Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 12, 2021 Question, im trying to manipulate an object (plate of armor from a tank) to make fit and sit next to another plate and when i spin it, its where i want it to be however as soon as i touch it to move it, it snaps back to its original position. The object transformation part of when you edit an object, can i put specific numbers for position and rotation and it would stay there or is there another method to lock an object in place? Like say i oriented the object to where i wanted, is there a way to get those numbers from that position and keep it so it dont move or snap back to its default position? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted June 13, 2021 I think I know the problem you're talking about. Try setting the translation from world to model and then click and drag the arrows (red/green/blue) to move it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 13, 2021 1 hour ago, beno_83au said: setting the translation from world to model Thanks for your reply beno_83au, so your saying change the global and local coordinate space for the transformation widget, to the box which is the model? I have it set on the global the globe icon and i can manipulate the objects with the red/green/blue arrows already, and it will stay, however once i have the position set and want to raise/lower or move forward or back that object then the object snaps black into its original position then i have to redo it over again and compensate for the distance that is needed which takes a few to several attempts to get it right. I'll try the model and see what happens, thanks for the suggestion. Edit.. So after messing with the control for a bit im able to switch back and forth between raising, lowering, turning, and adjusting the object for rotation, i think this will do the trick, even though i was switching or toggling through these already apon pressing the keyboard, i never used the second function for raising, and moving in and out. Its interesting after all these years the things you still seem to learn in this game. Thanks 🙂 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3797 Posted June 13, 2021 19 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: Question, im trying to manipulate an object (plate of armor from a tank) to make fit and sit next to another plate and when i spin it, its where i want it to be however as soon as i touch it to move it, it snaps back to its original position. I've had this exact problem bug the living crap out of me. 2 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: So after messing with the control for a bit im able to switch back and forth between raising, lowering, turning, and adjusting the object for rotation, i think this will do the trick, even though i was switching or toggling through these already apon pressing the keyboard, i never used the second function for raising, and moving in and out. Its interesting after all these years the things you still seem to learn in this game. Thanks 🙂 I don't understand the solution. What is the second function for raising, moving in and out? How do you prevent snapping back to original rotation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 13, 2021 44 minutes ago, johnnyboy said: What is the second function for raising, moving in and out? What i normally do and the part of it im about to explain which i never used was based on one control, so under controls then under development (editor controls) then buldozer select. I have set this control to my space bar, so doing this when you press the button whatever you allocate it to while an object is selected you will get the circular xyz at start, this will rotate the object in whatever direction you want, press the control again and it will raise, lower, and move back and forth the same object. At the same time you want to switch the Toggle Widget coordinate space (on the toolbar) from world or global to model (the box), although im finding it just reverse everything but i need more testing with it. 44 minutes ago, johnnyboy said: How do you prevent snapping back to original rotation? You dont, you will use instead as described above, doing this it cut the time in half for me for my project, so you just switch with the press of a key to the next xyz coordinate which allows you to move the object up, down, and back and forth. You can still rotate the object how you want, just dont move it using the normal method to move any object in the editor. I had asked Rydygier to view my thread here and this is what he had to say: Quote Ah, 3D vectors/geometry + absolute vs relative... A Pandora's Box of problems and headaches... Are you sure, you want to hop into this dark hole? 🙂 If you have already set everything in editor, then maybe only attachTo is needed but I do not know, if attachTo will keep set rotation/vectors as intended. Rotated objects snapping back in EDEN at any movement know and curse myself. I know no solution inside EDEN except for "never move after rotating" rule. Luckily for me, I rarely need to do anything of that sort in EDEN. Other methods to rotate/position will be scripted one, there are commands and functions for it, but I really hate vectors manipulation, highly confusing. Anyway, at the end it is the same question: will attachTo work, as desired. If not... I can't think about anything else but per frame loop with some math keeping objects together in real time. I wouldn't recommend that way. My response 1st paragraph via our pm "Ya the attachto works, i'm using the call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; for all pieces, it works once you preview and go ingame, just that while in eden i figured there has to be a better way to rotate something and have it stay and not take longer then necessary." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3797 Posted June 13, 2021 Thanks man! I get it now. My main problem is I never tried or used the Translation widget when moving things. I would use normal cursor select move and move something. Then use the Rotation Widget to rotate it. Then try and use normal cursor select to move it again, and then it snaps back and loses rotation. I feel pretty dumb, as I wasted a lot of time not knowing this. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted June 13, 2021 Yeah lol, it's such a frustrating thing. Glad you got it sorted though now 🙂 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 13, 2021 2 minutes ago, johnnyboy said: I feel pretty dumb, as I wasted a lot of time not knowing this. Same, and all along i was using the widget for all these years without even touching the xyz aspect of up/down/forward/back just the rotate which is funny now that i think of it because i could have done so much more and different things on my mission here which has 1,708 objects 🙄 I think tbh this editor is awesome compared to some editors i've used in other games, back in RO1 (Red orchestra Ostfront 41-45) the game uses the unreal engine, which had an editor, it had a 3d component to it, but unlike Eden which is more up to date, things are way easier to manipulate and get to where and how you want, add in some code and its even better. 10 minutes ago, johnnyboy said: My main problem is I never tried or used the Translation widget when moving things. Now you have an idea based on my own lack, lol, i suppose i could have just not bothered creating a thread for this but asking and beno_83au pointed out the colored arrows which i had already used but not the other part, so i guess you can say it made me look at what i never did, and or tried. Regardless the objects will snap back but once you mess with the object a few times using the arrows and switching back and forth from rotation to up/down etc,. then you'll get the hang of it. The controls i have setup below are what do this, no need to click with your ms cursor on the widget buttons, the keymap key will switch on the fly, saving you some time. 1 hour ago, Gunter Severloh said: so under controls then under development (editor controls) then buldozer select. The whole snap back to original position makes you want to 😄 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted June 13, 2021 Also, when dragging using the arrows I've noticed that if you move the cursor off-axis from the arrow, the movement will go awry. So you've gotta drag along the arrow's axis, if that makes sense. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 20, 2021 On 6/13/2021 at 10:36 AM, beno_83au said: Also, when dragging using the arrows I've noticed that if you move the cursor off-axis from the arrow, the movement will go awry. Yup, bringing this back up again as i shot myself in the foot not thinking about this when moving a built vehicle with misc objects attached to it. I must have spent 3-4hrs on this vehicle, everything works fine and as it should and then what do you know, i highlighted the whole thing and go to move it in place in a certain lineup with my other vehicles, and what happens .... every object and about 23 of them flips back to their default position, WTF! Then i come back here and reread your post even though i knew this its like a kick in the head to make me think that this is the only way to move vehicles, or objects overall that have been manipulated to be set in a direction they are not by default. idk why i did not realize this, but i will need to make sure i let my subscribers know about this when they place the vehicles in their missions. What a freaking headache why isn't there something in the editor to lock objects in place, there should be Toggle Widget coordinate space lock, it should not automatically snap back to its default orientation, i think we need to request this unless im missing a setting in the editor, granted i haven't and dont use everything. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted June 20, 2021 (edited) Yeah @Gunter Severloh I forgot a lot of the time!! Perhaps it's something that could be added into 3den Enhanced? I actually hadn't even considered that....... Edit: And Gunter - Edited June 20, 2021 by beno_83au 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 20, 2021 Nice! You know i had used 3Eden Enhanced with some missions i built and released on the workshop, i had never thought to use it with my current project, if R3vo is up to making it possible to lock objects somehow which i would have no idea how that would be even done i would seriously be all for using it. Only issue i see adding a function to a mod like 3Eden Enhanced is that even though it dont create any mod dependencies in a mission not everyone is using it, thats why ideally imo the function should be in the base editor, but i guess we need to start somewhere. Cant imagine how much time it would save someone to just be able to lock something in place no matter how you manipulate, or move the thing it may be attached too if that is the case, by default imo it should be in the editor to begin with, i mean im not asking for an overhaul here just asking to make it so objects dont move and or snap back to their original position after you adjusted them to how you want, BI should add such function. Again is there a setting or tool already in the editor that does this that i haven't found? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted June 20, 2021 9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: Again is there a setting or tool already in the editor that does this that i haven't found? Not that I've ever known of. You're right that it would be best as a vanilla feature. But Revo has been pretty active, and like you said there's no dependencies with 3den Editor, which is a huge bonus. I'm always running it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted June 21, 2021 Hello, I've looked into the issue with rotating objects around z axis and I'd like to forward it to the devs first since @Dedmen recently also fixed the translation widget. Depending on the answer I'll then try to investigate if that is reliably fixable via SQF. Here's the Ticket. Feel free to add some more information. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted June 21, 2021 Thanks R3vo for creating that ticket i think its a real issue even though its minor. I may record a short video demonstrating the issue myself but we'll see, ideally the issue doesn't happen with the arrows, it happens when you rotate an object using the arrows, and then when you are not using the arrows, the object snaps back into its default, or original position as soon as you move that object. An example would be like a tail gate of a truck, in the editor under objects when you place it, its normally upright, well say you wanted to use that object for something else, like as a table, or as a barrier to something, so when you use the arrows to change the objects rotation to say flat, or to something else other then what the object was when it was originally placed, as soon as you decide to move that object from the new position that it was rotated at, it snaps back into its original editor placed position or orientation, so you placed it upright when you chose it and when you moved it after rotating it ect,. it snapped back to that position. So unless there is a lock the object in place and then you can move the object with your mouse cursor, or theres something with the rotation aspect that makes your change in orientation permanent unless you press undo, then then it becomes a waste of time for the creator. The other issue with solving this is, if you simple are adding or enabling lock in the editor, it has to be permanent unless you decide to change it yourself, so if you create something and then publish it on the workshop, someone gets it in the editor on their end and then they move it to where they want for their mission or what have you, and the object returns to its original position and orientation, then the lock cant be limited to just something you do on your end, it cant be something the would be subscriber, or user of your work has to turn on for a setting it has to be something that is changes on everyone's end. Or like in 3Eden enhanced when you add a function to something, its written to the mission.sqm and becomes permanent unless the creator updates it. I hope this is a simple fix, or tweak or function that changes this, as its annoying as hell to work for 1-4hrs on something placing objects and have them all flip back to their original orientation, basically you starting over. Its a big OMFG after all that work! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2714 Posted July 1, 2021 On 6/12/2021 at 7:34 PM, Gunter Severloh said: its where i want it to be however as soon as i touch it to move it, it snaps back to its original position. Click the button to disable snapping to terrain. Then you can drag+move it around without resetting rotation. What it does when you move it is it rotates itself to follow the terrain. Which is what you would want when you have terrain snapping on. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4064 Posted July 2, 2021 18 hours ago, Dedmen said: Click the button to disable snapping to terrain. Then you can drag+move it around without resetting rotation. Seen your message yesterday morning but had no time to take a look, but im seeing what your saying, man after all this time, and another editor lesson learned. So apparently its not a bug after all it was a setting all along and a simple one at that, and thats exactly what i needed to know, idk how many times i looked at the wiki here but the wiki to a point doesn't explain or really show different variations of if you do this, this will happen, if you turn this off, and this on, this will happen sort of thing. Im basically trying to do this after i do this but it keeps snapping to its original position after trying to move it normally, well now i can by toggling vertical mode. You would think you wouldn't need to do that because in VR the terrain is flat, so what im not understanding is why would the objects placed on another object, like plates rotated a certain way attached to a vehicle/tank snap back to their original position if there is no deviation in the surface the vehicle is on? I guess it dont matter at this point, now that i know what to do, and how it works. Thanks for explaining it with a different perspective Dedmen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites