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Major Fubar

Static workaround for wheeled vehicles

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Since the current OFP engine has restrictions such as wheeled vehicles being unable to fire guided AA/AT missiles etc., why don't addon makers, as a workaround, create static versions of the vehicles? Things like AA versions of Humvees, LAVs etc. Also, they could keep their O2 model for future OFP versions that would allow full animation...

OK, I admit, it's not the same as having a fully functional vehicle, but IMHO, I think it's better than nothing - what do the rest of you think?

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well, i think it would be ok on AA vehicles, i think it would be kinda pointless to have a LAV or something that is static just so it can have a AT missle

would rather have one that works and doesnt have a AT missile

would there be a way to have it like fire a bullet then change the bullet into a missile?? anyone ever thought of that

i have no idea if that could be done or not though

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model whatever kind of vehicle you want, then configure it as an M113 class and u would be able to fire anything.

BTW, u dont need to have tracks, but u would need to use the rotating axle as wheels, then change the necessary selection names to that of the M113. It can be done and has been done. Would be interesting to see what other vehicles can pop out of the woodwork of an active brain. smile_o.gif

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BTW, u dont need to have tracks, but u would need to use the rotating axle as wheels, then change the necessary selection names to that of the M113. It can be done and has been done. Would be interesting to see what other vehicles can pop out of the woodwork of an active brain. smile_o.gif

I believe the problem there is that even with the rotating axles as wheels, it will still behave like a treaded vehicle. The front wheels cannot change their alignment like with wheeled vehicles when making a turn. Instead, the vehicle would turn by having the wheels on one side rotate backwards, and the wheels ion the other rotate forwards.

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PicVert from SwissMod has released an excellente Piranha TOW using this sistem, and works flawlessly, I think that this is the better solution and could work great.

Is time for an avenger, a TOW Hummer, and a LAV.

You could grab the Piranha TOW (basically a LAV AT for you americans) at http://ofp.gamezone.cz

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but it acts like a tank though?

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Yes, but this is not a jeep but a IFV in an AT role, i dont know if th piranha do it, but the centauro can counter the rotation of each side of track to turn in smaller radius, like a tank.

You wont have the turning wheel animation, but it will be the best solution.

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I think its a good idea. We can work around the visual aspects, and if you dont like it dont use or download it.

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i believe the proxy thing from Klink isnt tested on wheeled vehicles yet so it might be posible biggrin_o.gif

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But you wont had a true missile, you cant create a missile from a wheeld vehicle, so you had to use the m113 class to recreate this ability.

And yes, for pseudo proxis of missiles showing on any ground vehicle you had to use the ColKlink method, like the rapier from SwissMod.

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Edit - Sorry, I posted at the same time as Viriato above -

don't want to step on anyone's toes.

Quote[/b] ]Vixer - I believe the proxy thing from Klink isnt tested on wheeled vehicles yet so it might be posible  

I was trying this out on a SA-9 Gaskin that I was playing

around with (while getting multiple missile types onto planes),

and as soon as you put the line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">simulation=shotMissile;

(or you derive from an AT3, etc)

into the CfgAmmo, then the weapons stop working - I think

the Car class just doesn't have the missile guidance code

linked in at the OFP engine level - I hope I was doing

something dumb, and someone will correct me. I managed

to get the missile to diappear from the model (using

setobjecttexture), and when the missile hit it produced a

nice explosion, but there was no hint of guidance -

in essence it became a simple shell. Getting the missile

to appear in flight should be do-able as well, I think.

This is what I came up with so far:

1) Derive from Tank instead - like the Swiss Mod. It works,

but when you're stopped and move left and right, the 'car'

turns on the spot. If real wheeled-IFV's do this, then we're


2) Derive from Tank again, but add some custom animations

that turn the front wheels axially. You would then

have to stop the tank turning on the spot as well, which

could be hard, but may be possible with the steering vars in

the config.

3) Use the (towing script) method of putting two

separate addons together and have them travel around

with each other (using a getpos _body, setpos _turret) in

combination. The main problem I can forsee with that, is that

we would also have to co-ordinate the damage between the

two chunks, and that the driver and gunner wouldn't be in

the same vehicle: the driver in the 'Car' body would not be

the same driver as in the 'Tank' turret.

4) Create an 'empty' tank object when firing, and launch from

that - but you would have to co-ordinate the targetting


5) Just have un-guided missiles on the cars - basically a

'revved-up' bullet (or unguided rocket) would be fired instead.

6) Maybe, just maybe, we could inherit the turret sections

in the tank model into a car model via CfgModels-in the same

way that prop-planes inherit the Cessna spinning propeller. Or

inherit the turning front wheels from the car into a tank

model. This is left as an exercise for the reader wink_o.gif, as steam

starts coming out of my ears whenever I have to play around

with CfgModels.

6) Wait for OFP2  tounge_o.gif

I'm sure wiser heads than mine have considered more tricks

than this, but we need a 'break-through' if we're going to get

a solution.

BTW - The Piranha is _very_ nice.

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Stalker @ June 16 2003,19:16)]I think it should be AA only.


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Sorry, I wasn't clear, my bad - in order for the missile

launched from the Gaskin to be a SAM/AA, it has to be

derived from the AT3 in order to be a 'guided' missile. When I

was  working on this, I 'unwrapped' the SA9Missile class to the

point where it became clear that the 'simulation=shotMissile'

line was the one causing the problem when the

SA9MissileLauncher weapon was placed on the Gaskin.

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If you tow two vehicles via script, the "base" vehicle has strange behaviour, moves slowly. (is up to the collision detection system).

This is not a major setback in the case of a big ship or similar, but a serious problem if you want to simulate a sistem based on a Humwee for example.

If you go to the solution that creates a tank where the car is, you`ll had to switch to fire mode via radio or action menu, and the A.I. will not be able to do it by itself.

Correct me if i am mistaked.

I think that the best solution is to use the m113 class, and asume its limitation, if you are able to create a good recreation using CfgClass you are going to make a lot of happy people over here.

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I think Col Klinks method would work just fine.

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what method might this be.

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Define your turret, cant have rotating missile proxies, so model your missile to the turret and have it disappear when you shoot a missile using hidden selections

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