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Should i use wav, wss or ogg?

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When looking at game-performance, what would be the best file format to use for my automatic weapons?

Just from the top of my head, WAV uses more memory, but OGG and WSS would mean a higher CPU usage, because of the compression algorithms involved. For that reason I'm currently using WAV file format.

Or are there reasons that I should use WSS or OGG?

I hope anyone can help me with a conclusive answer.

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Thanks Avon. Exactly what I needed. I checked your FAQ first, for my next question.


I have a similar question about PAA vs. PAC. Can I use PAA with no problems, or is there a reason that I should ONLY resort to PAA if I want transparency?

Does PAA offer anything extra compared to PAC? (apart from alpha transparency of course)

Offtopic: where can I find the latest version of the excellent "Catch the serial killer" mission?

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Thanks Avon. Exactly what I needed. I checked your FAQ first, for my next question.


I have a similar question about PAA vs. PAC. Can I use PAA with no problems, or is there a reason that I should ONLY resort to PAA if I want transparency?

Does PAA offer anything extra compared to PAC? (apart from alpha transparency of course)

Offtopic: where can I find the latest version of the excellent "Catch the serial killer" mission?

Connect to the "united Teamwork" 1.94 server and browse through the map list. The serial killer map should be there somewhere. Start the mission and once download has finished, quit ofp and copy the mission from the "mpmissionscache" folder to your "mpmissions" folder.

On that server you will also find a modified serial killer version done by me, which will need DeadMeat's Policie Pack, Kegetys' Trabant Taxi, NO's Mi-2 Pack and the GAZ-24 pack. wink_o.gif

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In my tests I got the least amount of distortion and sound drop outs with wss.


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In my tests I got the least amount of distortion and sound drop outs with wss.


Same here

was makin' a good firing sound for a MG62 (MG3)... has 1200 rpm.

Wss was the best, wav and ogg seemed to choke up etc. (dont really know how to describe it)

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paa will dissappear behind some transparent textures because of the Z order (put a heli on FLK Hermes, you'll see what I mean)

also the quality and count of colors isn't as high as with pac

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well, i guess ofp uses direct sound for sound playback. currently, even in directX9, direct sound only supports pcm wav data, which means, whatever soundtype you use will have to be converted to that format by the game engine. if you wss a wav file you will notice that the file size remains the same. my guess is that wss simply speeds up loading, because it can be a pain in the ass(codewise) opening wav files with the standard windows api.

if you have your own format and you know where the actual sonddatra is located within the file, access to that data might be faster. ogg simply helps to keep resource files smaller, but doesn´t help the audio engine in any way, since the files have to be decoded on load. the only module that can playback acompressed format is directMusic, which is capable of handling mp3 directly, but it is not capable of 3d positional audio.

my suggestion: use wss

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With PAA format you can get texture without compresion,but only if is it Black-white-that´s good for weapons...check out O.pbo and look to weapons textures (CZ75,etc),do you see any compresion as on old M16 etc? wink_o.gif

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You know, I was wondering, how does Red Storm do it?They use wave at 22050 just like OFP but not in wss form.They seem to use 3 different types of impulses for each weapon.1 as verberation,2 as automatic, and 3rd as a single or burst.I think it is also because they dont use the weapon in first person just the gun reticle so as not to sync the sounds with the muzzle flash.But then again what do i know,I know nothing about all the computer jargon, im a noob at this.I'll crawl back into my corner.:(

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Extensive tests were conducted during ECP alpha and we found wss was the best. I believe Deadmeat made a post regarding our findings on the main forum.

Use wss. wink_o.gif

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I'm looking to turn a wss to an mp3 and vice versa. How can I do so.

btw I'm having trouble getting a tga to turn into a paa using texview 2.

Edited by DarkGuerilla

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