remo 2 Posted May 29, 2003 Yes the Bm-21 is actually a BMP, and it fires a grenade set to have a range and a model of a rocket. That's why it moves as a tanks and that the front wheels don't turn. I was just able to make the wheel rolling when it run, but I have a error message that I couldn't remove. Also my aim (and same for the field gun) was to have a parabollic indirect fire + long range artillery system and I am quite happy of what I made (according to what my poor skills allow me) because it works (more or less) and the guns or BM-21 can be put behind a forest/batiment and fire to units far away. PFC_mike is right saying it should have more beta testing... and also some people more skilled than me who could fixed the bug. Thus if someone want to make it better, I will be the first to be please because I reached a limit and so I edit this pack. Now I am going to work on Taliban and NVA pack back upgarding them and (hopefully) pushing a little bit farer my limit, and then I'll be back on NorthKorean mod Remo (by the way my page moved here :here) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted May 29, 2003 I'd say not to use inquisitors weapons, try to minimize the addons needed to run this pack. Inquisitors weapons wouldn't fit since NK's tactics it huge human waves etc. etc. And inquisitors weapons lags your game up. But i hope you ask Sigma6 for permission to use his upcoming tanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted May 29, 2003 Sounds good Remo. Yeah probably best to take a break from the North Korean stuff for awhile so you don't get burnt out on it. But I hope you get more help from other addon makers. Also please check out that link someone posted on how to make the AA missiles disappear after firing. Oh... and I should add, that the NVA stuff is cool, but it would be difficult I think to top the NVA soldiers that are in the SEB Nam pack. Unless it's better then the ones in the SEB NAM pack, I don't think many people would use it. However the SEB NAM pack is missing NVA aircraft and NVA armor. So you might want to concentrate on working on NVA vehicles and aircraft that could may even perhaps become part of an official SEB air or SEB armor pack. At any rate, I do very much also look forward to new versions of the Afghan pack. I use that Afghan pack all the time in my missions that I'm currently working on. So if it can be made better then that would be fantastic! Keep up the awesome work!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remo 2 Posted May 29, 2003 oh no, don't worry, I won't make a NVA soldier pack, it has been already made and very good made, and I don't have the pretention to make something equal or even better than the SEBNAMPAck2. I just adapted some vehicles for NVA like T55, T34, Jeep or truck and I'd like to try some things like that, always using the sebnampackcrew. Or things like AEON did like ricepaddy or temple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Gripe 0 Posted May 29, 2003 disregard this post i was just being lazy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted May 30, 2003 Overall I would say a very good attempt to make a campaign with great addons. As already stated above there are some bugs. The bugs that aren't mentioned yet: some of the missions can't be loaded (in the editor) telling an error of preprocessor.........failed. I think this is because it is supposed to be a chain of missions and for right now they are loose like single missions. I.e. I couldn't load the NK14 mission. It'a shame! Would be the last one. The other bug is: when I call the Blackhawk for extraction it land and takes off immediately - impossible to anyone to board. What I liked very much: In the NK13 mission the patrols and guards are so well placed in the eastern part of the island that it's hard to pass by without beeing detected. I gives you a realistic feeling that this part of the island is still under NK control. I also liked very much the mission "go west" when a combined assault is launched with air support, tanks, bradley and infantry. This is another very realistic mission. Overall with a little bit more work and help from experienced addon makers this could be a splendid campaign. Good work Remo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remo 2 Posted June 1, 2003 It's good to see some people appreciate the work of addons and mission. I wanted to say that I found the fix for the Bm21 error msg bugs, that it is beeing updated, and that it will enable me to make a descent campaign of the missions. If some of you want to be beta tester you are welcome Remo OFP-D (new location) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 1, 2003 cool i know this is sort of offtopic but can u arm ur taliban soldiers with high dispersion aks and pks?? would make em alot better some suggestions make ur nothern alliance soldiers have groups place taliban units both on east and resistance like wat the makers of sdco/uce russian spec ops units did puting them both on east and reisistance. two reasons for this : 1 - is that there are alot of resistance addons that wont be able to fight taliban which participated in afghanistan e.g. the operation frencpoint soldiers, hk pack lost bros german soldiers 2 - u gave west, northern alliance soldiers so why dont u even it all out to have east, reisistance and west i love ur afghanistan pack, these are just suggestions of wat i want in