terox 316 Posted February 1, 2003 ########################################################## <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Multiplayer Map Filename Convention</span></span> ########################################################## <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Introduction and aims</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>INFORMATION ONLY THREAD Please dont start a discussion</span> The following filename convention is intended for global use  within the OFP Community <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Its aims are</span> 1) To create an easily navigable and organised map listing system 2) To be simple and informative 3) To reduce multiple downloads of the same map from various server due to a small filename differences 4) To set a standard map filename for future mappers to use (Thanks must go to) Itchy, Kegetys, whisperFFW06,  Lt_Damage, nierop,  benu, zinco, JRMZ,  oo7vet,  KaRRiLLioN, eisa01, Goeth[kyllikki], Shrike,  HellToupee,  MadDogX,  peanuckle_00, morteni55, [TNF]Steiner. Special thanks goes too Skunk Monkey and joltan for their unrelenting vigilence throughout the 3 month discussion) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Important</span></span> Please only reply to the thread to state 1)Your name 2) Who you represent and a basic statement eg "We support and use the convention" ########################################################## The discussion (19 pages of it) which is now closed can be found at the following link Filename discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted February 1, 2003 <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Filename Template</span></span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Example of some filenames</span> ctf 24 riverdance v1 ctf@ 32 armourgheddon beta 1.1 c&h 30 one road v2 tdm 12 deathvalley beta 1.6 c&h@ 24 deliverence v1 c&h 24 efl malden v1           <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>********  Subgroups  ********</span> The filename has been split up into the following subgroups <span style='color:blue'>MAP TYPE</span>  <span style='color:red'>Player Limit</span>  <span style='color:blue'>MAPNAME</span>  <span style='color:red'>VERSION</span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>  ctf     10     tigerland   v1</span> = ctf 10 tigerland v1           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP TYPE  ********</span></span> The following abbreviations are to be used a&d  -  (Attack & defend) co   -  (Cooperative) combi -  (Combination of c&h and ctf ctf   -  (Capture the Flag) ctfr   -  (Reverse capture the flag) c&h   -  (Capture and hold) cti   -  (Capture the island )(Combination of rts and c&h) rc    -  (Race) sc - (Sector Control) tdm  -  (Team Deathmatch) dm   -  (Death Match) ff    -  (Flagfight) tff    -  (Team Flag Fight) e&e   -  (Escape & Evasion) rts   -  (Real Time Strategy) misc  -  (Miscellaneous) not belonging to a map type) @    -  DENOTES ADDON USED <span style='color:red'>If the map uses any addons at all, in addition to the BIS standard addons that came with the various patches, the Tag "@" is to be attached to the end of the maptype abbreviation eg  ctf@ eg  c&h@ eg  co@</span> <span style='color:blue'>I will try to keep this updated as further map types evolve</span>           <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  PLAYER LIMIT  ********</span></span> This should simply be the maximum player limit only not 2_22, just simply 22 (If the player limit is less than 10, then the number should be preceded with a 0 eg,  07,  09 etc           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP NAME  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>LEAGUE MAPS</span> If the map is an official league map, then the name itself should be preceded by the league tag Example of a Euroleague tag <span style='color:blue'>efl</span> and incorporated into the name <span style='color:blue'>c&h 24 efl nogova v1</span> (DO NOT  alter the filename of official league maps,  approach the league, explain about this convention, and if they are willing to support the convention, they will release new maps with the altered names) Map name in general Ideally the name should not include the creators tag, a server tag or anything else that would clutter it up. This type of information can and should be added to the briefing html file by the mapmaker           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  Version  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>Existing Maps</span> Any mapnames that already have existing version numbers, should be left in their original state, no modifications should be made to them or a version number added to them, if none exist. The only exception is of moving them to the correct location, eg the last subgroup location) <span style='color:blue'>New Maps</span> The following system is recommended not compulsory Lets look at the development of a map from beta to finished version 1) Map released onto a server for first time to beta test ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.00</span> 2) A few bugs removed and map uploaded again ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.01</span> 3) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.02</span> 4) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.03</span> 5) Beta 1.3 is bug free and finished so its renamed and becomes ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v1.0</span> 6) A new game patch is released, with some extra weapons the map maker upgrades his map ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 2.00</span> 7) No bugs are evident, and it becomes a finished version Its renamed ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v2.0</span> 8) Somebody decides to hack the map and change some things (simply add a letter or tag to the end of the version number so we know its is not of original origins) ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0 zeus</span> or ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0(z)</span> something to non conform to the recommended version number, to indicate it is not an original mapmaker release and an additional note by the mapmaker in the briefing file <span style='color:blue'>In General</span> 1) Leave exisiting version numbers intact 2) Use beta 1.0 (To maximum of 2 decimal place) for beta maps 3) Use v1 (to 2 decimal places maximum) for a finished map version 4) For a major