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Map size?

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Hey there, I noticed something in Visitor - when cou create a new map, you can select the map size.... what does this mean? Say if I make a 512x512 map, will it be four times as big as a normal map? Or will it just have a higher terrain resolution?

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I guess, I made it 1024 x 1024, it seemed kinda big. Now, if I could only figure out everything else...

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AFAIK 512 x 512 should be 51.2 km x 51.2 km, so in theory we can make real life sized islands

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Actaully the original 12.8 x 12.8km islands are 256x256, so that makes 512x512 just 25.6km.....

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Actaully the original 12.8 x 12.8km islands are 256x256, so that makes 512x512 just 25.6km.....

Well i wasn't sure about the actual size, but I knew that it should be bigger than original!

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Does decreasing the square size mean that you could make a very small island with trenches and ditches and gullies and craters?

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In the system preferences (bulldozer settings) you can adjust the standard size per grid cell (it's 50 by default). If you use a 512^2 or a 1024^2 grid you can either make the map bigger, or you can just make it more detailed! As 1024^2 has some hefty memory requirements (there were some demo maps some month ago proving that it was possible), I recommend using 512 max. This already allows for smoother terrain or alternatively for maps of four times the original map size. Just remember: these maps need also four times the work of a normal island...

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