them, im not demanding or anything , and dunno if ppl will agree with my suggestions its such a good pack and since ur working on them i thought ill say my two cents worth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianTerror 0 Posted June 1, 2003 @Remo If you need some beta testers, I'd like to help out. I think when you release a large pack of units, its a very good idea to have a few people nitpick through it and find out what issues can easily be solved beforehand instead of after the release(theres just too many units for just 1 person to test) email: [email protected] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remo 2 Posted June 2, 2003 Thanks CanadianTerror, I gonna mail you. For Ruff: 1. Well the decision for the side of NA soldier and taleb was done according to this - NorthernAlliance has always been supported by West (less than more) and always opposed to soviet. (expect at the end when russian fed. and Tadjikustant gave them support against Taliban). It has been allied with Taliban during Afganwar - Taliban was first supported and armed by the US and today they are fighting US. They have been allied with other afgan mudjaideen - Soviet has always been against Taliban and against NorthernAlliance during afganwar. That is Taliban is the pivot which is changing side and it was the most usable way to reflect alliance and disalliance. Now, some people in Germany and in France decided to put their troops on resistance side. It is not accurate at all (Germany has full of US waeponery and France too), but I think we must thanks W.Bush for this and the anger against US he is responsible in this "old europe" country who just have the right to say yes when there is nothing the French love more than saying NO to US. But it is not accurate politicaly, and even if I am not a great addon maker, even if I am French, I like accuracy in that field. 2. Fort the hight dispertion. I never handle neither a AK47 nor a M16, but as far as I have been informed M16 sounds better in term of precision or power but it is more subject to jam or weaker than the old AK47. And it is for this reason I think the robust AK47 are the more spread weapon in the wolrd. But Also Afgany has fight with it for more than 20 year, they are making their own "homemade" AK47 from the original model, and more of that they have a rude fighting spirit. Also I think they know thier gun more than US troops with thier M16 and for longer time. I don't think they are easy rabbits to shoot. And at last... there're a lot of Ak47/74 addons and I am a little bit opposed to this weapon proliferation. Anyway, for side or config, you can just open the config.cpp in the addon and modified it with textpad, change the side=0/1/2 to have the soldier in the side you want or change their weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 2, 2003 thanks but ur taleb soldiers really shoot accurate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remo 2 Posted June 2, 2003 But I only gave them bis original AK47, do you mean they shot better than original Russian Soldiers or Resistance soldier ? If it's the case, I agree I should fix it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 3, 2003 well i use bas delta and rangers with full skills and those taleb are really good at shooting i think they have a quicker or longer engagement range thatn normal east soldiers not to sure though but they seem to be alot harder to kill than normal east soldiers i mean when im sniping them from a far distance they seem to be able to shoot me accurately thats y i usually have to find a some good cover as for nor east soldiers its easy for me to snipe them they wont be able to shoot back i think other ppl should put theyre imput with this one i read over the forum in the afgahnistan map that some guy created a mission where the taleb soldiers were just to good thats y he replaced the soldiers with the akhd's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted June 3, 2003 I'm glad to hear that you will be working on the campaign to get it to a polished level. Unfortunately I don't really have the time right now to help you out with beta-testing. Sorry, would do it if I could. But I will play the campaign as soon as it's done! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 4, 2003 Yeah in a mission I'm working on using the Afghan pack I also replaced all of their AK's with the BAS high dispersal AK's and even then they still were extremely deadly at close range. The Afghans are good fighters (both the NA and Taliban) but no matter what, the AK-47 has major limitations at longer range. Most battles in Afghanistan took place at fairly close quarters with the longer range PK (or PKM) machine gun, SVD sniper rifles, Lee Enfield .303 British rifles, DShK machine guns, and other heavy weapons (like tanks, cannons, and rockets) used for medium to long range engagements. Please trust me, your current Taliban are much too accurate at medium to long range engagements with West forces at least with the AK. Bibmi's African militia addon have the best example of good high dispersal weapons. I highly recommend that you contact him and ask to use his high-dispersal weapon pack as they are very good. Not only is it more realistic, it also enables engagements to last MUCH longer when, for example, both the NA and Taliban are both fighting each other with HD AK's. I was just working on a French mission with Bibmi's