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[Release] Visible Weapon Lasers (proof of concept)

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Hi lads, had an interesting query over on the arma discord, thought I'd post the result for other modders:





// QS Visible Lasers

// Custom laser point offsets
QS_laserOffset_array = [
								// element format:   ['arifle_mx_f',[0,0.25,0]],
								// element format:   ['srifle_LRR_f',[0,0.25,0]],
								// element format:   ['arifle_mx_f',[0,0.25,0]],
								// ETC


QS_laser_beamColor = [1000, 0, 0];
QS_laser_dotColor = [1000, 0, 0];
QS_laser_dotSize = 0.25;
QS_laser_beamThickness = 0.25;
QS_laser_beamMaxLength = 100;
QS_laser_forceIR = FALSE;

QS_fnc_updatePlayerWeaponObject = {
	if ((player getVariable ['QS_player_currentWeapon','']) isNotEqualTo '') then {
		player setVariable ['QS_player_currentWeapon','',FALSE];
	if (!isNull (player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull])) then {
		player setVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull,FALSE];
	if ((player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponMuzzlePos','']) isNotEqualTo '') then {
		player setVariable ['QS_player_weaponMuzzlePos','',FALSE];
	if ((player getVariable ['QS_player_currentProxy','']) isNotEqualTo '') then {
		player setVariable ['QS_player_currentProxy','',FALSE];
	_handPos = player modelToWorldWorld (player selectionPosition 'righthand');
	_intersections = (lineIntersectsSurfaces [
		_handPos vectorAdd [0,0,0.3],
		_handPos vectorAdd [0,0,-0.3]
	]) + (lineIntersectsSurfaces [
		_handPos vectorAdd [-0.3,0,0],
		_handPos vectorAdd [0.3,0,0]
	]) + (lineIntersectsSurfaces [
		_handPos vectorAdd [0,0.3,0],
		_handPos vectorAdd [0,-0.3,0]
	if (_intersections isNotEqualTo []) then {
		private _weaponModel = toLowerANSI (getText (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> (currentWeapon player) >> 'model'));
		_weaponModelArray = toArray _weaponModel;
		if ((_weaponModelArray select 0) isEqualTo 92) then {
			_weaponModelArray deleteAt 0;
			_weaponModel = toString _weaponModelArray;
		_intersections = _intersections apply { [_x # 2,toLowerANSI ((getModelInfo (_x # 2)) # 1),_weaponModel] };
		private _weapon = objNull;
			if (_weaponModel isEqualTo (_x # 1)) exitWith {
				_weapon = _x # 0;
		} forEach _intersections;
		if (!isNull _weapon) then {
			player setVariable ['QS_player_currentWeapon',toLowerANSI (currentWeapon player),FALSE];
			player setVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',_weapon,FALSE];
			player setVariable ['QS_player_weaponMuzzlePos',toLowerANSI (getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (currentWeapon player) >>'muzzleEnd')),FALSE];
			private _customOffset = QS_hashmap_laserOffset getOrDefault [toLowerANSI (currentWeapon player),[0,0,0]];
			private _currentProxy = '';
			if ((currentWeapon player) isEqualTo (primaryWeapon player)) then {
				_currentProxy = ((player selectionNames 'memory') select { ['weapon.001',_x,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_inString }) select 0;
				if (_customOffset isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
					_customOffset = [0,0.3,0];
			if ((currentWeapon player) isEqualTo (handgunWeapon player)) then {
				_currentProxy = ((player selectionNames 'memory') select { ['pistol.001',_x,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_inString }) select 0;
				if (_customOffset isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
					_customOffset = [0,0.25,0];
			if ((currentWeapon player) isEqualTo (secondaryWeapon player)) then {
				_currentProxy = ((player selectionNames 'memory') select { ['launcher.001',_x,FALSE] call BIS_fnc_inString }) select 0;
				if (_customOffset isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
					_customOffset = [0,0.25,0];
			player setVariable ['QS_player_laserCustomOffset',_customOffset,FALSE];
			player setVariable ['QS_player_currentProxy',_currentProxy,FALSE];
QS_fnc_updateLaserPos = {
	_player = _this # 0;
	_weapon = _this # 1;
		(player modelToWorldVisualWorld ((player selectionPosition (player getVariable ['QS_player_currentProxy',''])) vectorAdd ((_weapon selectionPosition (player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponMuzzlePos',''])) vectorAdd (player getVariable ['QS_player_laserCustomOffset',[0,0,0]])))),
		(_player weaponDirection (currentWeapon _player))
if (!isNil 'QS_EH_94') then {
	removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',QS_EH_94];
if (isNil 'QS_hashmap_laserOffset') then {
	QS_hashmap_laserOffset = createHashMapFromArray QS_laserOffset_array;
player setVariable ['QS_toggle_visibleLaser',TRUE,FALSE];
player setVariable ['QS_player_currentWeapon','',FALSE];
player setVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull,FALSE];
QS_EH_94 = addMissionEventHandler [
		if (!isGameFocused) exitWith {};
		if (isNull (objectParent player)) then {
			if ((player getVariable ['QS_player_currentWeapon','']) isNotEqualTo (toLowerANSI (currentWeapon player))) then {
				call QS_fnc_updatePlayerWeaponObject;
			} else {
				if (
					(!isNull (player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull])) &&
					((player getVariable ['QS_player_currentProxy','']) isNotEqualTo '') &&
					((player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponMuzzlePos','']) isNotEqualTo '')
				) then {
					([player,(player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull])] call QS_fnc_updateLaserPos) params ['_laserStart','_weaponDirection'];
					if (player getVariable ['QS_toggle_visibleLaser',TRUE]) then {
						drawLaser [
							(player getVariable ['QS_player_weaponObject',objNull]) modelToWorldVisualWorld _laserStart,
							(((currentVisionMode player) isNotEqualTo 0) || QS_laser_forceIR)
removeAllUserActionEventHandlers ['headlights','activate'];
addUserActionEventHandler ['headlights','activate',{
	player setVariable ['QS_toggle_visibleLaser',!(player getVariable ['QS_toggle_visibleLaser',FALSE]),FALSE];


