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Opf crashes to desktop ..

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Hey all,

Ok i have this problem for some time now and it s really starting to bother me.

Whenever i play ofp and inside a vehicle using 3rd person view ( mostly in jeeps ! ) my ofp crashes to desktop without any error message.

I have it in most vehicles and on most islands. Sometimes it happens more, sometimes ( very rare ) i dont have any crash.

I tried almost everything. New mobo drivers, latest detonator drivers, older detonator drivers, reinstall, play game without addons etc ....

The weird thing is i never untill 1.9x had any problem with my ofp.

It s driving me mad !

My config.

Intel P 4 - 2.4 Ghz

1024 DDR 266 Mhz

Geforce Ti 4600 - 128 ( Creative labs )

Latest detonator drivers

MSI motherboard ( i think Via chipset, not sure not at home now )

Creative Labs Soundblaster Audigy

OFP CWC + Gold + Resistance installed, then patched to 1.91

Using Kegetys' addonmanager ( had problem before that already )

So it crashes to desktop. No error msg.

Weird thing is, on some maps i get the crash at exactly the same area on the map as the crash before.

I have a friend with GOTY and he also crashes alot in 3rd person view.

I only play OFP in MP, often alone but on a Co op map.

On my friends computer the error often points to a sound he cant find or something, on mine, dunno.

He also has P4-2.66 and a geforce4 Ti4200 and detonator drivers.

I never crash when being in 1st person view. Only happens in 3rd and mostly in a jeep.

Some help would be welcome.


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Thx Suma,

I tried most of those things !

But why does this only happen in 3rd person view for me rock.gif

Is the CPU or VGA load much more in 3rd ?

Also, when in 3rd and clicking right button ( zooming ) mostly triggers the crash quicker then other times ( jep, i ve been experimenting )


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What is your detonator setting for PRERENDER LIMIT? Make sure it's NOT zero.

Just shooting from the hip.

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Just shooting from the hip.

Ouch, you missed avon tounge_o.gif

Thx for suggestion.

C'mon, i want to play this game crashfree and not getting thrown to desktop in the middle of a 4 hr co-op session sad_o.gif

I even bought 2 copies of CWC, i m you biggest client Suma ! smile_o.gif


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I mailed support.

I m very impressed at speed of reaction ! smile_o.gif

Once again nice support of the game BIS.

I ll post a solution when i have one.

Thx guys !

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Thx avon, i ll try tonight when i m home.

*crosses fingers.

And i said ouch cause it was so embarassing you missed me tounge_o.gif

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If ya got some spare time left try this :


I got 2 options for ya,

1. option is:

place O.pbo addon  from  Res\Addon  directory  to  just \addon directory

start up, and look if the problem is solved...it did once for me.

2e. option is :

place all addons in Res\addon  dir  to just  \Addon dir, but don't overwrite stuff, just let the ones in place who are already there!!(i mean choose always NO to overwrite)

BEFORE YOU DO SO, I WROTE DOWN THE DATES & TIMES FROM ORIGINAL ADDONS IN  \ADDON dir (in case you want to re-do your action)


when you get error message something with O.pbo, try replace in Res\Addon...start up opf...close opf...and replace it in \Addon

At last i must say i was very happy my OFP worked just like old times again.


anything not clear, or want to donate money contact me:



=[bBE]=  Superskunk


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If everything else fails then try the game without that creative soundcard and see what happens.

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Hey all and thx for the advices.

I came home late last night and didn t have time to try anything, gonna give it a go tonight.

About the suggestion for moving the addons.

I m using Kegetys' bootmanager, so i have no unofficial addons either in addons or res\addons so i doubt that s gonna change anything.

About the VIA chipset.  I m gonna try that but my friend has exactly the same problem with exactly the same error msg in the log from windows xp and he has an Intel 845 chipset.

I m not even sure i have a VIA chipset now, i change too much, could be an SIS or even an Intel. I ll also check tonight.

I m beginning to suspect the audiodriver too, although it worked perfect in my system when i was still using my athlon.

Anyway, i also mailed BIS support and i m very impressed with the speed of reaction of Robert !  Great service guys !

I m waiting on his answer too.  If i have a solution i ll post it here.


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I just checked and i have an Intel 82801DB/DBM Chipset.

So via tool will not work ... sad_o.gif

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I just checked and i have an Intel 82801DB/DBM Chipset.

What about your audio card and drivers?

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I just downloaded the very last drivers i could find ( a win xp update ) for the Soundblaster Audigy and tested.

I drove around in a jeep for about 1 minute and crashed to desktop ...  sad_o.gif

This is getting really really frustrating  crazy_o.gif

No news from bis support yet ...

When i check my error logbook i get this error ..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Type gebeurtenis: Fout

Bron van gebeurtenis:

Categorie van gebeurtenis: Geen

Gebeurtenis-ID: 0

Datum: 24/07/2003

Tijd: 20:04:18

Gebruiker: n.v.t.

Computer: JAP


Kan beschrijving voor gebeurtenis-ID (0) in bron ( ) niet vinden. De lokale computer beschikt wellicht niet over de benodigde registergegevens of DLL-berichtbestanden om berichten van een externe computer te kunnen weergeven. U kunt mogelijk de schakeloptie /AUXSOURCE= gebruiken om deze beschrijving op te halen, zie Help en ondersteuning voor details. De volgende gegevens zijn deel van de gebeurtenis: 7.


0000: 71 67 88 72 bb b9 ca 75 qg

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I just downloaded the very last drivers i could find ( a win xp update ) for the Soundblaster Audigy and tested.

You should try downloading the latest driver from Creative.

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I just downloaded the very last drivers i could find ( a win xp update ) for the Soundblaster Audigy and tested.

You should try downloading the latest driver from Creative.

There are no newer then i already got Placebo.

So i downloaded the update.

My current version of driver is

If somebody can direct me to a newer one i would be pleased.

One notice, i play a few other games too, and i NEVER crash in them, not once  crazy_o.gif


Maybe a few helpful pointers :

- I NEVER crash when on foot in 3rd person

- It happens alot faster in jeeps

- When it happens in a chopper or plane it starts to hack just seconds before crash ( i have 1024Mb DDR btw so ... could not really be it, and loads of free space on HDD, viewdistance set to 1200 )

- When in 3rd person hitting right mousebutton to zoom in a bit extra triggers it faster

- I also used that thing to cut a bit of the o.pbo from avon's site, but problem was already before that


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Hmmkay I understand that, but it's possible that an older "proper" creative one could be more stable, have you tried removing your sound card completely and playing without it in, if you have no crashes then it will show the sound card is clearly the problem, be sure to uninstall and sound card drivers too.

Alternatively you could try the kX Project Audio Driver they're like user made drivers to supposedly offer better stability for Soundblaster cards than Creative's own drivers. With Creative's history for appalling technical support that can only be a good thing, they don't afaik provide Hardware Accelerated Sound, but I'm sure you'd accept being able to play the game over that for now smile_o.gif

Edit: You haven't mentioned updating your bios, do you include that in "motherboard drivers"?

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Nope bios isn t upgraded yet, but ofp played fine on it for a while and just recently started acting funny.

I might just make a 2nd hdd with win2000 just for flashpoint since i never had problems with that and flashpoint.

I got too much on right now to format my XP and got a spare drive lying around anyway.

Thx for the tips anyway !

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If you ask me, i think it isn't a SOundblaster problem.

I don't know much about Computer-stuff, but i concluded that i only saw people post this problem, whit a GEFORCE 4 or FX!

reading Kegetys topic, i think this problem has something to do with Memory or virtual memory.

I DO have the same problem when using jeep in 3d view.  When i replace my O.PBO addon to other addon dir, i can drive a bit further...but it still crashes after a while (not really sure about this, it looked like it). I've noticed that when driving it constantly loads the new scenes coming up, so after loading for a while it crashes..looks like memory problem.

The strange thing is, i had this problem before, and fixed it...can't remember how, but now i have a new monitor and changed my resolution in OFP.  The problem is back again.

I'm sure i played OFP good for few weeks with:

win XP

Geforce FX 5900 128Mb    v44.03

Soundblaster Audigy II    (i see i must update ;) )

AMD athlon 2000+

1024 Mb PC2700 DDR

on 1024x768;  detail on high

EDIT:i've a ASUS AV7333 mainboard with VIA KT333 chipset "VIAHyperion4in1448v"-driver-set:EDIT

When i changed to larger resolution the problem re-appeared

If only i can remember how i fixed it before... ghostface.gif



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JAP, I have the same problem.  It only crashes in Jeeps, Urals, Trucks, etc.  I'm not sure if it will only crash in 3rd person though.  Tanks, APCs, planes, and choppers all seem fine though.  There have been a few times when it's crashed when I'm on foot, but very rarely.  I sent an email to support but still haven't gotten a response.

Epox 8K5A2+  (Via KT333 chipset)

Audigy          (maybe that's our problem?)

Geforce 3 Ti200

Athlon XP 2000+

512MB PC2700

Via chipsets and Creative products usually have problems, but my setup is perfectly stable, except for OFP.

BTW I have the latest drivers for everything, except motherboard drivers cause those where unstable.  I have the latest BIOS.  And I have version 1.91.  I've had OFP for almost a year now, and never had a problem until a few months ago.


I've also tried AGP 2x and 1x but neither solved the problem.

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Hope 1.92 solves your problems.

About the suggestion for moving the addons.

I m using Kegetys' bootmanager, so i have no unofficial addons either in addons or res\addons so i doubt that s gonna change anything.

In each addon's folder, there's an "addOn"-folder which's content, when chosen in the OFP launcher, is added to the regular addon's folder. So if you have any Res/addOns in any addon's folder, move them to that folder's addOns subfolder instead.

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Hmmm, same problem here. Using a P4 3.0Ghz, ATI 9800Pro 128mb,AudigyII, 1024GbKingston DDR HyperX, Abit IC7-G.

OFPres at 1.91. It think iNeo is right, hope the 1.92 fix a lot.

I even can't run CAT's desert map crazy_o.gif ,

An other thing: anyone knows howcome i can run over 1Gb of addon on my old comp (AMD 1300, 768DDR,...?) and on my new one... ofp wan't start when i'm over +-800mb. mad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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The o.pbo thingy i had to try didn t work either.

Seems i had the o.pbo moved to addons folder already a while ago.

Strange thing is, i played ofp the whole evening and a big piece of the night without even crashing once ( yes we used alot of addons ). So as long as i stay in 1st person all is fine.

I think this is just weird it only crashes in 3rd or commandview ... very weird.

Didn t hear nothing anymore from BIS support either sad_o.gif


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Yesterday night on the coop night I noticed I have the same problem as you guys, except OFP reboots my PC instead of crashing to desktop. It was in 3rd person's view using helicopter.

New drivers didn't help, so I'm hoping for 1.92.

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I've also recently been experiencing crashes, most often in 3rd person view when in a tank.

In my case it's definitely a problem with the Creative Soundblaster Live! Value drivers. Wouldn't you know? The Windows XP crash dump revealed that the problem was caused by ctaud2k.sys, version (the latest one for Live! Value cards): DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

I'd better revert back to an older version, or disable HW sound, me think...


PS. Using Goeth's excellent sound pack by the way.

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