thy_ 164 Posted August 31, 2022 Hey, tudo bem com você? 🤓 Gentlemen, I've read the Jets DLC functions to understand how the USS Freedom Carrier accepts landings by planes with tailhook, 'cause I wanna print out a hintSilent "You did it!", but only and precisely at that cables area (X, Y, Z), even if the Mission Editor changes the carrier's spot. A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook Spoiler /* Author: Bravo Zero One development - John_Spartan Description: Aircrfat carrier arrest/recovery function for USS Freedom aircraft carrier Exucution: Call the function via user-action or script for any compatible fixed wing aircrfat [this] spawn bis_fnc_aircraftTailhook; Requirments: - Compatible aircrfat must have an animation for arrest/tail hook selection defined in CfgCehicles and modeled in 3D model (model.cfg) - Compatible aircrfat must have a memory point for cable attach position example of cfgVehicles subclass definitions; tailHook = true; Allow to land on carrier class CarrierOpsCompatability { ArrestHookAnimationList[] = {"tailhook", "tailhook_door_l", "tailhook_door_r"}; List of animation played to animate tailhook. Defined in model.cfg (type user) ArrestHookAnimationStates[] = {0,0.53,1}; Tailhook animation states when down, hooked, up. ArrestHookMemoryPoint = "pos_tailhook"; TailHook memory point in plane model.p3d ArrestMaxAllowedSpeed = 275; Max speed km/h allowed for successful landing ArrestSlowDownStep = 0.8; Simulation step for calcualting how smooth plane will be slowed down. ArrestVelocityReduction = -12; Speed reduced per simulation step }; Parameter(s): _this select 0: mode (Scalar) 0: plane/object Returns: nothing Result: Aircrfat after touch down on carrier deck will be dynamicly slowed down. If speed willbe above 275 km/h (suggested and configured on vanilla assets) wire snap will be simulated. Aircrfat will come to full stop in 155-175 m */ #define EXIT_CODE {_plane animate [_x,_planeHookUpAnimState];} forEach _planeHookAnimList;_plane SetUserMFDvalue [4,0]; private _plane = param [0, objNull]; if (!local _plane) exitWith {}; private _configPath = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _plane; private _planeCarrierOpsEnabled = (_configPath >> "tailHook") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; if (_planeCarrierOpsEnabled == 0) exitWith {}; private _planeHookAnimList = (_configPath >> "CarrierOpsCompatability" >> "ArrestHookAnimationList") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; private _arrestMaxAllowedSpeed = (_configPath >> "CarrierOpsCompatability" >> "ArrestMaxAllowedSpeed") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; private _arrestSlowDownStep = (_configPath >> "CarrierOpsCompatability" >> "ArrestSlowDownStep") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; private _arrestVelocityReduction = (_configPath >> "CarrierOpsCompatability" >> "ArrestVelocityReduction") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; private _planeHookAnimStates = (_configPath >> "CarrierOpsCompatability" >> "ArrestHookAnimationStates") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; _planeHookAnimStates params ["_planeHookDownAnimState","_planeHookCaughtAnimState","_planeHookUpAnimState"]; private _carrierPart = "Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_1_F"; sleep 2; private _hookAnim = _planeHookAnimList param [0,"",[""]]; waitUntil{!alive _plane || {_plane animationphase _hookAnim == _planeHookUpAnimState || {getPos _plane select 2 < 1}}}; if (!alive _plane || getPos _plane select 2 > 1) exitWith {EXIT_CODE}; private _objects = _plane nearObjects [_carrierPart, 150]; if (count _objects == 0) exitWith {EXIT_CODE}; private _carrier = _objects param [0, objNull]; private _carrierWirePos = _carrier modelToWorld (_carrier selectionPosition "pos_cable_1"); private _distance = _plane distance2D _carrierWirePos; if (_distance > 75) exitWith {EXIT_CODE}; {_plane animate [_x,_planeHookCaughtAnimState, true];} foreach _planeHookAnimList; sleep 0.5; if (speed _plane > _arrestMaxAllowedSpeed ) exitWith {EXIT_CODE; _plane say3D "Land_Carrier_01_wire_snap_sound";}; _plane say3D "Land_Carrier_01_wire_trap_sound"; while {alive _plane && {_plane animationphase _hookAnim != _planeHookUpAnimState && {speed _plane > -10}}} do { _velInitial = velocity _plane; _dirPlane = direction _plane; _plane setVelocity (_velInitial vectorAdd [sin _dirPlane * _arrestVelocityReduction,cos _dirPlane * _arrestVelocityReduction,0]); sleep _arrestSlowDownStep; if (_arrestVelocityReduction >= -3) then {_arrestVelocityReduction = -3;} else {_arrestVelocityReduction = _arrestVelocityReduction + 0.1;}; if (_arrestSlowDownStep <= 0.2) then {_arrestSlowDownStep = 0.03;} else {_arrestSlowDownStep = _arrestSlowDownStep - 0.1;}; }; sleep 2; if (_plane animationphase _hookAnim == _planeHookUpAnimState) exitWith {}; EXIT_CODE; //------------------------------------ //Set Steam Archivement state //------------------------------------ if (canMove _plane && {(isPlayer driver _plane || {(UAVControl _plane) isEqualTo [player,"DRIVER"]})}) then { setStatValue ["JetsGetArrested", 1]; }; A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhookAi Spoiler params["_params","_isLanding"]; if (_isLanding) then { //handle automated tailhook operations (for AI and player's autopilot) //["[ ] Tailhook 'landing' eh - this: %1",_this] call bis_fnc_logFormat; _params params[["_plane", objNull],"",["_needsHook",false]]; if (isNull _plane || {!alive _plane}) exitWith {}; private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _plane; private _haveHook = (_cfg >> "tailHook") call bis_fnc_getCfgDataBool; if (!_haveHook || !_needsHook) exitWith {}; if (_plane animationPhase "tailhook" > 0.1) then { _plane animate ["tailhook",0]; _plane animate ["tailhook_door_l",0]; _plane animate ["tailhook_door_r",0]; _plane say "Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound"; _plane say3D "Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound"; }; _plane setUserMFDvalue [0,1]; [_plane] spawn bis_fnc_aircraftTailhook; } else { //handle automated tailhook operations (for AI and player's autopilot) //["[ ] Tailhook 'landingcanceled' eh - this: %1",_this] call bis_fnc_logFormat; private _plane = _params param [0, objNull]; if (isNull _plane || {!alive _plane}) exitWith {}; private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _plane; private _haveHook = (_cfg >> "tailHook") call bis_fnc_getCfgDataBool; if (!_haveHook) exitWith {}; if (_plane animationPhase "tailhook" < 0.1) then { _plane animate ["tailhook",1]; _plane animate ["tailhook_door_l",1]; _plane animate ["tailhook_door_r",1]; _plane say "Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_up_sound"; _plane say3D "Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_up_sound"; }; _plane setUserMFDvalue [0,0]; }; How can I smartly track that area to print out the message with no triggers and hidden objects dropped around? 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pierremgi 4886 Posted September 1, 2022 nearestObjects [_plane,["Land_Carrier_01_Hull_08_1_F"],50] isNotEqualTo [] That's for presence in arresting gear area... That doesn't mean you didn't crash, or bolter (not sure it's possible in Arma). Of course, the plane stops farther: You can try with "Land_Carrier_01_Hull_05_1_F" and speed 0, or test all parts in config viewer / "cfgVehicles" starting with "Land_carrier_01..." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2822 Posted September 1, 2022 Wait for planes hook animation to be in _planeHookDownAnimState. Then check the state of the plane's hook animation to see if it changes to either _planeHookCaughtAnimState or _planeHookUpAnimState. If it's in _planeHookCaughtAnimState you know it has been caught and possibly landed, maybe also check alive, speed, height above deck and possibly distance to _carrierWirePosition of the plane to make sure it didn't crash, break the wire or abort the landing? All the bits needed can be found in \a3\functions_f_jets\functions\aircraft\fn_aircrafttailhook.sqf 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thy_ 164 Posted September 24, 2022 Just coming back to share the solution is present in my Vehicle Overhauling Script: Thanks, @pierremgi, and @Larrow for the ideas.Resuming the solution: Instead of looking for cables in the aircraft carrier asset, reading the Jets DLC functions, I realized that the USS Freedom asset is composed of 3 smaller assets. I've stored your asset classnames in a list, and as soon as a plane approaches any classname within the list, the plane gets the action to rearm, repair, and refuel. fn_VO_parameters.sqf: VO_assetsRangeChanger = ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_1_F","Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_1_F","Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_1_F"]; fn_VO_globalFunctions.sqf THY_fnc_VO_isStationRangeChanger = { // This function checks if the current station has the ability to change its service range to attemp planes only. If so, the range is increase where _servRng != _currentRng. // Returns the integer range _currentRng. params [["_stat", objNull], ["_veh", objNull], ["_hasRngChanger", false], ["_servRng", 20]]; private ["_rangeChanger", "_currentRng", "_statType"]; _rangeChanger = 80; _currentRng = _servRng; if ( !_hasRngChanger ) exitWith { _currentRng /* Returning. */ }; // Handling Errors: if (_stat isEqualTo objNull) exitWith {if (VO_debugMonitor) then {systemChat "VO > THY_fnc_VO_isStationRangeChanger error: needs a station as parameter."; sleep 15}}; if (_veh isEqualTo objNull) exitWith {if (VO_debugMonitor) then {systemChat "VO > THY_fnc_VO_isStationRangeChanger error: needs a vehicle as parameter."; sleep 15}}; _statType = typeOf _stat; // Range-Changer trigger to action: if ( _veh isKindOf "Plane" AND _statType in VO_assetsRangeChanger ) then { if ( _servRng < _rangeChanger ) then { _currentRng = _rangeChanger }; if ( VO_debugMonitor AND (_currentRng >= _rangeChanger) AND ((_veh distance _stat) <= _currentRng) ) then { systemChat format ["DEBUG: station %1 is a RANGE-CHANGER, its service range increase to %2m for Planes.", _statType, _currentRng]; sleep 3; }; }; _currentRng // returning. }; Cheers, thy SOLVED. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites