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Albert Schweitzer

Mtv dismissed

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No, this is not a new US-bashing thread but it discusses the gap that there might be between the european teenagers and the american teenager generation.

I hope some of you know the show MTV DISMISSED. it is about either 2 males trying to compete for one girl or two girls chasing after one male.

The entire show is so plastic and I must admit I get so disgusted by the superficiality the candidates reflect.

The candidates that appear in that show are so media-influenced charachters that always seem to represent two stereo-types..either the outgoing cool MF with the "I like Bungee and me ike ....surfing..and sex in the Jakuzzi.." and the other is usually the "silly wannabe-romatic writing and reading out silly poems and dont want to have sex before marriage". None of the candidates has teeth that are less white than Calcium in its purety and wears a shirt with darker colors than bright orange and Timberlands with the slightest stain on them.

And in the end the former-chearleaders go for the sports-maniac with no brain and the quiet guy is dismissed. And the most ridiculous thing is the racist issue about it. A second subdivision of the show only caters to afro-americans..so you basically only see (excuse that expression) black participants in a wannabe-queens environment. What about the chinese? will we soon have a show for chinese-only as well?

Please share my grief and contribute

For the girls this is simillar

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"dismissed" is as stupid as "i bet you will". i always try to avoid such shows and switch over to Viva and check out new stuff about Manowar. tounge.gif

i sometimes think the candidates are actors because it's all so unreal!

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You wanna know what a racist channel is ? It's called BET,Black Entertainment Television.I wonder what would happen if some white guy made WET(white Entertainment Television). smile.gif


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I still fail to see why MTV(Music Television) started having shows not related to music. Maybe I will never understand? confused.gif

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So true, but MTV is having great success with the show especially in the lower-age segment. I hate stereotypes and I am afraid this gonna foster it even more. Not only clothes are important but nowadays you even need to adapt an entire life-style. And the worst..it tells younger people the message to what they think is most important in life: success with girls. This prefabricated character-forming is scaring me!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG.CNUTZ @ Feb. 05 2003,22:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I still fail to see why MTV(Music Television) started having shows not related to music.  Maybe I will never understand? confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

It's all about the ratings... Succes! Entertainment! That's what it's all about! Damn media... mad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not only clothes are important but nowadays you even need to adapt an entire life-style. And the worst..it tells younger people the message to what they think is most important in life: success with girls. This prefabricated character-forming is scaring me!<span id='postcolor'>

Isn`t that the militarys job ?

They put a civvy in an artificially constructed social sub-culture + training with the goal to produce a soldier.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (5thSFG.CNUTZ @ Feb. 05 2003,22:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I still fail to see why MTV(Music Television) started having shows not related to music.  Maybe I will never understand? confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Perhaps they try to find new products on new markets? Could be a first sign of an upcoming bankrupt?

Yes, I don't like music television and try to avoid these channels while zapping. biggrin.gif

VH-1 was good, but now it seems to be gone -can't find it on german cable?

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MTV dismissed is about as plastic and midless as the millions of sheep who so blindly follow that network. God I hate mtv, mtv must die! (serenity now). As for a white entertainment station, I can just imagine the protests that would cause, millions crying racism.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Renagade @ Feb. 05 2003,22:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not only clothes are important but nowadays you even need to adapt an entire life-style. And the worst..it tells younger people the message to what they think is most important in life: success with girls. This prefabricated character-forming is scaring me!<span id='postcolor'>

Isn`t that the militarys job ?

They put a civvy in an artificially constructed social sub-culture + training with the goal to produce a soldier.<span id='postcolor'>

But the military has a goal in doing this. National security. smile.gif

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I only watch MTV before I go to school, because thats when they are showing music videos.

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The reason MTV has opted to play so much non music related crap is because they have multiple other channels to cater to that. Mainly is MTV2, which is music 24 hours a day, and nothing else. There are also a bunch of smaller mtv networks which are dedicated to certain music. My favorite is MTVx, whic my friend has at his house, 24 hours of METAL!!!! But anyways....

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">A second subdivision of the show only caters to afro-americans..so you basically only see (excuse that expression) black participants in a wannabe-queens environment.<span id='postcolor'>

That statement is not true. First, let me say i hate the show, and can't stand it. And second, i don't think its on in the US anymore, the new thing is Taildaters. But anyways. That is not true. Its not a "subdivision" where they only have balck people on there. Actually, i've seen episodes where it was pretty racially diverse. Not once have i seen anything in which it was put off to the side to show black people. I mean, i watch MTV occaisionally, and one of the main reasons i don't is because its so full of this bubblegum pop shit, and rap and R&B. Thats just not my thing. Considering they have this playing most of the time, i doubt they would have to purposely try and put black people on, thats just dumb.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">You wanna know what a racist channel is ? It's called BET,Black Entertainment Television.I wonder what would happen if some white guy made WET(white Entertainment Television). <span id='postcolor'>

I have to agree with that statement, in sorts. In no way am i racist, or do i let it bother me when other people are, i have my beliefs, and if others want to be ignorant, that is there problem. But if someone made a channel called White Entertainment Television, no matter what was on the channel, no matter what kind of shows they played, it would become engulfed in controversy, simply because it pushes white culture. But again, its perfectly alright for black people to do it. There is also a show on aroun 5am called "The Black Forum". Its a small show where 4-5 black people of power, politicians, musicians, celebrities, get together and discuss world issues, with a black perspective. Same example here, if a show came out called "The White Forum", no matter what the discussions were made up of, it would be flamed and torn apart by the media, simply because of the name.

I'm not trying to start a whole other topic here, but i find that disgusting. Its ok for blacks to seperate themselves from white people to form there own "clique" worldwide. But if white people even attempt it, they are automatically racist and biggots. This is a double standard that has no place in todays world. I only wish i had a better and bigger way to express my voice because as we all know, discussing such things on an OFP forum isn't going to do much. And if you decide to, for some reason, flame me at all, just remember my statements are NOT racist in the least. Simply observations of reality.

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MTV is faulted for creating the millions of teenagers in this country who cannot find out country on a map.


Should I study geography or watch the latest Brittney Spears Video? Britney Spears!!!! YYYUYAYAYYAYYAYaya Maybe I'll get a sign and stand outside of the TRL Studio next week.

Pins just about hit the nail on the head with the BET issue. I suggest a LET. (Liberal Entertainment Television). Then, no one will complain because all the idiots (The entire media in this country) will be absorbed into its tree saving, animal hugging, trash recycling propaganda.

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MTV..... WAS good.  The only things worth watching now is the 30 minutes of music videos they actaully show now, and sometimes Road Rules can be pretty fun to watch.

The rest of it applies to 10-13 year old girls.

MTV Sucks now.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You wanna know what a racist channel is ? It's called BET,Black Entertainment Television.I wonder what would happen if some white guy made WET(white Entertainment Television).<span id='postcolor'>

They'd think it was a porn channel  tounge.gif   As a matter of fact me and some friends at school were having the same discussion lol.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">MTV dismissed is about as plastic and midless as the millions of sheep who so blindly follow that network. God I hate mtv, mtv must die! (serenity now). As for a white entertainment station, I can just imagine the protests that would cause, millions crying racism.<span id='postcolor'>

That's true Hypocracy.  (That's the kind I don't agree with.)  If they can have Black Entertainment Television, and you know how all of them act here.  "Equal Rights for all", but god forbid there we White Entertainment.  confused.gif

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MTV also has the advantage of catering to the world's most easily manipulated age demographic.

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who watches MTV? confused.gif

i didn't watch a Tv show since 2 weeks ago. no i'm not dead or in some obsolete place, but they are not the best entertainment so far(compared to OFP)

i gotta admit that there are abundant numbers of mindless POS shows on the tv thesedays and it is due to the fact that there are enough demand for it. i still don't get why "reality" shows are still going on, even though i'm well aware of the supplier side reasoning.

speaking of diversity in tv. the reason why BET exists is because rest of the showbiz features more whites than non-whites. for example, in 90s my current recollection says that the only show that was shown on primetime with all black actors was "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".

in other shows, non whites are hard ot see. although non whites comprise a significant number of population, tv shows cater to majority, and that happens to be white. so most shows feature more whites and might end up with more whites than what is proportional to actual population.

that's why network like BET exists.


last sunday, NBC featured a gang show called "kingpin". and after hispanic population's uproar i saw the first part. very stereotypical. it shows latino-american drug dealer and depict mexican drug dealer and gun wielding idiotic drug dealer.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">MTV is faulted for creating the millions of teenagers in this country who cannot find out country on a map. <span id='postcolor'>

No, their parents are for letting them watch it! wink.gif

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Lets go to school shall we:

I saw a PBS [Public Broadcasting] special on how MTV manipulates & sells these trends. Its scary stuff folks. They accually go to the houses and find what THEY think are the typical teens. Some slacker/skater wannabe rapstar/white guy trying to be black. The girls are as dumb and shallow as any on planet Earth. My dad would not get my sister and I cable television when we are both growing up. I was mad that I did'nt get to experiance the same thing my peers did. Now that I'm out in the real world and see just how superficial, dumb, and fat/lazy a lot of my generation and younger are I'm soooooooo glad my father did not get us cable! I was at the library and video store instead. And playing mucho pc games. I even [gasps from crowd] went outside. Where I live in Atlanta Georgia the people in my affuant Northern suberb are just a bunch of shallow yuppy scum. I'm sorry but the Land Rovers, Benz, and luxury SUvs are enough to make me want to puke. The houses all look like cookie cutter cutout of one another. The garages are shut, kids not playing outside, and guess what alot of these dimwits are probalby watching? A certian used to be music tv network. "Beam me up Scotty. There no sign of intelligent life anywhere." LOL. The women here are creepy. I was in a suit [i was looking sharp tounge.gif ] and was at the mall. These two women [around 27 to 33years old] were looking over me and one said "I'm sorry but life is to short to date UGLY men". mad.gif Like I would even ask those two yuppo bottle water sipping, BMW driving, money seeking, MTV watching bwitches out on a date? My sister would never forgive me for dating anyone that superficail and shallow. The people who come into the place of bussiness are the same way for the most part. Rude and mean as rattle snakes. The kids are as dumb and mind numbed as you might think. Even worse. sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RMATICH @ Feb. 05 2003,17:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Lets go to school shall we:

I saw a PBS [Public Broadcasting] special on how MTV manipulates & sells these trends. Its scary stuff folks. They accually go to the houses and find what THEY think are the typical teens. Some slacker/skater wannabe rapstar/white guy trying to be black. The girls are as dumb and shallow as any on planet Earth. My dad would not get my sister and I cable television when we are both growing up. I was mad that I did'nt get to experiance the same thing my peers did. Now that I'm out in the real world and see just how superficial, dumb, and fat/lazy a lot of my generation and younger are I'm soooooooo glad my father did not get us cable! I was at the library and video store instead. And playing mucho pc games. I even [gasps from crowd] went outside. Where I live in Atlanta Georgia the people in my affuant Northern suberb are just a bunch of shallow yuppy scum. I'm sorry but the Land Rovers, Benz, and luxury SUvs are enough to make me want to puke. The houses all look like cookie cutter cutout of one another. The garages are shut, kids not playing outside, and guess what alot of these dimwits are probalby watching? A certian used to be music tv network. "Beam me up Scotty. There no sign of intelligent life anywhere." LOL. The women here are creepy. I was in a suit [i was looking sharp  tounge.gif  ] and was at the mall. These two women [around 27 to 33years old] were looking over me and one said "I'm sorry but life is to short to date UGLY men".  mad.gif  Like I would even ask those two yuppo bottle water sipping, BMW driving, money seeking, MTV watching bwitches out on a date? My sister would never forgive me for dating anyone that superficail and shallow. The people who come into the place of bussiness are the same way for the most part. Rude and mean as rattle snakes. The kids are as dumb and mind numbed as you might think. Even worse.  sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Again, good parenting can prevent most of this.

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MTV isn't a music channel anymore- it's a lifestyle channel. Unfortunately, the lifestyle it pimps out (there is no other honest way to put it) is crass, materialistic, shallow, and obsessed with the culture of consumerism the USA has been espousing for years now. Everything y'all have been saying here is accurate: MTV says that sex is okay (airing a truth about sex program at 3 AM doesnt count), cheating is alright, music is supposed to all sound the same, and all women are bitches n' hos (especially the stars who sing aforementioned clone music). MTV tells them that this how we are supposed to be, and they believe it. Sometimes, something new or orginal will come along, and MTV will assimilate it, prolonging its illusion of cutting edge allure.

MTV is edgy, but they can't handle doing anything daring unless it is seeing how little clothing you can wear before you're naked (not that I have a problem with some T&A now and then, but MTV has pretty much desensitized me to the current standard of beauty). Sure, MTV2 plays music, but it is a testament to how little faith MTV has in this music-centric approach that they have turned it into a premium channel so they can recoup any losses incurred by doing something 'dangerous'. MTV's idea of daring is to show clips of music videos they banned from being played (because they were edgy), and then try and pass themselves off as actually not being spineless corporate tools for not playing said videos: "Look at us! We're playing videos we banned 5 years ago, because we're risk-takers! Whoo, now we're all worn out." MTV's idea of edgy is to play foul-mouthed, mysoginistic music videos, and then reap the monetary success from the superficial 'controversy', which is MTV code for 'advertising'.

Whatever, fuckem. I don't watch MTV, I don't buy products advertised on MTV, and I sure as hell don't buy an album that made it on TRL or whatever the fuck that daily televised abortion is called. I suggest everyone else worried about America's cultural future do the same.

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MTV2 sucks. Most of the time they play shitty music anyway. I was blessed have parents who actually cared about what I watched on TV, they banned all that MTV shit. I think kids today need to learn more outdoors kinds of stuff. I remeber Boy Scouts.......ahh the good days biggrin.gif

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I never watch MTV anymore. They act like they own the whole world or at least the US. And im sick and tired of these "reality" shows. They're dumb as hell. Now once and awhile they are okay. But right now is outrageous. They have way too many on.

Im with tex. I never buy anything from MTV. I hardly listein to music... If i do buy music itll be something from a movie most likely but that only happends every 2 years or so...

I say take MTV off the air and give us something way more worth watching. Maybe a military program. Showing war movies... documentaries and stories. But im not holding my breath on that one.

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