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Very nice application of what can be done the intersections and selections commands. (I have to dig for the ((_weaponModelArray select 0) isEqualTo 92) condition).

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13 hours ago, pierremgi said:

Very nice application of what can be done the intersections and selections commands. (I have to dig for the ((_weaponModelArray select 0) isEqualTo 92) condition).


Here is the improved version, with heavy credits towards @Leopard20 , @fn_Quiksilver and @POLPOX


VAL_fn_drawLaser = {
    if !(isNil "V_PLAYERLASEREHID") exitWith {removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", V_PLAYERLASEREHID]; V_PLAYERLASEREHID = nil; systemChat "Weapon Laser Off"; playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];};
	if (currentWeapon player isEqualTo secondaryWeapon player) exitWith {systemChat "Weapon Laser NOT AVAILABLE";};
    playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];
    V_PLAYERLASEREHID = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
		private _laserDir =  (player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player));
		private _w = currentWeapon player;
		if (_w != player getVariable ["last_weapon", "?"]) then {
			private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _w;
			private _m = getText(_cfg >> "model");
			private _o = createSimpleObject [_m, [0,0,0], true];
			private _off = _o selectionPosition [getText(_cfg >> "muzzlePos"), "memory"]; 
			_off = _off apply {[_x]};
			deleteVehicle _o;
			player setVariable ["offset", _off];
			player setVariable ["last_weapon", _w];
			player setVariable ["proxy",
				] select (([1, 4, 4096] find getNumber(_cfg >> "type")) + 1)
		private _offset = player getVariable ["offset", []];
		private _proxy = player getVariable ["proxy", ""];
		player selectionVectorDirAndUp [_proxy, 1] params ["_vy", "_vz"];
		private _pos = selectionPosition [player, _proxy, 0];
		private _vx = _vy vectorCrossProduct _vz;
		private _mat = matrixTranspose [_vx, _vy, _vz];
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd flatten (_mat matrixMultiply _offset);
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd [0.01,0.15,-0.05];
		private _laserStart = player modelToWorldVisualWorld _pos;
        drawLaser [
            [1000, 0, 0],
            [1000, 0, 0],
    systemChat "Weapon Laser ON";

Thank you guys, and enjoy!

