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What would you like to see in ofp2

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Buidlings that can be demolished.

Heavy Transport vehicles. And you can load tanks into them without scripting on the map makers side.

Vehicles blow up into wrekage.

Not resticted to a seat in vehicles. Can move around. such as C-130's when you jump.

Definately want more than 1 weapon being able to fire at one time.

If it wer possible, CS like smoothness in gun movement. It seems a bit choppy right now.

Increased sensitivty shouldn't mean decreased acuracy.

Ability to perform more than one action at a time. I.E. Run AND Reload.

More intellegent AI.

Fun mode with some sorts of crazy stuff for the occasianal LAN with the friends smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 11 2002,00:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Definately want more than 1 weapon being able to fire at one time.<span id='postcolor'>

Seriously, I don`t know if that`s a good idea. It`s unrealistic to fire two guns at one time and to hit. But I`d like to have a better damage simulation for the vehicles, too.

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Some were mentioned, so ignore those:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

~destructible terrain; terrain supports bipods and tripods on non-static weapons--no more "quicksand"

~lean left/right; I've yet to try it, but in Rainbow Six 3/Raven Shield, you hold down CTRL and move the mouse left or right to peek/lean, i.e. more control. You can squat with this as well

~fragmentation grenades with time delay; also, TOSS or throw grenade, depending on how long LMB is held

~separate weapons such as rifle and grenades, so one key will cycle through only rates of fire

~better ability to edit and add animations and models

~no jumping, but an "obstacle-specific" action, i.e. you're running up to a low wall, and just before you arrive at wall a "JUMP WALL" action becomes available. You hit the SPACE bar, and you "realistically" jump that wall. (Think climb/fast-rope; open doors (slow or fast, using mouse wheel); breach/kick door (if "kickable"); jump across trench or jump into trench; etc..)

~walk/march while at a tactical or alert carry, that is, your rifle is not at your hip all the darn time. (Personally: hit RMB, my rifle is brought up to Ready, i.e. in my shoulder pointing toward threat. Another key would bring up my "realistic" sight picture.)

~remove "Salute" and "Sit Down" from list of ACTIONs, but leave them available for use in cutscenes.

~Can I have a squad that "really" acts as a team, rather than a bunch of individuals? I mean come on! where's my base of fire; why are you guys not rushing alternately, in buddy pairs, or as a fire team! WHERE'S THAT SUPPRESSING FIRE!! Come on!

~Vehicles within vehicles: helocopter my jeeps here....

<span id='postcolor'>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ Nov. 11 2002,00:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 11 2002,00:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Definately want more than 1 weapon being able to fire at one time.<span id='postcolor'>

Seriously, I don`t know if that`s a good idea. It`s unrealistic to fire two guns at one time and to hit. But I`d like to have a better damage simulation for the vehicles, too.<span id='postcolor'>

FP, I don't mean infantry wise. I mean aircraft firing 2 missles at once. Or a tank where the gunner can fire an MG and the command can fire his at the same time.

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Then that`s another story, sorry, Harnu smile.gif

I thought you thought of firing two pistols or rifles at one time the john-whooish-way tounge.gif

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Hell, no need for pistols on infantry. I'll just give em all 57mm rockets biggrin.gif

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Another wish is to have moveable vehicles,  that you don't have to ride in teh back of to be in them.  I.E.  The LSD shouldn't have to be static so you can move around.  Also, offical vehicle addons would be nice.  So we can move around big boats and move freely in them and not have to be stationary in the back of it.

And I wish the OFP Team is reading all of our stuff and hopefully give some comments on it aswell.

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Then there's the one thing me and a few other people (And im sure many others) REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY would want:

And easy to use Movie Maker. It would record everything during a game, or record only certain areas. So you can watch, it later. Then you could edit it to make movies. Some really good stuff would come out of that.

I mean, look what guys did with CS:


look at Militia parts one and two.

Some really nice stuff can come out if we could record things. And especially with an easy-to-use Movie Maker. Just like how they did such a great job with making the mission editor pretty easy to use.

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Better phisycs(i.e = no bouncing)

and infiltrating possibilities,like in OFP when you steal a UAZ for ex,russians still shoot u,it would be great if they thought you were an ally and you could do reconnaissance missions all true russian teritory,of course youd need to have the UAZ - the most difficult part...

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Ya.  But if theres a guy close enough, he'd recognize you're an enemy and you'd get fried.  But if there's guys like over 100m away, they'd just think it was another russian.  We'll in some cicumstances atleast.

edit-more wanted stuff

Anti-Personell mines. Caymores. Any mine that will blow up when a unit is in range.

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The thing that I would like to see most is more of a naval side to the game.

Sort of battlefield 1942 style where you have something like a static battleship (built into the map if necessary) that you can walk around and you have to get into landing craft off that.

soz, that was more of an idea for an addon really smile.gif, but I would like to a sort of "mini part of the campaign" (ya know, like the air person and the tank guy) about a guy in the navy.

hmmmmmmm wot else?

