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Its perfect, the collective is more like the advanced flight model from arma 3 which takes some getting used to, but if I can pull off a 180 breaking and landing in arville with no practice after years of not flying, I am sure we will have misconduct combat landing videos in no time 😁😁



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yeah its nice to see a long anticipated milestone feature finally get added. Cant wait till its on "stable" build so the rest of the players  reforger community can  enjoy it, But i would be surprised if this experimental build is there fore a while. the new supply system has some noticable bugs that need to ironed out before launch.

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11 hours ago, jakeplissken said:

Maybe the session errors and connection timeouts will be fixed in Q3 2024...

When was the last time you actually played the game? I am genuinely curious, I have not seen the errors now for over a month and have played hours long sessions in both PvE combat scenarios and the PvP Conflict mode.  (without mods)

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