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The reason why I didnt post about my dad was that some things went terrible wrong during the surgery on wednesday 26th of february. The intended surgery included the implantation of 3 bypasses. He did quite well during the surgery itself but short after it his condition got worse by the minute. The heart didnt work enough to keep his body up. The doctors decided to take him to surgery again on thursday. One of his heart-claps (right expression ?) did not close properly so they fixed it in another 7 hours turn. After that his condition went down to a point where they called my brother and me to immedeatly come to hospital. They told us that they see no chances for him to survive the weekend with the current dosis of pharmacy needed to keep his body up. His kidneys stopped working and he was still in coma. So the doctors asked us for permission to implement an artificial heart on friday. My father always said that he does not agree with medical treatment at all cost, wich means he would have not wanted to have an artificial heart in his chest and the need to stay in hospital until an adequate donator heart could be found. This was the most shittiest decision I have ever been faced with. My brother and me talked a lot with the doctors about the chances of such a surgery that would have been the 3rd major one within 3 days. They said there was big risk that he wont survive the 3rd surgery but the chances to recover without it would tend to 0. They thought he would die on weekend. So did we. That was really shit. But despite the prognostics of the medics he survived the weekend and slowly his heart began to work bit by bit again. He is still in coma , his kidneys are not working at all, he has to be breathed by machinery, and has a little plastic balloon implanted that supports the activity of his heart. I can´t tell more at the moment. Noone knows what the future will bring. The doctors are concerned about the high amount of medicine they have to give hime cause they fear that other organs may malfunction cause of the high pharmacy doses.

That´s the status at the moment. I wish I could post something different.

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I dont think there is anything any of us can say, Balschoiw.

My thoughts go out to you and your family... I hope your father manages to pull through. If he made it through the weekend, perhaps he has a great will to live... and that will help him recover.

My deepest sympathies, Balschoiw.

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I hope it turns out well Balschoiw. I was in the same position when i was younger, so I know it's truly the lowest kind of feeling.

My thoughts go out to you and your family.

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That is awful news. I know nothing I can say will help, but I just want you to know that my deepest sympathy goes out to you and yours. It is incredibly difficult to be placed in a situation like yours, and I can only hope you and your father pull through.

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I know how you feel.... Try to stay optimistic, and try not to dwell on it too much, it can really eat you up inside.

I hope he pulls through and accept my die besten Wünsche (sp?) for your father and yourself.

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I'll keep a happy thought for your Dad Balschoiw, I hope he pulls through smile.gif

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Thx for all the sympathy and wishes. I visited him today as he is in a hospital 120 km´s away. His liver is causing problems now and he has high fever but the medics told me that it was quite usual as he is going to a process like junkies have when they are on turkey. I appreciate the prayers but I don´t really believe in god. Anyway, anything that will help him is appreciated.

Thx again guys.

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I know I am abusing this thread, but as I kept you updated on my daddies health here before I will close the circle now.

My father died last night. He had a really hard time the last weeks and did not come to consciouse fully. His heart just stopped to work last night.

I will not be around for a while as there are a lot of things to do now and I have to go back to the place where he lived to take care of all the things that need to be done.

My dad did not get old. My mother did not get old. Now it´s only me and my brother left. This is very sad. Very , very sad.

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I know it probably doesn't mean much to you, but I'm sorry for your loss, Balschoiw. Take care of yourself, man...

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sorry to hear your father's passing. kinda interesting, since i was thinking of sending you a PM a few nights ago to inquire your father's health.

may your father rest in peace.


i'm sure your father was always proud to see you like this, trying to make a difference.


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Sorry to hear about your dad Bals. sad.gif My sincere condolences to you and your family.

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I'm so sorry to hear!

I hope everything will work out as good as possible for you and your brother.

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I am sorry Balschoiw. sad.gif

Very sad. Hopefully you and your brother are close and can support each other.

My condolences.

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Death is one of the few certainties in this world, but that never seems to lessen the impact when someone you love dies an untimely death. I'm sorry Balschoiw; I hope you and your brother pull through all right.

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Accept my condolences Balschoiw , we dont know each other but your pain sounds too much familiar to me , i already lost beloved relatives and am on the way to lose a grandfather very soon.

You said you dont believe in God , so i will pray for your father too this night, may he rest in peace with all the good willing people.

My best regards for your brother and you .

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