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Carrying abilities

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When we invest coins to boost loot, I strongly believe our carrying capabilities should be increased to match to 

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I agree  ๐Ÿ˜‰  and all the amo should be out of the bag...  they should'nt take place in the bag

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  On 7/7/2020 at 6:57 PM, Matthew291079 said:

When we invest coins to boost loot, I strongly believe our carrying capabilities should be increased to match to 

Though this is a good idea, it does not match what we want the game to be. Paying for advantages is not what we want for our game - microtransactions are there for cosmetics for yourself, or boosts for the whole lobby which is a fair fight for loot and the crate.

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How about using resources to build a working truck in the base improvements menu? You can take your truck into a encounter (not to drive around) but to stage at a map exit point of your choosing so you can load up additional loot when you max out your backpack. The flatbed truck can store several backpacks worth of loot and you can run back for more loot after emptying the contents of your backpack into the truck. Once your ready to leave you take the truck with all the loot home. Building the truck should cost fuel, metal parts, wire, electronics, glass, and possibly nails. Each upgrade for the truck should enable it to carry an additional backpack's worth of loot (one whole page) and the inventory should be displayed in pages as too not take up too much room on screen. With the addition of iodine tablets your should have enough time in a encounter to collect that much loot without dying to radiation. Just a thought.

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Thanks Forsythiaa, minimum should be what we suggested in past then. Ammo not part of back pack nor air drop, why does it take 5 slots to hold 100 Thompson ammo where I can hold 250 adr97 Bullets. Items like chemicals taking 2 slots for 50 should be down to 1. Medicine being held separately would be great, destroying items in the middle of defence mode is hugely frustrating. Instead of playing the game I am sitting duck deciding what to discard and itโ€™s buckets most of the time and health?

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  On 7/8/2020 at 8:35 AM, fOrsythiaa said:

Though this is a good idea, it does not match what we want the game to be. Paying for advantages is not what we want for our game - microtransactions are there for cosmetics for yourself, or boosts for the whole lobby which is a fair fight for loot and the crate.

But it was okay to sell weapon blueprints back in the day ๐Ÿ˜‚ still remember when the Hbar was up on sale for like 800 crowns or something. Anyone else remember that? 

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  On 7/24/2020 at 6:52 PM, Matthew Aiken said:

But it was okay to sell weapon blueprints back in the day ๐Ÿ˜‚ still remember when the Hbar was up on sale for like 800 crowns or something. Anyone else remember that? 

Well, your choice if you'd like to buy it instead of grinding for crates to get the blueprint ๐Ÿ™‚ 

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  On 7/25/2020 at 1:09 PM, fOrsythiaa said:

Well, your choice if you'd like to buy it instead of grinding for crates to get the blueprint ๐Ÿ™‚ 

See how easily it can be spun to not sound like pay to win ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ @Matthew Aiken

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Tbf then you have to still grind to get your crafting bench levelled up and your still only able to make one every 90 minutes, not that I agree completely but companies still have to be able to make money somehow, especially with free to play games, after all who really wants to spend however much money on purely cosmetics? 

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