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Attention addonmakers!

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First thing - I'm not sure if this thread should be posted on the 'DISCUSSIONS' board or here, so I'm posting it here (because it's about completed addons in fact ;-) - if some moderator thinks different - I'll have nothing against moving this thread to the DISCUSSIONS board.


Finally I have a leave and today I just took a seat and started to check out all these addons I've downloaded and didn't tested yet...

I noticed some not good habits some addonmakers have.

1). (I'm dedicating this point to Vit, Lavos and guys who released Ju-52, Stug, Sherman and Heer units :>>>>>>)

Installers. Installers are BAD. Installers are EVIL. Please guys - don't be LAME, don't use installers. And if you really have to use them - please make sure that these installers will not leave anything in Windows registry or in the system directories. No 'uninstall' thingies, etc. It's bad and at the moment I'm REALLY MAD becase some addons I've installed:

- created their folders and icons in the menu start

- created their entries in the 'add/remove programs' wizard

- added some entries in the registry

what's more - these addons overwrited each other's uninstallers and I can't clean up this mess now (and I don't have a time to install these f***n addons again).

DON'T BE LAME GUYS - DON'T DO THAT AGAIN or, at least, do that as BIS wants and use "Addons at Ease" tool (but I'm not a big fan of this addon distribution method too). REMEMBER - ZIP/RAR FILES RULEZ - STICK TO THEM!

2). Name your packages with sense! Use your registred OFPEC TAG! Also add the addon's version to the filename...

File names like:






Good file names:



awmi2p_v11.rar :>>>

So, again:

Pack your PBO file with the ZIP or RAR archiver, don't use lame installers which are messing with the system files, menu start and windows registry...

Call your packages with sense:

TAG_addonname_version.zip/rar - GOOD

pbofilename_version.zip/rar - GOOD (only if pbo file is named with the TAG of course)

something.zip - BAD!

something_installer.exe - BAD AS HELL!!!

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Everything that the buggy has to do with starts with "bug" so that is basically it's tag. Just to clarify... I get your point though.

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Installers. Installers are BAD. Installers are EVIL.

Here here! Only use installers if a pack is extremely large like a demo or an actual modification would be apreciated.

Die unnessisary installer die!shoot2.gifzoef.gif

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Well I do agree with the "Leave the Reg alone".The folks that use these installers have the option to leave the reg alone,But for some reason they dont do it.Maybe there ripped copies didnt come with a manual.But other than that I like the installers make life easier,An I plan to use them myself.But without all the bullshet.

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Hell, even the behemoth FDFmod didnt come with a installer, why should some <10MB addon? :P

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Just to be clear, I just checked my registry after using the installer for the GAZ jeeps. No entry.

I don't think it's such a huge problem. If you use classy installers like InnoSetup you can easilly choose whether to add anything to registry or not. It probably helps newbies who don't know how to make mod folders etc. I allways install to a temp folder and copy them manually.


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On the subject of addonmaking, I'd like to encourage another thing: Shadows!

So many great addons, so little flaws... Except for the shadow. You have no idea how much a shadow on a vehicle adds to my feeling with the addon. Like planes, it's really great to use for measuring the height, use on pictures to add to the feel, tanks, going over a speed bump full throttle and swooshing into the air watching how high you go... And a lot of other things I can't remember.

I get the idea it's somewhat hard to make a shadow, but in my opinion, it's really worth the effort.

(This was directed towards Hawk and the FDF mod primarily, in no offense)

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I agree 100%.

An addon without a shadow never looks final.


For me, it looks like the tank on the right was a photoshop fake.

MfG Lee

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@ Aug. 03 2003,19:00)]I don't want to use BIS TAG system in our addons. So where the true?

Using OFPEC TAGs (or at least your own TAG) is very good idea, because you have a guarantee no class names, no files etc will conflict with any other addons...

IMO: not tagged addon = lame addon.

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Personally I really don't care about installers, worst case scenario, if they do leave something in the start menu, believe it or not it is possible to delete it! What I really hate though, is when people use self-extracting archives, because a lot of the time, if I extact it to like OFP/Addons, instead of putting the pbo in OFP/Addons, it makes a folder inside OFP/Addons and puts it in that, and then I have to open my computer and spend 5 minutes going to the OFP addons folder to fix it, after which I have to restart OFP(because I only realized it didn't extract it correctly when it didn't show up in OFP).

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Personally I really don't care about installers, worst case scenario, if they do leave something in the start menu, believe it or not it is possible to delete it!  What I really hate though, is when people use self-extracting archives, because a lot of the time, if I extact it to like OFP/Addons, instead of putting the pbo in OFP/Addons, it makes a folder inside OFP/Addons and puts it in that, and then I have to open my computer and spend 5 minutes going to the OFP addons folder to fix it, after which I have to restart OFP(because I only realized it didn't extract it correctly when it didn't show up in OFP).

Eh? rock.gif

You have to restart OFP when you install an addon anyway

And also, BIG FU**ING DEAL!:

"Oh boohoohoo...I have to do 7 doubleclicks and 2 clicks to delete a newly created addon folder within my default addon folder..."

