James A. Baker, III, Former US sercretary of state

Richard G. Darman, former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Arthur Levitt, Former Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission

But as they said in the documentary is that they don't list most of their employees publicly. George Bush Sr. is for instance one of their more prominent advisors. And it's no secret, they're not trying to hide it or anything - it's just that they don't list him on the website and similar publications.

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Like spawn?  It's not spam, even if I am not so sure about the election fix of 47000 Republicans crossing over to vote.  I would need to see more info on that to believe it 100%.

Nonono...Spawn...As in DC Comics Spawn smile_o.gif

The story is that there's an arms company, which is intertwined in politics, and is pulling strings in the white house  wink_o.gif

A very thought provoking and interesting documentary this is. That is something the Dutch are good at, documentaries of this type. I've seen a lot on NOS and a few other channels.

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Like spawn?  It's not spam, even if I am not so sure about the election fix of 47000 Republicans crossing over to vote.  I would need to see more info on that to believe it 100%.

Nonono...Spawn...As in DC Comics Spawn smile_o.gif

The story is that there's an arms company, which is intertwined in politics, and is pulling strings in the white house  wink_o.gif

Yeh only this aint fiction ghostface.gif

I just saw Alexander Haig on MSNBC news on cable he said the reason he resigned was because of the questionable links between Bush Snr., James A. Baker, III and the Saudis.

Wierdest thing was how scaired he looked when he said it? crazy_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]A very thought provoking and interesting documentary this is. That is something the Dutch are good at, documentaries of this type. I've seen a lot on NOS and a few other channels

I recall seeing a dutch document called "god is my co-pilot" and it was awesome. It portrayed some US fighterpilots in the gulf, praying God and bombing people. The ethical dilemma and the funamentalism was intriging.

edit:I hate quotes,i really do

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