African militia pack and often I would see the African government forces and the African rebel forces assault each other at extremely close quarters in very fierce combat. Using normal BIS weapons, this almost never happens and firefights are over within 30 seconds. With the HD weapons, firefights often last for 10 minutes and are much more intense. Those of you who have played missions based on the SEB NAM2 Vietnam pack know what I mean. At any rate, when I used the BAS HD AK with your Taliban forces against the BAS troops, your Taliban forces still sometimes killed all of the attacking BAS soldiers in urban combat (on the CAT Afghan map) where they fire on full-auto at close range. In other words HD weapons don't mean that they aren't deadly. At close range they are VERy deadly. However it is more realistic in long-range engagments for simulating the characteristics of the AK-47. The AK-47 I believe is a superior weapon then the M-4/M-16 for close quarters combat because they don't jam easily and use a nice big .30 caliber round that causes alot of dammage when it hits a person. However for engagments over 200 meters the M-4/M-16A2 is the better weapon due to it's lower recoil and vastly superior accuracy. This is especially true for M-4's and M16's equipped with optical sights. As a compromise you could only include high dispersal AK's and leave the PK alone because the PK machine gun is a more accurate and longer range weapon then the AK. It is roughly the equivalent of the M60 machine gun. The same goes for the SVD sniper rifle which is generally regarded as being deadly in the hands of an experienced marskman out to a range of 600-800 meters. So hopefully you will carefully consider this and make a good judgement. If you decide not to use HD weapons, then that is ok. Mission makers can just remove their weapons and put in HD weapons from other weapon packs. However this means that players will have to download more addons then should be necessary. But whatever you decide is fine by me as I think your addons overall are truly excellent and I am just happy to be able to enjoy them! Thank you again for all your hard work Remo! It is very much appreciated!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 4, 2003 thanks miles teg needed someone to confirm thos taleb soldiers were just too good but i tell which units are way better at shooting?? lost bros hk pack.........too dam accurate im scared to shoot them 500m to 1km away and im the sniper!!! remo the afghan pack still rocks i just equip them with hd aks coz they still shoot accurate with their skill level right down i think its thyre range or detection dunno anything about makin units so... not sure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted June 4, 2003 Yeah, both taleb soldiers and the ones from HK pack are too good. Especially when they engage you only with ironsights-equiped weapon at 500+ meters. Â And then they hit you after 5-6 shots.... That's certainly not possible in reality! One more thing: as far as I know engagement range is dependant on weapon type, not unit class definition. Can anybody confirm this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remo 2 Posted June 4, 2003 all right I am convinced I heared good arguments and in the next upgrade of Taleb and NA Soldiers I will give them reconfig weapon wiht HD. Thx ! Remo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 4, 2003 hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy i could cry!!!!!!! thanks remo!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 4, 2003 Yeeeh Haaaa!! Â Any chance for a face (and no hat) with General Dostum?? Hehehe... he's my favorite Northern Alliance commander. Â I really like the Masoud face and the Osama Bin Laden face although the Masoud face looks a little like a mask I think because the neck color doesn't match the face color. At any rate, that's wonderful that they'll have HD weapons. That should make for nice, long and intense battles. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DracoPaladore 0 Posted June 4, 2003 Just a question..where can I get the dprkpack2 to play this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PFC_Mike 2 Posted June 5, 2003 Marksmanship was not a skill frequently taught to the Mujadin...or the Soviets, for that matter. At this point, 99% of the ppl playing OFP who possess internet connections have the BAS Deltas/Rangers so it's no big deal to give the afghans the BAS AK47HD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 5, 2003 wat do u mean in single playa they kill u like no tommoproow even bas soldiers dont have chance when theyre assaulting and some ppl never play multiplayer like me dunno wat u mean by it doesnt matter the units are too accurate at shooting at very long ranges u try play the the current taleb soldiers with the normal settings they engage better than normal bis russian soldiers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 5, 2003 Relax Ruff... Remo already said that he will include HD weapons so don't worry about it. That problem will be fixed. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted June 5, 2003 i know i know i already did it myself manually changed all the vechiles all the taleb soldiers to east side and all have hd weapons its pretty easy thought it was going to be hard im still going to dl the new version though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites