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Who would'nt want this ?

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oh yes..i need that car...just thinking of ambushing denoir with that machine gun makes me smile. ghostface.giftounge_o.gif

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*note to self : never step on the piece of land called america where all these psychopaths live*

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Yeah Ran and Canada too, I'm beginning to average with more and more person-person confrontations on the roads here. Ppl are totally crazy here. biggrin_o.gif Holy crap, I wish sometimes I was in Germany etc. when I have to be on the road.

Yeah that show, monster dollarage. Me and my dad have a laugh talking about this from time to time. biggrin_o.gif They supposidly get $5000\USD to accomplish some weird task with a vehicle. What ends up happening is they often get $20000+ in free brand new merchandise and services to work with. And a week or so to do it in with the best possible facility. It doesn't matter what they are doing, they put on huuuge rims, nitrous oxide and flames on the vehicle. All of which are useless when you are say... converting a Mercedes SUV to a handicap persons vehicle. Then in hteir little scenes at the end they are always given "a gigantic lead" or freebee to make it almost look like they made something better than what's on the market now. Cheap ripoff of junkyard wars me thinks.

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A shame that you people don't have the lovely lovely show called Monster Garage.. it's kind of like Junkyard Wars (which you guys have) but it's run by a motorcycle builder person (Jesse something), and it's a bit crazy smile_o.gif

Edit: Hey... at least we now know what realistic car explosions look like ;)

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A shame that you people don't have the lovely lovely show called Monster Garage.. it's kind of like Junkyard Wars (which you guys have) but it's run by a motorcycle builder person (Jesse something), and it's a bit crazy smile_o.gif

Who are you referring to? We have this show and it's pretty awfull IMO. Compared to Junkyard Wars.

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I agree, the British guys were better.

Monster Garage is quite good to watch too, and sometimes its sister show Monster House (Odd combination crazy_o.gif ) is good to watch too.

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Hi all

I prefer Robot Wars.

The UK version far more carnage than the US. In the brit version I have seen robots mashed to bolts and shrapnel the US version is very tame by comparison. Like the diference between a bare-knuckle death match and pillow fight.

I want more world cup robot wars serious destruction.

Kind Regards

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I wonder what Placebo would say about this thread. J/K tounge_o.gif

Sweet video, and regarding Robot wars... I guess building "robots" and manhandling it and other "robots" would be fun. But it is a definate waste of TV space. Gimme National Geographic anyday!

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A shame that you people don't have the lovely lovely show called Monster Garage.. it's kind of like Junkyard Wars (which you guys have) but it's run by a motorcycle builder person (Jesse something), and it's a bit crazy smile_o.gif

Edit: Hey... at least we now know what realistic car explosions look like ;)

Its Jesse James.(He is supposed to be named after his famous relative wow_o.gif )

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A shame that you people don't have the lovely lovely show called Monster Garage..

Ninety nine channels and nothing to watch.

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Nice! smile_o.gif

I remember seeing some physco last time i went to an open military range in the US with 4 miniguns on a maxton mount on the back of his big ass SUV. That was also pritty cool.

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