map version jump, increase the number before the decimal _ _           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  General Guidelines  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>General set up</span> 1)A space must exist between each subgroup 2) lower case must be used for linux compatibility 3) It is the admins responsibility to modify map names on his server 4) No deviation from the convention sub groups <span style='color:red'>"maptype or player limit"</span> should be allowed under any circumstances 5) BIS maps that are installed during game installation are required in their original format when upgrading with new patches (Deal with these how you see fit) If you are going to rename them, then keep a backup copy in a folder for easy re-installation 6) Under no circumstances are underscores to be used <span style='color:blue'>ADDONS</span> As previously stated, the "@" tag is to be added to the end of the maptype subgroup to indicate that the map uses an additional addon to that of the standard BIS addons that come with the various patches. Any addon that a server supports and is included in their server maps, should be available in a server "Map Pack" and should not have a tag added to the filename by the server admin. If the mapmaker has added something to the "MAPNAME" subgroup, then it should be left there <span style='color:blue'>LINUX</span> 1) lower case has been used as standard, for linux compatibility 2) Spaces If spaces in the filename are causing a problem for your md5 scripts their is a workaround for it "The md5 thing": Unix uses spaces as separators for lists. Using spaces in filenames breaks many scripting possibilities as space separated lists don't work anymore. There is a way of getting around some of those limitations by using xargs. Printing ONE script that does something with md5sum would not help much. People have to take care and not use space separated lists in their scripting and use filename globbing and find -print0 and xargs whenever possible/needed. Here is one example : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> md5sum *.pbo | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=33 | cut -f 3- -d " " | xargs -i mv \{\} dup/\{\}<span id='postcolor'> which moves duplicate maps to a folder called dup. _ Below is a screenshot of the finished system as seen in the map selection screen ************image here************ (Need to ask the admins on this server to upload a jpeg of the screenshot, so that it is always available for view) The discussion (19 pages of it) which is now closed can be found at the following link Filename discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='color:red'>Edited 24/3/03</span> Added map types ctfr ....(Reverse CTF, where you assault the enemy flag with your flag) combi ....(Combination of c&h and ctf) <span style='color:red'>Edited 26/4/03</span> Added map types sc ....(Sector Control) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted February 1, 2003 <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> To avoid typo mistakes and future proof this thread, rather than copy this thread into your own forums, please simply place a link to this thread <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> The following link is a thread which lists the names of mapmakers whose maps they dont want renaming Vilolation of their requests may lead to legal proceedings! Dont change these filenames <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> Any future maps that are submitted to the following servers for upload, are submitted with the knowledge that if required the map filename will be changed to follow the convention naming scheme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted February 1, 2003 Representing <span style='color:blue'>Zeus Server ( T3 very fast Linux server and Zeus Addon Server ( Including Sebnam and Winter Kolguyev) and a Teamspeak2 server on (</span> are happy to follow the convention to the letter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skunk Monkey 0 Posted February 1, 2003 Representing SES - Suicide Euro Squad We have adopted the file name system and hope that many of the servers out there will do the same, the more servers "sign up" to use this sytem the more effective the system will be. Thankyou for all your hard work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Dan_Sweden 0 Posted February 1, 2003 Representing IM -=[sWEC]=- server We have adopted the file name system. Thanks to SES we got a flying start on the renaming process (they have their complete MPMission map, zipped, on their homepage). We will gradually implement the new name convention on the other 100's of maps and of course all new ones. An idea; to have a 1-2 GByte FTP area for server admins to share renamed maps and thereby avoid doublework. Anyone who can provide that? -=[sWEC]=-Lt_Dan_Sweden WWW.SWEC.CJB.NET 2.4@2,7 GHz, DDR at 383 MHz, LINUX You can add swecserver.cjb.net to your HOSTS.TXT file in your OFP root. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-TNF-Steiner 0 Posted February 2, 2003 Representing TNF Squad Server and Euro Flashpoint League. We have adopted the filename convention TNF Squad Server: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted February 3, 2003 Representing The IDF Squad, we have adopted the MP map filenaming convention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goeth 0 Posted February 10, 2003 Representing LDD Kyllikki Squad, we have adopted the filename convention also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted February 10, 2003 Representing -[uTw]- united Teamwork, we are in the process of adopting the filename convention. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HK (HunterKiller) 0 Posted February 18, 2003 Representing , Devolution Squad  we are also in the process of adopting the filename convention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CoD- Duke Sin 0 Posted February 21, 2003 Dear OFP-Gamers, my Name is Duke Sin, I am League Admin of the Operation Flashpoint Ladder in the ESL (www.esl-europe.net) one of the biggest OFP - Leagues in Europe. Actually we change our Mappack and we discuss to join the filename - convention. This would be a big step because our Maps are played a big percentage at the dedicated servers all over europe. Our League try to make Operation - Flashpoint more save against Cheats. For this problem we have some Programs which need to check the filename with "underlines" in Place of "spaces" so if we do the filenames like this : "c&h_24_-esl-_malden_v1" We will join the convention. Seeing your answers soon Greetz [CoD] Duke Sin ESL-Liga-Admin European Electronic Sports League Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted February 21, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Terox @ Feb. 01 2003,11:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span style='color:blue'>LINUX</span> 1) lower case has been used as standard, for linux compatibility 2) Spaces If spaces in the filename are causing a problem for your md5 scripts their is a workaround for it "The md5 thing": Unix uses spaces as separators for lists. Using spaces in filenames breaks many scripting possibilities as space separated lists don't work anymore. There is a way of getting around some of those limitations by using xargs. Printing ONE script that does something with md5sum would not help much. People have to take care and not use space separated lists in their scripting and use filename globbing and find -print0 and xargs whenever possible/needed. Here is one example : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> md5sum *.pbo | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=33 | cut -f 3- -d " " | xargs -i mv \{\} dup/\{\}<span id='postcolor'> which moves duplicate maps to a folder called dup.<span id='postcolor'> Hey Sin, the tool used in the ESL is based on md5 right? Perhaps this workaround will already do, and still allow you to use spaces in the map names. Show this to one of your coders. They might come up with something. It would be great to have yet another big league join the party. EDIT: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Terox @ Feb. 01 2003,11:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> 6) Under no circumstances are underscores to be used <span id='postcolor'> If you absolutly have to, please use normal hyphens to seperate the segements in the map syntax. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[VS-UK]Col.Makkie[HQ/12Para] 0 Posted February 28, 2003 Representing [VS-UK]12th Brigade, we will be adopting the new naming convention. Cheers Makkie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skunk Monkey 0 Posted February 28, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([CoD] Duke Sin @ Feb. 21 2003,10:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">so if we do the filenames like this : "c&h_24_-esl-_malden_v1" We will join the convention.<span id='postcolor'> Unfrortunatley we discussed the format for 3 months and tried to get everyone involved with the discussion. The time for Discussion has ended and the format is agreed upon. I hope the md5 workaround works for you. You can see the 3 month discussion as an old thread to see why we ended up with this system Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Holden 1 Posted March 4, 2003 The Combat Zone Network and the OFP Gaming Ladder are adopting the filename convention guidelines. Holden TCZ Administration http://www.thecombatzone.net Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Softegg 0 Posted March 12, 2003 i know, this should not be the place for more discussions, but: the reason, why the underscore is necessary is not the md5-problem, it is because the '#debug checkfile'-command dont support blanks in filenames. '#debug checkfile filename' can be used to confirm that all connected players are using the same version of the checked file (maybe the map-file). check this forum for detailed information about the '#debug checkfile'-command. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted March 12, 2003 uhm, isn't that done by default? I mean if you don't have the same version of a map OFP will download and use the mission from the server. OFP doesn't just use the filename to determine if two missions are identical, but uses some kind of checksum. So what's the point in checking this again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Softegg 0 Posted March 12, 2003 there is a way, you can use a different map-file with the same file-name and ofp dont care about it. maybe, a map contains a 'setviewdistance 1000'-command. but you can alter your map-file and enhance the viewdistance to i.e. 5000. some other advantages can also be added in your map-file and this is only executed at your computer. only with the '#debug checkfile'-command you can check and confirm that all connected players are really using the same map-file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted March 12, 2003 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Softegg @ Mar. 12 2003,12:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">there is a way, you can use a different map-file with the same file-name and ofp dont care about it.<span id='postcolor'> Hav you reported that to BIS? This sounds like a bad exploit of a bug... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Softegg 0 Posted March 12, 2003 yes, and the response and solution of BIS is the '#debug checkfile'-command. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted March 13, 2003 This is new to me, i thought the check file was simply checking configs and cpp files. If this isnt the case its very possible for folks to cheat using a modified map then. Â I will have to test this by having two maps of the same filename with a slightly different data content. If what you are saying is correct i shouldnt be dloading the different version. It seems odd though, because no matter how small the data change in the pbo file, the filesize will change, even if only by a byte Will report back with findings Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Softegg 0 Posted March 14, 2003 Representing [THC] The Hard Core, we are in the process of adopting the filename convention. /EDIT work done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haunted 0 Posted March 18, 2003 Hi, Haunted representing [uKA] United Kingdom Army. We just got our server and will be happy to adopt the covention, however none of us are map makers and I don't have a clue on how to change the file name without editiing the file etc. Call me a map making n00b if you like, but if someone could reach me on msn - [email protected] and give me some tips on editing etc it would be a massive help, cheers lads and lasses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted March 20, 2003 Just rename the file in the windows explorer and upload it to the server ftp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites