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The Iraq Thread 2

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Politics as usual. Now I remember why I've never registered with any political party.

oh yeah!

"don't vote - it only encourages them[politicians]" tounge_o.gif

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Politics as usual. Now I remember why I've never registered with any political party.

oh yeah!

"don't vote - it only encourages them[politicians]"  tounge_o.gif

We might be heading a little off topic, but I wish that was an option for me!

(Mandatory voting)

Oh well, I suppose it gives a much better form of democracy, a true representation of the entire population (of voting age).

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Politics as usual. Now I remember why I've never registered with any political party.

oh yeah!

"don't vote - it only encourages them[politicians]" tounge_o.gif

I ALLWAYS vote. You do know that you can register without registering for a party, right? wink_o.gif

It's the little box that says "Decline to State". For me it means - 'None' unclesam.gif

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Merry Christmas !

Here are some presents:

1. It appears that the Bush Administration has consistently misled the American public about Iraq ,

Uranium from Niger....

2. The Bush Administration's regressive environmental policies have lowered cleanliness standards for our air and water.

Bush record an environmental policies

3. Bush is underfunding education. The President cut $200 million from his own No Child Left Behind Act, eliminating crucial educational programs for lower income children and cutting professional training for more than 20,000 teachers.

Bush´s educational mess.

4. The Bush Administration's Patriot Act

Patriot act

5. Bush's Tax Cuts only benefit the rich.

Money for the rich

6. 3.3 million jobs (93,000 in August of 2003 alone) have been lost since Bush took office--more than the last 11 Presidents combined.

Lost jobs

7. Bush is underfunding homeland security

Homeland security

Merry X-mas people of the USA.

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Merry Christmas !

Here are some presents:.....

<Insert left-wing propaganda here>

Merry X-mas people of the USA.

I'm not Bush 's biggest fan, but when someone links to 7 different websites, which all consist of 100% ultra-left wing propaganda, I have to chuckle a bit.


Really dude...things aren't that bad here.

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Uh... I wouldn't regard all those sites as ultra-leftwing.

Even if some of them are fairly liberal, those like the ACLU are very well respected organizations (well at least amongst liberals). I guess it depends on where your biases are.

If I was a conservative I probably would regard the ACLU as a communist organization that is out to destroy America with sinister agendas with all their damned civil rights lawyers.

At any rate much of the same info you can find on mainstream press reports if you dig around enough. The BBC has put out tons of scathing reports on the Bush administration for example.

And yeah, things are that bad.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]which all consist of 100% ultra-left wing propaganda

erm.. pls could you tell me where the propaganda is on that pages ?

The only things I see are facts. Facts introduced by the GWBA.

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Politics as usual. Now I remember why I've never registered with any political party.

oh yeah!

"don't vote - it only encourages them[politicians]"  tounge_o.gif

I ALLWAYS vote. You do know that you can register without registering for a party, right?  wink_o.gif

It's the little box that says "Decline to State". For me it means - 'None'   unclesam.gif

i went for independent. wink_o.gif

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Merry Christmas !

Here are some presents:.....

<Insert left-wing propaganda here>

Merry X-mas people of the USA.

I'm not Bush 's biggest fan, but when someone links to 7 different websites, which all consist of 100% ultra-left wing propaganda, I have to chuckle a bit.


Really dude...things aren't that bad here.

Please dont feel attacked. We all know that this forum is mostly anti-TBA but as you experienced it is relatively open-minded as well (and polite I hope! wink_o.gif ).

To a certain extent I must agree, those articles are slightly left-wing. There is a lot to read in between the lines! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board has concluded that his 2003 State of the Union address included information about Iraq's weapons program that wasn't checked carefully, a source involved in the investigation and findings said Wednesday.

CIA Director George Tenet took responsibility this summer for allowing the information to make it into the presidential address, but the new report suggests the White House bears responsibility too.

"No one checked their facts carefully," said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It was a mistake that propagated itself. They should have known better to check and ask more questions about the information."

In an effort to draw support for waging war with Iraq, Bush told the nation in his January speech: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

The source said the report concludes there was no intention to deceive; instead it was "a goof" as the administration searched for examples to share with the public of why the United States believed Iraq was attempting to build a nuclear program.

The Bush administration initially defended the inclusion of the sentence under pressure to explain how the speech was written based on information that was known to be unreliable.

After Ambassador Joe Wilson, who had been sent on mission to Niger to investigate the claim, said publicly it was false, the White House acknowledged in July that the line should not have been included in Bush's speech.

The president's Foreign Intelligence Advisory board, which gives confidential advice and reports to Bush, was asked by the White House to investigate how the information made its way into his speech.


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Nah... that's just what they refer to as: "Dammage Control."

I think they knew full well that the intel on that report was shaky. They just got caught using it that's all. The media still hasn't nailed the Bush administration for using all the crap intel from Chalabi's "informants" that the administration relied so heavily upon. Well the PBS show "Frontline" really nailed Bush on that. Unfortunately most Americans don't watch that show and conservatives call it a lying liberal news show. Personally I believe it's one of the most professional investigative news shows that I've ever seen. On their show concerning these lies, they had a huge list of people from various intelligence and government agencies all basically saying that Bush lied except for those still in his administration who were defending him.

Their interview with Chalabi was especially interesting. OMG that guy is such a lying little weasel!!! I don't know what some Washington politicians see in him.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yeah right. The uranium claims were already directly dismissed by the IAEA after they first were made, well before the state of the union speech. Powell for instance had it in his presentation and it was a well-known fact already then that the report was forged.

For some reason however, the media never took any real interest in that until a couple of months after the state of the union speech.

Also, I find the whole thing a bit absurd as it's only one of something like 500 bogus WMD claims made by the Bushites.

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Hmm around 2002 theyre was a little scandal that never got much media attention involving G.W Bush and Kenneth lay i think.Not sure what it was about ,but i know the case was stopped after that Bush refused to give out certain information .Think it had to do with the Enron affair.Hopefull Bush his popularity will drop enough to have some investigation's of what he did as "bussinessman".

Quote[/b] ]Please dont feel attacked. We all know that this forum is mostly anti-TBA but as you experienced it is relatively open-minded as well (and polite I hope! ).

To pick axe: I seen ton's of forums where a discussion on this was even impossible due to imminent flame-wars.This thread is a marvelous in comparison to that ,it's relativly open minded and constructive.I'm sure that if you will make solid fundamented point's then they will be analysed relativly fairly.

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Hmm around 2002 theyre was a little scandal that never got much media attention involving G.W Bush and Kenneth lay i think.Not sure what it was about ,but i know the case was stopped after that Bush refused to give out certain information .Think it had to do with the Enron affair.

Yep. Enron was one of Bush's energy policy "advisors". All the corporate crooks hang out together I guess.

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Listen all of the socialist in here, pretty much everyone who is either european or a liberal american which nearly includes everyone, i have a few messages for you guys:

Europeeins: Get off your high horse and quit thinking you guys are as great as you once were and you can't do anything without America

France: You guys are no longer a world power, get used to it. infact according the Cmdr. Richard Marcinko SEAL 6, US Navy ret. you can't even actively fight alongside American soldiers anymore because you are technological inadvanced. You guys fell from the sky the day Hitler marched to Paris today you've become a mere shadow of what you once were you have no gut and are always depending on AMericans to bail you out the reason you frenchie french men do not want us to succeed is because we're going to broadcast French weapons illegally sold to Iraq

Germany: You guys have issues I thikn it is funny tht you still have to have violence editted out from your computer gaming because you might go berzerk and chase down and kill everyone who isn't aryan you really need some help i mean i understand you guys lost wwii, you put up a good fight but in the end it was futile once America joined but it's been what what i think is funny is that you have jumped from almost one extreme to the other you gone from militant lunatics to peacenik weenies

Russia: you guys should have learned your lesson form the Cold War

England: my tommy cousins i like you guys i really do but your sun has set on your once great empirewe have the torch to light the world now and you all must recognize that

Summary: Europe you've got some problems. you guys are one step above communism with your socialist agendas, your jealous that the colonies are wealthier happier and flat out don't need you anymore you know the US supported Saddam at one time, but we supported Saddam to stop a greater evil Iran, much as we did together in WWII, supportting Stalin to defeat Hitler but much like the collapse of the soviet union, Iraq has fallen even though our support of Iran's downfall is a little late The one major thing i don't understand is, this maybe a little off topic, we have some racist issues over here i understand that, but what do you guys have against Jews, i'm not a jew but that doesn't mean i'm gonna run out and kill one that is sick and for the libearl AMericans, listen you don't like it here in America, leave and join the titanic, I mean Europe, sorry guys didn't mean to offend anyone

P.S. Their are a great deal of european nations i support, mainly east europe, the peoples that western europe tends to look down on, you guys realy understand what it is to live under terror and are giving 110% to bring terror to an end in this world, And Spain i include you guys too, you've been very helpful as for mainly frnce russia and germany get out of our way, unlike you America is making progress

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Speaking as a conservative American, I'd have to say that entire post was uncalled for. rock.gif

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Politics as usual. Now I remember why I've never registered with any political party.

oh yeah!

"don't vote - it only encourages them[politicians]" tounge_o.gif

I ALLWAYS vote. You do know that you can register without registering for a party, right? wink_o.gif

It's the little box that says "Decline to State". For me it means - 'None' unclesam.gif

i went for independent. wink_o.gif

You do realize that "independent" is a party right? wink_o.gif

You are a registered member of the independent party. biggrin_o.gif

Take a look at their stance on the issues!


They actually sound very conservative.

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Listen all of the socialist in here, pretty much everyone who is either european or a liberal american which nearly includes everyone, i have a few messages for you guys:

Europeeins: Get off your high horse and quit thinking you guys are as great as you once were and you can't do anything without America

France: You guys are no longer a world power, get used to it. infact according the Cmdr. Richard Marcinko SEAL 6, US Navy ret. you can't even actively fight alongside American soldiers anymore because you are technological inadvanced. You guys fell from the sky the day Hitler marched to Paris today you've become a mere shadow of what you once were you have no gut and are always depending on AMericans to bail you out the reason you frenchie french men do not want us to succeed is because we're going to broadcast French weapons illegally sold to Iraq

Germany: You guys have issues I thikn it is funny tht you still have to have violence editted out from your computer gaming because you might go berzerk and chase down and kill everyone who isn't aryan you really need some help i mean i understand you guys lost wwii, you put up a good fight but in the end it was futile once America joined but it's been what what i think is funny is that you have jumped from almost one extreme to the other you gone from militant lunatics to peacenik weenies

Russia: you guys should have learned your lesson form the Cold War

England: my tommy cousins i like you guys i really do but your sun has set on your once great empirewe have the torch to light the world now and you all must recognize that

Summary: Europe you've got some problems. you guys are one step above communism with your socialist agendas, your jealous that the colonies are wealthier happier and flat out don't need you anymore you know the US supported Saddam at one time, but we supported Saddam to stop a greater evil Iran, much as we did together in WWII, supportting Stalin to defeat Hitler but much like the collapse of the soviet union, Iraq has fallen even though our support of Iran's downfall is a little late The one major thing i don't understand is, this maybe a little off topic, we have some racist issues over here i understand that, but what do you guys have against Jews, i'm not a jew but that doesn't mean i'm gonna run out and kill one that is sick and for the libearl AMericans, listen you don't like it here in America, leave and join the titanic, I mean Europe, sorry guys didn't mean to offend anyone

P.S. Their are a great deal of european nations i support, mainly east europe, the peoples that western europe tends to look down on, you guys realy understand what it is to live under terror and are giving 110% to bring terror to an end in this world, And Spain i include you guys too, you've been very helpful as for mainly frnce russia and germany get out of our way, unlike you America is making progress

I obviously won't comment this load of incoherent rubbish point by point. I'll just say that this post only confirms that America would be better off spending money on basic education for its population rather than on military adventurism.

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since you obviously started flaming, no need to be nice. you know the rules and you willingly broke them. one week and 3 boxes.

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Hey Jare RP !

You don´t know much about history, policy and global affairs do you ?

If so you certainly know that

Quote[/b] ]you know the US supported Saddam at one time, but we supported Saddam to stop a greater evil Iran,

this is bs as the rest of your post is.

Why did the US support BOTH, Iraq and Iran, during the Iraq/Iran war if Iran was the greater evil ?

Will stop it here. Not worth commenting such an uninformed post.

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Don't make a fool of yourself, Jared LP. People like you are just making your country look bad to the rest of the world, which I know it really isn't.

It's great to be able to think critically.

Your post is resemblant of a stupid American kid who has never in his life cared about politics and is now taking a "stance" to the Iraq issue by patching together every piece of stereotype of The Rest Of The World that he has seen on South Park, Friends and sometimes mistakenly on Fox News, then frantically throwing them at us. You're not really cut out for this.


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Has any of the admins here done a ping check one Jare Rp to compare to other ip's for double logon checks?

I mean ,a person that posts his 1st post on a forum on the OT board is really suspicios.Most people join a forum to post on the On topic forum's and only start to post on Off topic when they are a regular member.I been moderator on other boards and from my expierence with ping check's on double logons ,people that post their 1st post in OT and definatly in a debating thread on thing's like Iraq are in 95% of the cases people that are regular on the forum but make a DL to start a rant withought compremising their main profile.

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Listen all of the socialist in here, pretty much everyone who is either european or a liberal american which nearly includes everyone, i have a few messages for you guys:

Europeeins: Get off your high horse and quit thinking you guys are as great as you once were and you can't do anything without America

France: You guys are no longer a world power, get used to it. infact according the Cmdr. Richard Marcinko SEAL 6, US Navy ret. you can't even actively fight alongside American soldiers anymore because you are technological inadvanced. You guys fell from the sky the day Hitler marched to Paris today you've become a mere shadow of what you once were you have no gut and are always depending on AMericans to bail you out the reason you frenchie french men do not want us to succeed is because we're going to broadcast French weapons illegally sold to Iraq

Germany: You guys have issues I thikn it is funny tht you still have to have violence editted out from your computer gaming because you might go berzerk and chase down and kill everyone who isn't aryan you really need some help i mean i understand you guys lost wwii, you put up a good fight but in the end it was futile once America joined but it's been what what i think is funny is that you have jumped from almost one extreme to the other you gone from militant lunatics to peacenik weenies

Russia: you guys should have learned your lesson form the Cold War

England: my tommy cousins i like you guys i really do but your sun has set on your once great empirewe have the torch to light the world now and you all must recognize that

Summary: Europe you've got some problems. you guys are one step above communism with your socialist agendas, your jealous that the colonies are wealthier happier and flat out don't need you anymore you know the US supported Saddam at one time, but we supported Saddam to stop a greater evil Iran, much as we did together in WWII, supportting Stalin to defeat Hitler but much like the collapse of the soviet union, Iraq has fallen even though our support of Iran's downfall is a little late The one major thing i don't understand is, this maybe a little off topic, we have some racist issues over here i understand that, but what do you guys have against Jews, i'm not a jew but that doesn't mean i'm gonna run out and kill one that is sick and for the libearl AMericans, listen you don't like it here in America, leave and join the titanic, I mean Europe, sorry guys didn't mean to offend anyone

P.S. Their are a great deal of european nations i support, mainly east europe, the peoples that western europe tends to look down on, you guys realy understand what it is to live under terror and are giving 110% to bring terror to an end in this world, And Spain i include you guys too, you've been very helpful as for mainly frnce russia and germany get out of our way, unlike you America is making progress

Where do these people come from? tounge_o.gif

Someone skipped many history lessons and clearly has something against europeans. crazy_o.gif

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