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Hello all,

I searched and find some ways to camcreate smoke or to have soldiers fire off smoke and call helos.


What i need is in my outro to have smoke cans on the invisible H's that my evac helos will land on.

I don't require a soldier to be seen popping them, i just need to have the smoke on the h's.

I tried burying a camp fire, but the smoke looks too much like campfire smoke and not a smoke 'nade

Any help can and will be appreciated. As Always biggrin.gif

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Camcreate a "smokeshellred" or "smokeshell" at the LZ.

Edit: You could use the drop command to make the smoke, this would look better but takes more work.


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This is alll I do:

1. Put an invisable H where you want the smoke to appear and name it Smoke.

2. Create a trigger activated by west and place this in the On Activation field:

SmokeShellGreen = “SmokeShellGreenâ€camCreate[GetPos Smoke select 0, GetPos Smoke select 1,0]

Now when a west soldier enters the tigger area, it will trip the smoke. You can also have it tiggered by the radio if you want.

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please tell me how to use the drop command, since this is for an outro i really want it to look as realistic as possible.


I am not sure thats what i need, i would like it if the smoke was already going as the cam pulls back and the LZ comes into view or to see a soldier pop the smoke himself (whichever looks better)

Thanks for the speedy reply guys.  smile.gif

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Thanks Bronski,

I don't think thats what i am looking for (its has waaaaay to much techno babble and not a simple answer). and i also think that right here is the best place to get answers. People here are friendly and helpful (unlike ofpec) and they don't make fun of you here for not knowing the answer.

OFPEC tend to be to techno babbly and they get upset if you critisize them in the least so i don't hang out there anymore.

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Can't you just use</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">x="smokeshellgreen" camcreate getpos spot<span id='postcolor'>in the trigger (Axis 0/0), put west not present, and name the trigger spot? It would start right away and be a thing of smoke. (name it to "smokeshell" or "smokeshellred" for the different colours.

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Or you could name the Invisible H, "spot" and not the trigger smile.gif

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using smoke grenades is easier but lag more than the drop command effect, So i say learn the Drop command and use that wink.gif

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smile.gif I just finished doing this in a mission I made. I had a dude and then set a waypoint for them (don't use HOLD waypoint)...for the waypoint activation I put this addMagazine "SmokeShellRed"; this fire ["Throw", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellRed"]. Make sure they aren't in Safe mode or they won't throw it until you shoot their leg or something.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Doolittle @ Mar. 13 2003,00:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">smile.gif I just finished doing this in a mission I made.  I had a dude and then set a waypoint for them (don't use HOLD waypoint)...for the waypoint activation I put this addMagazine "SmokeShellRed"; this fire ["Throw", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellRed"].  Make sure they aren't in Safe mode or they won't throw it until you shoot their leg or something.

Doolittle<span id='postcolor'>

Ehhem, Winters said "I don't require a soldier to be seen popping them, i just need to have the smoke on the h's."

But it could work, I had that working in a BHD mission where you use radio 4 times to make him throw 4 nades to be seen biggrin.gif

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thanks for all the help, the reason i didnt need to have a soldier popping the nades was because he wouldnt be seen doing it. the cam shows some soldiers mopping up and you hear the "sector clear, take it easy" voice then the cam pulls back and shows the helos approaching. thats when the smoke sould be in view. but i am still fine tuning it so things can change a little.

Again, thanks for the help. biggrin.gif

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