I wouldn't mind slightly larger maps even if they did involve massive empty fields and plains. Thats kinda realistic really,

Im sure operation flashpoint 2 would kick major anus.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jamesia @ Nov. 12 2002,10:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The thing that I would like to see most is more of a naval side to the game.

Sort of battlefield 1942 style where you have something like a static battleship (built into the map if necessary) that you can walk around and you have to get into landing craft off that.

soz, that was more of an idea for an addon really  smile.gif, but I would like to a sort of "mini part of the campaign" (ya know, like the air person and the tank guy) about a guy in the navy.

hmmmmmmm wot else?

I wouldn't mind slightly larger maps even if they did involve massive empty fields and plains. Thats kinda realistic really,

Im sure operation flashpoint 2 would kick major anus.<span id='postcolor'>

an addon like that exists, the LSD u just cant walk on it when movin and has a few clipping issues which r expected, one of the few things bf42 has ver ofp is the water side of things.

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That LSD is nice. A few clipping problems sometimes seems like an understatement. But still it is rather nice.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ya.  But if theres a guy close enough, he'd recognize you're an enemy and you'd get fried.  But if there's guys like over 100m away, they'd just think it was another russian.  We'll in some cicumstances atleast.

<span id='postcolor'>

I'm not 100% sure, but I would think yo could make a script for that. YOu could have it where the guy in the jeep is setcaptive true but when an east unit is within say like 8m of him you could have it setcaptive false

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Nov. 11 2002,21:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jamesia @ Nov. 12 2002,10:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The thing that I would like to see most is more of a naval side to the game.

Sort of battlefield 1942 style where you have something like a static battleship (built into the map if necessary) that you can walk around and you have to get into landing craft off that.

soz, that was more of an idea for an addon really  smile.gif, but I would like to a sort of "mini part of the campaign" (ya know, like the air person and the tank guy) about a guy in the navy.

hmmmmmmm wot else?

I wouldn't mind slightly larger maps even if they did involve massive empty fields and plains. Thats kinda realistic really,

Im sure operation flashpoint 2 would kick major anus.<span id='postcolor'>

an addon like that exists, the LSD u just cant walk on it when movin and has a few clipping issues which r expected, one of the few things bf42 has ver ofp is the water side of things.<span id='postcolor'>

yeah, I like that addon, its really good, but it definitely has issues (try walking on it when its moving)

and I hate walking through walls.

But DEFINITELY along those lines, yes

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What I do is put my weapon on my back. Cause then you can't move fast enough to clip. But you still fall through the flight deck around the middle at the end still.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 12 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What I do is put my weapon on my back. Cause then you can't move fast enough to clip. But you still fall through the flight deck around the middle at the end still.<span id='postcolor'>

thats to do with where i boat is i can get it in a spot where i can walk everywhere, also moving slowly u dont clip, but clipping seems related to fps to, in mp games when i get bad fps not only to i get no recoil i can walk thru walls much easyer. Ill find aplace to buy a 2000xp one day.

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30 pages already wow!

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Vehicles</span></span>

1)  A better selection of land sea and air vehicles

(Allowing for an all sea battle etc)

2) Ability to fire from some moving vehicles with personal weapons

3) More pilot, vehicle driver  information as to who, or how many he is carrying and when they have ejected

4) Vehicles improvements and additions

.....a) Chinooks ability to undersling a load

.....b) Hercules for mass parachute or vehicle deployment

.....c) Mplayer vehicle respawn command (With ability to disarm some or all weapons)

.....d) Earthmoving plant machinery to build antitank ditches, command posts, trenches , roads and airfield runway Repair

Known in the military as ADR (Airfield damage repair)

.....e) Artillery and Surface to Air defence systems

.....f) Tanks able to launch smoke canisters

5) The use of some of the better addon vehicles that have already been created in the ofp community

6) "Cammo type" commands for Temperate, arctic or desert landscapes. eg 1 vehicle and 1 command in the init line to activate a cammo type

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Soldiers</span></span>

1) Ability to climb trees and other objects

2) Ability to cross some rivers (Slower narrower ones)

3) Ability to auto load 1 of 3 cammo faces from their user folder (Arctic, temperate, desert), as designated in the map

eg new map line

terraintype = desert load desert cam

terraintype = desert load temeperate cam

terraintype = arctic = winter cam

4) Extra unit types  

eg ATF v Drug dealers

eg Terrorists v SAS

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Terrain</span></span>

1) Bigger islands and varying terrain types

.....a) Arctic

.....b) Temperate

.....c) Jungle

.....d) Desert

.....e) Swamp

.....f) many small rivers lakes etc

.....g) Better ambient sounds for the terrain types

eg Jungle day not so noisy

eg jungle night very noisy

2) Grass

3) Real urban environment

.....a) Underground sewers

.....b) Electricity supplies (That can be sabotaged)

.....c) Railway lines, bridges etc

4) Everything can be destroyed

5) Bomb and artillery shell craters , trenches, shellscrapes(Realtime created and pre edited)

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Game Servers</span></span>

1) Ability to hold more players

2) In voice comms improvement

(Try looking into something basic which uses little resources eg Teamspeak 1.5)

3) Dedicated server search engine with buddy tracker

4) Better addon management

5) A map filename convention

eg (maptype) (player limit) (league tag & mapname) (version)

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Better introduction and Marketing</span></span>

1) A much better tested release version

2) A much more detailed instruction manual for the various inscreen views

3) A more detailed scripting and command reference

(If you give us the tools we will create awesome gameplay)

4) an expansion pack on a 4 or 6 monthy basis to keep OFP2 alive and kicking for say 2 years while u work on OFP3

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Overall gameplay</span></span>

1) Keep the ease of driving and operating the vehicles the same as OFP

2) Introduce a skills and rank strucure for a multiplayer character.

What I mean by this, is allow anybody to operate any vehicle, but when they have achieved certain criteria, ie points system, allow there control of these vehicles to be easier, their accuracy greater etc and their rank higher.

This way somebody that wants to concentrate on being a sniper, becomes a really good one, better cam and concealment, better accuracy etc and the higher the rank the more competent he is overall.

3) <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Dont change the gameplay, you have it spot on</span>

4) Allow a supreme commander for both sides, then when giving targets, all soldiers on that side receive the message, even if in a different group

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Scoring system</span></span>

I would like to see a more revealing scoring system

Individuals score should be made up of the following system

(No of kills (Infantry Air Armour) + Flags captured) - Teamkills = Total Score

At the moment the number of team kills is not taken into consideration


there is no column for flag captures, runs etc

Having these things taken into consideration would show the real worth of a player

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Final Message</span></span>

If you really want to know what folks want, start disecting the maps, navigating through ofpec to see what folks are wanting to do etc

Since OFP came out, i haven't bought another game.

(I normally buy a new one every few months or so)

I play it 3 or 4 times a week, I got myself involved in map making, running dedicated servers, running a squad etc

I am 37 so no teenybopper by any account

This is the first game i have ever got really involved with

(In addition i have heard a lot of others say this)

And I have done this because

It is quite simply awesome.

And the fact that it's probably been the worst netcoded, bugged game out for a while does not reduce that fact.

Please keep it that way

(Not the netcode lol)

Its simple to use operation and overal gameplay makes it this way.

Please make OFP2 a winner for the whole communiuty

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I'd like to see links between the individual missions instead of a series of linear missions only linked by the storyline. For example - in the context of CWC, if you kill all 5 T-80's in one mission and completely rid the map of enemies, in real life it would be a sorer blow for the Russians than if you just made your way through by stealth. In OFP it doesn't make a difference, but I'd like to see it make a difference, so you actually achieve something when you go out of your way to kick ass.

Alternatively, I'd like a dynamic campaign engine like Falcon 4.0 where you kill things and it actually makes progress in the war - e.g I'd like to see OFP the ability to get your AH-1 and take out a bunch of tanks and AA sites, have your ground forces move in and then that part of the island is more or less yours.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4) an expansion pack on a 4 or 6 monthy basis to keep OFP2 alive and kicking for say 2 years while u work on OFP3

<span id='postcolor'>

they dont have such large team to do that, it takes much time smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Terox @ Jan. 11 2003,11:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">6) "Cammo type" commands for Temperate, arctic or desert landscapes. eg 1 vehicle and 1 command in the init line to activate a cammo type<span id='postcolor'>

AFAIK this is already possible, i think i remember a post asking about the settexture command (as seen on the nose of the nam pack hueys) and i think suma said that using the hiddenselections this could be possible in ofp, but the problem is it may be good for mission editors but what about the basic player who just wants plug and play type gaming, i dont think they would bother with adding a command to see the different types of vehicles, but it is something we are considering for the BAS AH-1W's but i suppose it depends on whether the 1/3rd size in MB and ease of use for mission makers outweighs the amount of people that wont get to play because they wont know how to work the code...

while this is here i may as well add my own request, i would like to see proxy weapons on vehicles, things like the rifle on humans, one proxy but it can take any type of weaponry, this is already available for things like mavericks/bombs but im not sure if it works for FFAR pods or Hellfire type weapons, this would make it incredibly easy for addonmakers to make a varied addon but with a low mb download, also allowing the missionmaker to specifically decide the loadout for the vehicle (this would probably be primarily for aircraft), coupled with the settexture/hiddenselections command we would only need to use one model instead of 15-25 (one vehicle, 3-5 loadouts, 3 colourschemes), so instead of a 20-30mb pack you would have a single 1-2mb model with all you need for a massive amount of scenarios, this may already be possible, its another thing we are looking into for the BAS AH-1W, i just hope we can find a way for this to work...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Terox @ Jan. 11 2003,23:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1) Ability to hold more players<span id='postcolor'>

already got that, i think if yr servers fast enuff and u have a map capable of it u could probly get as many players as the engine can allow in a map, jus very much doubt anyone has the server or the abilty to get that many ppl on a server.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Jan. 11 2003,17:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4) an expansion pack on a 4 or 6 monthy basis to keep OFP2 alive and kicking for say 2 years while u work on OFP3

<span id='postcolor'>

they dont have such large team to do that, it takes much time  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

They could try to hire some of the more talented guys in the community (me don't go calling for names, you know who you are!wink.gif.

Just an idea though...

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