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The four horseman of the apocalypse, now

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Yeah my bad, I'm off it now.

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What part of NOTHING GETS PAST THE SPACE PIG! can you not seem to comprehend?!?!?!?


Um... the "nothing gets past" part?

In about 8 out of 10 tests conducted during the past ten years, the space pig has failed to stop the demon attacks so far, especially sea-launched demon attacks.

This is the only thing that can make the demons go away:


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but....but....the space pig is my hero...

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Quit spamming this thread or I will reset the post counts of everyone I deem to have spammed to zero.

This started off as a fairly intelligent debate, if you can't contribute into that then don't post into the thread.

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Total F**king bullshit if I ever saw it. This apocalyptic crap just makes absolutley no sense. Its the future! It's like predicting what you could possibly hit if you jumped into a dark room.

"And he hit a hard object and his face was pierced!"

...he obviously hit the coat tree.

that is the absurdity of all of this crap.

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OK, since this has already evolved into a atheism vs. religion debate, I'll add my 2 cents:

My personal beliefs probably fall into the agnostic category - I don't necessarily subscribe to any particular belief system (although as a kid I was raised Catholic), but I don't totally dismiss the possibility of an afterlife or deities/spirits etc. existing.

One thing I don't like, however, is people who try to push their beliefs down other people's throats. IMHO, a pushy born-again Christian telling you you must belive and an atheist who looks down their nose at religious people and tells them they are idiots for believing are just as bad as each other. The best thing to do is respect people's belief or lack thereof.

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Son of a.....

THIS IS NOT AN " atheism vs. religion debate" and your $.02 is NOT welcome unless it has to do with the threads subject.

placebo, could you remove that comment for the sake of this thread?

I really dont want to see it locked because of a zealot war.

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So, what is the purpose of this thread?

You made a number of statements based on very dubious interpretation of vague religious statements. To debate it, one must debate the underlying assumptions. In this case it's religion.

I put as much faith in the bible's ability to predict the future  as I do in the muppet show being able to do that, and that is the basis of my dismissal of your theory. The bible is an interesting document in a socio-anthropologic sense and possibly in a philosophical sense. But that's all it's good for, at least in an objective sense. As for the book of book of revelations, I wouldn't be surprised it was written by somebody having a very bad trip on some form of psychadelic substance. It might give an interesting perspective on things, but it does not infuse any real new data.

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You're the one that started spamming nonsense about misinterpreting ambiguously worded fairy tales. As soon as someone pointed out that it was a load of nonsense you started getting shirty.

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Son of a.....

THIS IS NOT AN " atheism vs. religion debate" and your $.02 is NOT welcome unless it has to do with the threads subject.

placebo, could you remove that comment for the sake of this thread?

I really dont want to see it locked because of a zealot war.

Well, excuse me...you want to read the last few pages?

I'm not going to argue with you, but you will see that the topic of atheism vs. religion has, in fact, been raised in this thread. I wouldn't have posted my last comment if it hadn't. wink_o.gif

Eh, probably better if this doesn't turn into a religion vs. atheism debate...let's just leave it as those that want to believe will, and those that don't, won't smile_o.gif

Placebo himself seems to have accepted that this is the direction this thread has taken, and I';m sure if the mods thought it was wandering too far offtopic they would have said so. I'm sorry if your thread had taken a turn you didn't expect, but there's no need to lash out at me personally. Thanks. smile_o.gif

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"I put as much faith in the bible's ability to predict the future as I do in the muppet show being able to do that, and that is the basis of my dismissal of your theory."

Good, lets leave it at that.

My purpose of this thread was not to prove or disprove religion, the bible, etc, it was simply to see what in revelations could be associted with modern times, THAT IS IT, be the associations fact OR fiction, I DO NOT CARE, I am simply curious of what others could come up with.

Is that such a hard concept to grasp?

Placebo, could you jsut lock this thread and let it die, since it apparently already has due to the fact that people can not comprehend the words that they claim to have read and would rather put in their .02 about how they feel about religion vs athiesm, which this thread had NOTHING to do with from the begining.

My thread got 9/11'ed, oh well.

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Oh, sorry, our telepathic powers must have been not working.  How did you expect anyone to guess that?

Its still a completely pointless thread.  You were very vague at the start and basically started spouted wholly babble and did the whole personal interpretation thing, when irregardless of what came out of it, it has absolutely no bearing on anything today.  Not even on what other religious nutjobs think it might mean, because they will all think it says something else based on their own preconceptions and prejudices.

And just having looked over the thread again, you clearly do have some sort of agenda to push.

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No man will ever know because men are too stupid to pay attention to what is going on around them, what has gone on around them and what will go on around them in the future.

As revelations and all the interpretations have shown, you can relate past events with what is in the book and it is all happening all over again, history is repeating itself and everyone is standing around dismissing that it is happening because locusts arent flying everywhere and the stars havent fallen from the sky...but in fact they have and ARE.

Oh well.

Oh freaking well.

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No man will ever know because men are too stupid to pay attention to what is going on around them, what has gone on around them and what will go on around them in the future.

How might you have figured it out then rock.gif

Seriously, calm down, take deep breaths, it's only an OFP forum.

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The fact is that there is such a thing as 'human nature' so our history is bound to repeat itself since the players are the same. That does not mean that historical texts that describe human nature and organizations of society are profetic through some divine guidance. The bible is a reflection on that time and people's view on the world. The the book of revelations is no different. It appeals to certain people because of the vague style it is written in and therefor open to interpretation. Just because the author was on something that was like an LSD trip gone wrong does not mean that there is any special significance to it.

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Some friendly advice Wasrad: when you start threads on the forums, you have to accept the possibility that topics other than the one you initially intended may come up, and people may discuss them. Heck, it's happened to plenty of threads I've made. To paraphrase Hellfish 6 "Just because you started a thread, doesn't give you ownership of it".

The moderators here are pretty thorough in their job, and if they feel a thread is straying too far offtopic or is pointless to this board, then they will either warn individual offenders and/or lock the thread.

Anyway, sorry if I upset you dude, we're all here to have a good time. smile_o.gif

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"How might you have figured it out then"

The answer to that question is what I am trying to figure out!

"Just because the author was on something that was like an LSD trip gone wrong does not mean that there is any special significance to it."

Have you ever even done LSD, or even shrooms or any kind of hallucinogenic?  

When reading Revelations, be it the King James version or the actual hebrew texts, we have to realize that if in fact these people were shown something, they would explain as best they could with their knowledge.  

How would one describe Helicopters attacking infantry in the time of revelations?  How would one describe a meteor shower...or an LGB falling from the sky?

btw, there is no such thing as "an LSD trip gone wrong".

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Have you ever even done LSD, or even shrooms or any kind of hallucinogenic?  

I take my fifth amendment on that biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]How would one describe Helicopters attacking infantry in the time of revelations?

Helicopters attacking infantry?  rock.gif Another of your debatable interpretations?

Quote[/b] ]btw, there is no such thing as "an LSD trip gone wrong".

Of course there is. LSD is a psychadelic amplifier. If you are in a very bad mood, afraid of something or have repressed traumatic memories, it will get amplified and the trip turn into a traumatic episode.

All that you want to know about bad trips

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"Helicopters attacking infantry?   Another of your debatable interpretations?"

How would you, if you were someone who lived in the time of writing of the book of revelations, describe seeing an Apache attacking a squad of Infantry or tanks?  It is a serious question...give it a try if you would like.

A "traumatic episode" yes, but all trips are good...depending on what you get out of it but enough drug talk.

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"Helicopters attacking infantry?   Another of your debatable interpretations?"

How would you, if you were someone who lived in the time of writing of the book of revelations, describe seeing an Apache attacking a squad of Infantry or tanks?  It is a serious question...give it a try if you would like.

It's a difficult question to answer since they didn't have the same points of references as we do. In their terms, I would probably describe it as a huge mechanical mosquito.

On the other hand, if I say "I saw a giant mechanical mosquito in my vision" it is more likely that I saw a giant mechanical mosquito in my "vision" and not an Apache attack helicopter.

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Quote[/b] ]No. But its never happened.

I tell you. There is literally tons of documented evidence.

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Quote[/b] ]No.  But its never happened.

I tell you. There is literally tons of documented evidence.

Really? Why don't you provide some. Give some credible links to medical journals or something similar.

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Ok i will. But what i can tell you right know is that if you've been in one of those meetings and literally seen people with one smaller leg then the other growing in a matter of second to be perfect. Or old people suffering from arthritis to only a few moments later jump up and down like something even a monkey would find hard to do. Is quite amazing! So seing it kinda makes it eaiser to belive, don't you think? So whats my point? If you'd be really interested and curious (oh and) doubtfull the best thing i can recommend is visiting one of those meetings, like i and some friends did.


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