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Yes very nice work Metto. but infact we have for an range of differnt weapons just we haven't shown it yet that's all

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Wait a sec Waffendenis...new stance?

Uhm...with waypoint or permanent Animation replacements?

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Just what you want....

Or you can replace the Anim.pbo (in dta folder) with our Anim's or you put the addon.pbo in to the Addon folder and use switchmove wink_o.gif

But for the stance i think....

The Anim.pbo

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I'm not sure if this was answered or not, but how do you move the weapon proxy (and other proxies) in OFPAnim?

Also, how do you use your custom animations? I don't mean normal animations, but running ones, aiming e.t.c, animations which you can control?

Thanks, TMan10K

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It is going fine our First internal team beta's are being done. so just hold on tight pepole soon you will have them

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Here is an small update:

In the begining of OFP people where thinking that Peak around corner's not posible was becuase bis havent implented it well those people are wrong because:

Thnxs too Prosphero's Binding script i binded a peak around corner animation (officaly made by Rouge1 and remade by me)

with a script too the "<" and ">" buttons.

So whats the result?

you can now peak around the corners and shoot at the same time.

Dont belive me?

Check out this picture then:

see it feel it be it

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Good work guys.

waffendennis you were talking about releasing a tutorial on how to use ofPAnim, Did i miss its release or is it still WIP?

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Here is an small update:

In the begining of OFP people where thinking that Peak around corner's not posible was becuase bis havent implented it well those people are wrong because:

Thnxs too Prosphero's Binding script i binded a peak around corner animation (officaly made by Rouge1 and remade by me)

with a script too the "<" and ">" buttons.

So whats the result?

you can now peak around the corners and shoot at the same time.

Dont belive me?

Check out this picture then:

see it feel it be it

Nice! But isn't the < & > buttons used for changing radio channels? (Probably hard to find unused keys... maybe ' & ; ?)

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In multiplayer yes but not in SP and for the MP part i'l do my best on scripting too bind it too other key's

But about the Tutorial:

Some update:

It's 50% now because it's reworked and more detail has been added including some maya stuff.

So i gues it's better too wait till it's finishd so we all have a better and detailed tutorial.

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may be we all need to reorganize our keyborad settings.........

i think it would be better if putting them to Q and E instead of < and >.........it is a bit too far........... sad_o.gif

*edit*hum.........might be a problem, i was used to the current setting and not really want to change it.....may be i should use up and down arrow key to change chat chennel

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any news?and are you going to cooperate with t.animal I think that is making a new body?

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you guys are doing a great job but im going to ask what everone is wanting too, i was wondering if this beta is going to ever come out it seems that by the time you guys realease it someone else would have already done it wink_o.gif come on guys we have been waiting alone time and all those screen shot is just making it harder to wait at this point, so can you give us a estmated time are we taking days, weeks or months? thank you biggrin_o.gif

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Well we are aiming for an Realse in about 4+ weeks (Yeah i know it's an Long wait but good things come to those who wait) but that is not defiante so it could be more or less so no Promises

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Thnxs too Prosphero's Binding script i binded a peak around corner animation (officaly made by Rouge1 and remade by me)

with a script too the "<" and ">" buttons.

could you explain in short terms how this binding key script works? (or give a link wink_o.gif )

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When I was reading true the thread about the VBS project, I saw that some one was talking about: "Climb true a window" Well I fired up Animmaker and did my best and now only script it and we have the climb true window action....

Pic's will follow soon.

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