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What would you like to see in ofp2

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Jan. 31 2003,22:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Laying down in a chopper or sitting on the edge to snipe as it flies.

Really really good sounds.

Ability to shoot somewhat accurately while running.<span id='postcolor'>

Then I think Delta Force - Black hawk down is just the game for you.

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It would be nice to have a carrier mode in the campaigns, like becoming Leutnant or Officer etc. which will decrease your skills like being faster or being stronger against bullets or just give you a rank, which you deserve in the campaigns depending on how good you are in it.

And when you are injured so you cannot walk, you should automaticly scream mama and medic and another one should be able to to take you on his back and carry you to the medic tent.

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The single most important feature I want to see in Flashpoint 2 is: maximum scaleability of performance.

The game should be designed from the ground up to work well on the average PC, not force you to buy a 3 Gigahertz Pentium 4 and Geforce FX card with 256 meg of onboard memory.

I have Flashpoint GOTY edition and, after a bit of tweaking, have gotten it to work fine on my system (850 MHz Athlon, 256Mb RAM, Radeon 7500), but it was a bit of a struggle - the autodetect feature in Preferences wasn't much of a help.

I really hope the developers play close attention to making sure that Flashpoint 2 can work smoothly with the average system of 2005, or whenever the game is released.

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how about multiple language support when it is released? some far east fans seem to miss that.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (pjsmith @ Feb. 02 2003,03:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The single most important feature I want to see in Flashpoint 2 is: maximum scaleability of performance.

The game should be designed from the ground up to work well on the average PC, not force you to buy a 3 Gigahertz Pentium 4 and Geforce FX card with 256 meg of onboard memory.

I have Flashpoint GOTY edition and, after a bit of tweaking, have gotten it to work fine on my system (850 MHz Athlon, 256Mb RAM, Radeon 7500), but it was a bit of a struggle - the autodetect feature in Preferences wasn't much of a help.

I really hope the developers play close attention to making sure that Flashpoint 2 can work smoothly with the average system of 2005, or whenever the game is released.<span id='postcolor'>

yea i got similar specs and half the maps people make online are made by someone with a 2000gz or sumthing and no thought for how lower enders will cope. I find a many of the chain of command maps ive tried also run too slow for my 850mhz, i need an upgrade sad.gif so hard to find a place to by just a cpu,i hate shoppin online.

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this has been said many times before and i don't need to say it but sleep is boring as is tommorow so -

Improved flight model (reaslism option wind, vortex etc.) and the ability to have many gun postions on vehicles and have people being able to stand in moving vehicles so they can shoot or jump out or whatever, also make a wider range of damage for vehicles and soldiers, incapacitated and limping etc.

Add a lot more waypoints to the mission editor and make more options availible in the editor without scripting. Also try to make the whole gameplay a bit more dynamic - for example when a soldier is placed on the map he won't stand there looking forever into space - he will look around him in case people are sneaking up on him etc. Give the AI functons like retreat, combat search and rescue which they will do to the maximum ability by commandering free (civvie) vehicles to make their functions faster and more efficient.

So you could have 70 units on each side in a small area fighting, supporting fire, logistics, CSAR, medivacs coming in (using cars if neccesary), if they come under heavy fire they might disperse - regroup and counter attack all on their own while the enemy believes that they are retreating and are loading up into vehicles their MGs and are therefore more vulnerable. Also get AI soldiers to utilize weaponry better - Law soldier dies then a soldier should replace him which doesn't seem to happen now. If supporting fire is needed the AI should utilize dead soldiers weaponry and if they think the enemy is retreating they might lose self control with a poor leader and just open fire full auto at the guys running away and they will run out of ammo. AI should also be able to call available support when they feel they are losing the battle.

Realistic ammo loadouts and bullet sizes.

if any of this is possible, please implement it.

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ive seen a helecopter do an auto rotate, it went up quite high in a hover they cut off the power and just dropped straight down and made a nice soft landing.

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why did you bring up auto rotate?

Did i just mention it? i might have forgotten.

Was this in real life or in OFP?

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i think was in the wrong thread tounge.gif any way ive seen a chopper auto rotate in both ofp and reall life tounge.gif

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lol - i've only seen the ai jump out and usually go splat in ofp.

who was doing the nopower landing?

was it real or in training?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jinef @ Feb. 06 2003,01:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol - i've only seen the ai jump out and usually go splat in ofp.

who was doing the nopower landing?

was it real or in training?<span id='postcolor'>

ai cant do it a human has to, theres a thread sayin u can now autorotate in ofp heles.