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17 hours ago, LSValmont said:


Here is the improved version, with heavy credits towards @Leopard20 , @fn_Quiksilver and @POLPOX


VAL_fn_drawLaser = {
    if !(isNil "V_PLAYERLASEREHID") exitWith {removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", V_PLAYERLASEREHID]; V_PLAYERLASEREHID = nil; systemChat "Weapon Laser Off"; playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];};
	if (currentWeapon player isEqualTo secondaryWeapon player) exitWith {systemChat "Weapon Laser NOT AVAILABLE";};
    playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];
    V_PLAYERLASEREHID = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
		private _laserDir =  (player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player));
		private _w = currentWeapon player;
		if (_w != player getVariable ["last_weapon", "?"]) then {
			private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _w;
			private _m = getText(_cfg >> "model");
			private _o = createSimpleObject [_m, [0,0,0], true];
			private _off = _o selectionPosition [getText(_cfg >> "muzzlePos"), "memory"]; 
			_off = _off apply {[_x]};
			deleteVehicle _o;
			player setVariable ["offset", _off];
			player setVariable ["last_weapon", _w];
			player setVariable ["proxy",
				] select (([1, 4, 4096] find getNumber(_cfg >> "type")) + 1)
		private _offset = player getVariable ["offset", []];
		private _proxy = player getVariable ["proxy", ""];
		player selectionVectorDirAndUp [_proxy, 1] params ["_vy", "_vz"];
		private _pos = selectionPosition [player, _proxy, 0];
		private _vx = _vy vectorCrossProduct _vz;
		private _mat = matrixTranspose [_vx, _vy, _vz];
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd flatten (_mat matrixMultiply _offset);
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd [0.01,0.15,-0.05];
		private _laserStart = player modelToWorldVisualWorld _pos;
        drawLaser [
            [1000, 0, 0],
            [1000, 0, 0],
    systemChat "Weapon Laser ON";

Thank you guys, and enjoy!


awesome work lads


that "selectionVectorDirAndUp" is a game changer for stuff like this

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On 4/10/2023 at 9:56 AM, LSValmont said:


Here is the improved version, with heavy credits towards @Leopard20 , @fn_Quiksilver and @POLPOX


VAL_fn_drawLaser = {
    if !(isNil "V_PLAYERLASEREHID") exitWith {removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", V_PLAYERLASEREHID]; V_PLAYERLASEREHID = nil; systemChat "Weapon Laser Off"; playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];};
	if (currentWeapon player isEqualTo secondaryWeapon player) exitWith {systemChat "Weapon Laser NOT AVAILABLE";};
    playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];
    V_PLAYERLASEREHID = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
		private _laserDir =  (player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player));
		private _w = currentWeapon player;
		if (_w != player getVariable ["last_weapon", "?"]) then {
			private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _w;
			private _m = getText(_cfg >> "model");
			private _o = createSimpleObject [_m, [0,0,0], true];
			private _off = _o selectionPosition [getText(_cfg >> "muzzlePos"), "memory"]; 
			_off = _off apply {[_x]};
			deleteVehicle _o;
			player setVariable ["offset", _off];
			player setVariable ["last_weapon", _w];
			player setVariable ["proxy",
				] select (([1, 4, 4096] find getNumber(_cfg >> "type")) + 1)
		private _offset = player getVariable ["offset", []];
		private _proxy = player getVariable ["proxy", ""];
		player selectionVectorDirAndUp [_proxy, 1] params ["_vy", "_vz"];
		private _pos = selectionPosition [player, _proxy, 0];
		private _vx = _vy vectorCrossProduct _vz;
		private _mat = matrixTranspose [_vx, _vy, _vz];
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd flatten (_mat matrixMultiply _offset);
		_pos = _pos vectorAdd [0.01,0.15,-0.05];
		private _laserStart = player modelToWorldVisualWorld _pos;
        drawLaser [
            [1000, 0, 0],
            [1000, 0, 0],
    systemChat "Weapon Laser ON";

Thank you guys, and enjoy!


I must be missing something, I put this in an init file, and it doesn't do anything. How does this work?

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19 hours ago, stburr91 said:


I must be missing something, I put this in an init file, and it doesn't do anything. How does this work?


Put the code in initPlayerLocal.sqf and a few lines after put:


player call VAL_fn_drawLaser;


Then inside the game you might need to call the function again to turn  the laser ON/OFF.


I do that by adding a keyPressed EH for when shift+L is pressed by the player but you can add an addaction or call it from the debug console too, whatever is easier for you.

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