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Code the amos..

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We in sfp are working on a AMOS and i know DKM had some project with it and so on. But i wonder, how to code it best?

Suggestion would be nice. My idea so far is to make like a standard tank, and check if it moves. If it moves add some velocity to the "bullet". So it will have a great cannon and accuary except if it moves.

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AMOS would be really nice addition to fire support. Let's see if we from FDFMOD could help you... atleast discuss something about AMOS smile_o.gif

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I think an AMOS mortor system would be most useful in OFP if it was scripted to work in both direct and indirect fire. Indirect could be called a forward observer in the group. The new 120mm STRYX smart munition should be very accurate and lethal if used in OFP. rock.gif

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Would it be possible to simulate those munitions which break into smaller ones when descending? Anyway, I think the whole AMOS thing will be very difficult to handle, regarding the usual OFP indirect fire problems ...

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I still stand by the thing I suggested a few weeks ago on IRC..with real flying shells instead of scripting... we need some more discussion on that though...

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Yes ofp is real limited on the indirect fire support role and like sole i would prefer real shells flying.

I hope FDFMOD will get deeply involed since their great skills in codning and using ofp to the max.

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cam0: Submunitions -- yes, it is possible to do submunition effects in OFP. The problems are merely ones of implementation (CPU load, lethality, MP spoofing).

Firing while moving:

The DKM folks didn't want the M109 firing while moving, and I agree with them. What I do right now is the following: the control script usually keeps the artillery in "AWARE" (Turned out" mode, and the CPP only allows turret operation when turned in. If the howitzer goes out of "AWARE", I remove the fuel and it is direct fire. Just in case a human crew gets some nutty ideas, a "FIRED" EH that deletes the shell if the vehicle is moving completes the package.

Flying shells, and indirect fire as a whole:

It is possible, and it can work for the AMOS. We are approaching the dawn of a new era for indirect fire in OFP.

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Run Dinger RUN!!

I am waiting this like a child waits for cristmas nigth!


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Not sure about the M109 but the AMOS can fire on the move for mostly selfdefense. Not a big thing if it have to be "removed" since you should stand still, thats why i like to add some strange velocity if it moves so it probaly miss the tank with 3-5 meters and get toasted (crew learn leasson and it is just a game)

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That's easy too then.

Quick and dirty fired EH:

_shell = NearestObject [_This select 0, _this select 4]

_amos = _this select 0

_vel = velocity _shell

_velx = _vel select 0

_vely = _vel select 1

_velz = _vel select 2

if speed _amos > 2 goto "onthemove"



_amosvel = velocity _amos

_amosvx = _amosvel select 0

_amosvy = _amosvel select 1

_amosvz = _amosvel select 2

_newvx = random (sqrt _amosvx)

_newvy = random (sqrt _amosvy)

_newvz = random (sqrt _amosvz)

_newvx = _newvx^2

_newvy = _newvy^2

_newvz = (_newvz)^2

_velx = _velx + (_newvx * (_amosvx/abs(_amosvx)))

_vely = _vely + (_newvy * (_amosvy/abs(_amosvy)))

_velz = _velz + (_newvz * (_amosvz/abs(_amosvz)))

_shell setvelocity [_velx, _vely, _velz]

that otta mess things up

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I just realized that the AMOS could not be done using the Patria XA or AMV series base, because OFP doesn't support "optical sights" in wheeled vehicles sad_o.gif

Well, Swedish mods could mount them on CVs ...

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cam0flage, it still can be mounted on a xa180.. no problem. and since it mostly will use some strange scripts for aming and stuff no optical scope will be needed.. i guess ;)

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This may sound stupid but what is an "AMOS" exactly? smile_o.gif

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CV90 system AMOS with twin 120 mm breech loaded mortars. The mortars use standard mortar rounds including STRIX homing anti-tank rounds. The mortars can be elevated from +85 to -5 degrees and can thus be used for direct fire, like a self propelled gun.

AMOS is being developed jointly by Hägglunds Vehicle of Sweden and Patria Vehicles (makers of the SISU) of Finland.

The artillery components of the armored and mechanized battalions are equipped with 120 mm mortars (which have replaced the 105 mm howitzers used previously), largely because of the very efficient anti-armor homing STRIX ammo. If the Swedish Army decide to buy the CV90 AMOS it would be an immense boost to the battalion level indirect fire and anti-tank capability.


An armor-piercing STRIX round from a 120 mm mortar, which could be hiding behind a forest or a hill several kilometers away, has just hit this tank from above

From: http://www.wendel.se/rswa/cv90derivat.htm

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and amos is just the "turrnet". As seen on those pictures it can be mounted on a cv90 (that i making) or a xa180 (like finland plan) or even small patrol boats. And the USA is now looking into it so maybe in the future it will be on the m2a2. And i hope we will make a working amos turnet that can be "copied" to other vehicles without so much work.

EDIT: Ohh and amos is: Advanced MOrtar System.

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