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OK - more stuff that just dawned on me that I don't think has been included yet:

1. Ability to tell squad to either spread out or close up formations. Sometimes I'd like us all moving really close together (urban, forest terrain) and sometimes I'd really prefer it if the other guys were 5-10m from me, like when crossing open areas.

2. Standard Operating Procedures. By clicking an SOP radio channel, you'd pull up a list of a few really basic battle drills. One could be "cross danger area" where you'd click on the map/ground to indicate where the danger area was and two of your squad members would automatically take up security positions while the rest crossed over, and they'd meet up with you after you move 20m or so.

Other SOPs could be like "overwatch" (one unit moves while the other covers, then the covering unit moves up and the process repeats), "bounding overwatch" (one unit moves while the other covers, and then they switch places, so that the original covering unit moves forward while the other supports), "perimiter defense" (squad forms a circle, everyone pointing outwards), and others.

3. Vocal commands. I'd like to see some more vocalizations in the next OFP that don't come in over radio channels. For example, if you shoot at a squad of enemy troops, someone in that squad should shout "sniper" or "get down" or "Soldier, 5 o'clock" so that you'd actually hear a shout as the enemy forces react to you. Similarly, combat orders would also be shouted (like "FLANK RIGHT!" or "TAKE COVER!") whereas non-combat orders (like "Safe" or "Form line") would be in a normal tone. Right now the game seems kind of quiet. Combat, as some of you might now, is actually really, really loud.

As a part 3b, maybe you could indicate the unit's language when you add a unit into the editor. For example, if you load up a sniper for the East forces, it would default to Russian language. Through addons, possibly, or updates you might be able to change this in the future to English, Dutch or Swahili. So they'd all have the same basic vocalizations, but it would just be in a different language. So, if you had a German squad reacting to the attack mentioned above, they'd shout "Scharfschutze!" or something similar in reaction to your firing.

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A nice feature for OFP2 would be custom voice, to go with custom face.

I know you can probably do this now by messing around with files and stuff, but I would love to see it as a standard user feature.

If you chose to record your custom voice (your own voice), then you could get onscreen prompts of what to say, like "Under fire!" or "Damn, 2 is down".

The main drawback would be filesize in MP, I suppose.

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oops sorry placebo... i didn't see the other thread for OFP2 suggestions!!! confused.gif

Anyways... there are a few things i would like to see or abilities rather for modeling and scripting.

1. Wire cutters! That way you can get through fences and barbed-wire without having to run it over or blow it up with satchels (better stealth mode!wink.gif

2. Flash lights! (on guns, on soldiers hand held, and attachable to turrets or turretable static objects)

3. constructable bridges

4. Trailers (with ability to deploy carried machine guns and gun turrets on them)

For modeling of said trailers....

1. Have specific names in the Memory LOD where you can place on the trailer one vertice being the "point of attachment" and on another model that would pull the trailer "point of pull" so then you could line them up and then pull them...... maybe have several different types of "points of attachment" (heli transport, 5 ton truck pull, train cars, crane pulls, vehicle pull, or rope pull by soldiers)

2. have memory points for placing of the carried machine guns or cannons


1. The ability to get the vehicle's hieghts from the separate "land contact points" and be able to set the hieght (within tolerance of the distances of the points) or velocity of those points. So that pitch and banking could be achieved

2. The ability to have vehicles (or soldiers) follow specific paths or actual equations. Way points can achieve straight lines but not specific turns. Also have it in 3-D coordinates.... for example (in 2-D) a vehicle traveling the equation y=x^2 would travel in a parabolic path; maybe have a "link" command to link one equation to the another once the first path was completed (then precise flying paths could be made and possibly trains too) it can be done by set position and everything but it eats up lots of cpu

whew well ill stop there before i write a novel biggrin.gif

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What would I like?

1. Better comms... with a local "Talk" mode. I.e. have the sound of the person transmitting be projected from their characters mouth. So it makes the sound directional. This will allow you to call to people and not have to explain exactly what direction to look. I do not know if any game does this yet... but it must be possible. I know there are "set taunts" in some games... but I want to have free speech.

2. Do not remove any functions that are in OFP... just add more.

3. Me as a beta tester.. wink.gif

thx... Gonk

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The ability to animate the same named selection more than one time! and to be able to animate rotation points too.....

also give the option to have the command to perform the animation in the players menu or not biggrin.gif

that way you could have several animations together and not have a person's action menu filled up with commands that you call simultanously in scripts

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I have a suggestion for the Group Tab on the mission breifing. Simply put, instead of only being able to see the group, could we see the Team, and the people in the same vehicle as you?

If you click on the group tab, instead of seeing names right away, there would be:




You may think this is unnecessary, but it can prove quite useful.

This may not have much effect in the SP world, but in MP, it would do a great deal more for everyone.

Whenever I'm playing, I always come across bad communication. Just on simple things, like on a vehicle channel, I'll say "Who's pilot" and I get no reply. I figure before we take off it shouldn't be a problem, but maybe the pilot doesn't know what the orange text is. Or if were flying, I can't ask him to just reply to me while were in the air, it's a major inconvienence and can sometimes be risky.

Why would I like to know who the pilot is you ask? So I can direct a message right to him. If he doesn't understand that orange text is vehicle chat, then I can use his name to speak with him. I.E. Giving directions, locations, areas to avoid.

Why a team selection? Have you ever tried findout out the pilot of an AH-64 in MP? Asking him to help you? Like I said before, to by flying and have to reply, it's very inconviencing. If I could look at the whole team, and see who is piloting what, I can use the person's name in the message. It will most likely catch his eye instead of "Heli pilot" or "Ah-64". I know I recognize my name better when I'm not focusing on text than when someone says something different.

I would like to hear everyones opinions on this, and that this feature may be taken into consideration for further implementation.

PS: Even though this would be more for MP, I still posted it since it is generally for OFP.

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I'm not sure if anyone has suggest this earlier or not...but.....

it would be really reallllly reallllly nice if you could incorporate the use of headsets and microphones.

That way you could talk to your teamates or everyone without having to type during a battle. You could keep the options to talk to either your group, side, or global chat on the keyboard. It's a lot easier to tell them specific instructions and places to go or carry out certain actions!!

ohh....and the ability to jump too!


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bullz_eye_on_my_back @ Mar. 16 2003,17:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ohh....and the ability to jump too!<span id='postcolor'>

Have you ever seen a real life soldier jump while fully loaded down with weapons and ammo and pack and misc other crap they're loaded up with?

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Placebo got a good point.

I don't remember too well anymore, but heavy backpack + G3 = I could barely run.. and I was in pretty good shape.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bullz_eye_on_my_back @ Mar. 16 2003,18:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not sure if anyone has suggest this earlier or not...but.....

it would be really reallllly reallllly nice if you could incorporate the use of headsets and microphones.

That way you could talk to your teamates or everyone without having to type during a battle. You could keep the options to talk to either your group, side, or global chat on the keyboard. It's a lot easier to tell them specific instructions and places to go or carry out certain actions!!

ohh....and the ability to jump too!

thanks<span id='postcolor'>

Eeeh if im not mistaken, you can allready do that, press caps lock by default. I think you have to setup voice in preferences.

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biggrin.gif I would love to see the new OFP game, but what is sad is that all the GREAT addons made by the hard working mod-makers and modellers. ect would not be used anymore.

really sad. sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ohh....and the ability to jump too! <span id='postcolor'>

Okay, strap a 35-40lbs weight to your back and see how high you can jump. And how many times you can do it biggrin.gif

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More bells and whistles biggrin.gif

Like civilian stuff... Transport stuff... All that great stuff.

Firing 2 guns at the same time on vehilces (again as said many times before)

Moveable turrets for planes. (So you can have pilot + gunner and have one guy laser target and the other planes droped bombs biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif )

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hmm..i didn't know there was an option for the voice thing... i've never heard anyone use it during play...maybe i don't have it set up for it...

ohh and the jumping....i didn't mean when your fully loaded down! i certainly couldn't do it with all that gear on! lol...if i had to jump for my life then...well i would be dying crazy.gif

You could always drop your stuff and run!! Then you could jump biggrin.gif

anyways...i see your point with all the gear and everything....

What about being able to repell off of cliffs and roofs??

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