Gimme a break! rock.gif

How long does that take? Like maximum 10 seconds rock.gif

It's like people actually TRY to find things to whine about...

Bah... mad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You have to restart OFP when you install an addon anyway

Yes, I know, but I had already started OFP after I extracted the self-extracter, assuming it did it correctly.

And it would take less time to delete shortcuts from the start menu, than to go to OFP Addons, and take the pbos out of the folder the self extracter put them in.

Personally, I don't see why people hate installers.

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I think the main problem people have with self installers (speaking for myself anyway) is: 1. the rubbish they leave in your start menu/add-remove programs applet/registry; and 2. that half the time they don't install to the correct place - some just write to the default OFP addon path (c:/program files/codemasters blah blah), even if that's not where you have OFP installed, while other allow you to browse for the directory, but then create an unexpected subdirectory in your addons folder that stops OFP from finding it...

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Well like you said people need to come up with a prefex for thier addons. Allot of new people don't understand this I have had several people tell me I had no right and that it was wrong to use "DS_" before the name of my addons. This needs to be made clear to everyone that is going to play OFP that #1 This is necessary to prevent overwrites and problems. (Also I use "DS_" in front of my weapons and ammo config class names so they won't overwrite something)

#2 If you are going to make a addon get a prefex and also check to see if it's used already or not.#3 Do not change prefexes on others work without permisson. #4 Advertise on your site just what your prefex is and tell others why that's what it is.(If you are going to make an addon.)

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I pretty sure most of you people know to "Use Addons at Your Own Risk".If not than you can complain.No Offense

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Well like you said people need to come up with a prefex for thier addons. Allot of new people don't understand this I have had several people tell me I had no right and that it was wrong to use "DS_" before the name of my addons. This needs to be made clear to everyone that is going to play OFP that #1 This is necessary to prevent overwrites and problems. (Also I use "DS_" in front of my weapons and ammo config class names so they won't overwrite something)

#2 If you are going to make a addon get a prefex and also check to see if it's used already or not.#3 Do not change prefexes on others work without permisson. #4 Advertise on your site just what your prefex is and tell others why that's what it is.(If you are going to make an addon.)

You might wish to view this page sad_o.gif

OFPEC TAG listing

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No AAE...

Install xxxxxx... uninstall xxxxxx...

DELETE better ... smile_o.gif

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Okay, now we have:

AAE -- there's nothing wrong with releasing something with AAE. You'd be surprised how many people have trouble with a zip with subdirectories.

AAE doesn't exclude having the addon with a zip. That's what I'm a-gonna do with the nesxt one.

And drill sarge, they were right to say you were wrong. Check out the OFPEC TAG system. "DS_" is too generic. Better register DSG_

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Well like you said people need to come up with a prefex for thier addons. Allot of new people don't understand this I have had several people tell me I had no right and that it was wrong to use "DS_" before the name of my addons. This needs to be made clear to everyone that is going to play OFP that #1 This is necessary to prevent overwrites and problems. (Also I use "DS_" in front of my weapons and ammo config class names so they won't overwrite something)

#2 If you are going to make a addon get a prefex and also check to see if it's used already or not.#3 Do not change prefexes on others work without permisson. #4 Advertise on your site just what your prefex is and tell others why that's what it is.(If you are going to make an addon.)

You might wish to view this page  sad_o.gif

OFPEC TAG listing

#1 The name leone has no d's or s in it.

#2 Cech out his work.

Registered to: Leone

Allowed to modify: Leone

OFP activity:

Addon speciality:

Addons completed:

Work in progress:

Nothing he hasn't used it at all. Now I respect his tag but DS is Drill Sergeant and if he would contact me if he had problems with this. I would also like to find out just why he chose the letters "DS" also mine is "DS_" or "_DS" and I could allways change it to "D_S" which coincidentialy none of the three I came up with have been used. But thanks you for the heads up any way. wink_o.gif

By the way what's the G after DS stan for?

One more question why is he "(non-compliant)"

Can some body please tell me exactly what that means? rock.gif

"DS (non-compliant) Leone"

By the way why can't i pull up his proflie?

He doesn't even exist in the forums where you need to be registerd to get a tag.. I look for him but couldn't find him.

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Ummmm....AKAIK I am registered in the forums....so that's an odd one. It's a Non-compliant TAG, because it consists of only two letters (the _ doesn't count). It has my name next to it because I bitched and whined until the powers that be at OFPEC made mention of it in their listings, but the TAG itself (and gw_ if you keep looking through the listings) "belongs" to OPGWC...ie ds=desert storm, gw=gulf war. So far I'd guess there's about 20 or so addons with ds_ from our mod, and at least the same with gw_ (not to mention class names, missions blah blah blah)

I'd love to put addons completed/work-in-progress next to it, but because it's a Non-Compliant TAG, I'd have to bug Snypir everytime I wanted to update it...and I don't really want to do that.

Sorry about the clash... sad_o.gif

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