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About ssk001991

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    Private First Class

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  1. I overreacted and my apologies. My mood gets unstable at time. Admins please lock this thread.
  2. ssk001991

    Vigor Zombies

    Zombies dose not fit the theme of this game. May I suggest that you try Day Z. That game will be up your alley.
  3. ssk001991

    Not fussed but would be great...

    Or at least being able to disassemble a weapon to parts and then put it back together when you get back to your base.
  4. ssk001991

    MP5 SD is not worthy of gold rarity.

    Maybe worth purple, definitely blue at the least. Reducing the recoil by about a third seems appropriate to make it worth a gold.
  5. ssk001991

    MP5 SD is not worthy of gold rarity.

    Eh, I guess I change my mind. I just went on a killing spree with the MP5 so maybe I just needed to learn it's recoil pattern. Still, it kicks too much for a 9mm. Just my opinion.
  6. ssk001991

    Signal...I maybe the only one?

    Or maybe only let you use it once per encounter.
  7. Too inaccurate. I can get more kills with the Tommy. Either buff or change rarity to white.
  8. Instead of only just having head, torso, and limb hits it would be neat to have other unique hit zones such as the heart, lungs, and other vital organs in the torso because in real life all chest shots aren't equal. Some would kill you dead, others would leave you really messed up but still alive, and if it only skims you or misses everything important will just give you a flesh wound. Consider separating the limb hitboxes into 3 zones for example (Upper legs, lower legs, feet) and (Upper arms, lower arms, and hands). Possibly add potential crippling debuffs that come with being hit in a certain location. Like walking with a limp and slower movement speed with leg shots or making it more difficult to aim effectively if hit in the arm. If you get hit in the chest make it to where you might lose health slowly over time. If you somehow survive a headshot perhaps you get double vision. Include a way to fix all these debuffs like using splints for broken leg or arm, chest seals for chest wound, etc. Maybe it would give players a reason to back off after being hit instead of shooting it out to the death like most other run of the mill shooters.
  9. I don't know why a rifle can't punch through thin wood surfaces and hit someone behind it in this game. I have shot at players behind a window and the wood bars that separate each window pane stop bullets when most handguns and all rifles would blow right through that in real life. Maybe add penetration but with reduced damage.
  10. ssk001991

    Improve the knife combat.

    Maybe the kinfes should get 2 separate attacks, slash (light attack) and stab (heavy attack).
  11. ssk001991

    remove team killing from 5v5 elimination

    Maybe add vote to kick or the ability to watch a replay of a teamkill and decide if you want to forgive or kick. No point in waiting till they teamkill 3 times if you catch them doing it on purpose the first time.
  12. ssk001991

    Increase of daily challenges

    Add the possibility of re-rolling challenges if you get one you don't like.
  13. I don't care how badly someone performs, they should still earn xp no matter what. Even if they didn't score a single kill. It really should just be 1,000 for losing and 2,000 for winning regardless of score. Giving no xp is only going to cause rage quitting if players aren't given something just for sticking in. Make it right, make it fair.
  14. ssk001991

    ideas for new weapons

    I thought of new loadout weapons you can add. Beretta 92FS handgun, Desert Eagle (with .50 AE rounds), M870 shotgun, 44. Mag, MP40, BAR, KAR 98, STG 44, M1 Grand, SPAS 12 shotgun, TEC-9 pistol, mini 14 rifle. I know this game takes place in 1991 so if a few of these weapons are a little newer I am sorry, I really don't have too much knowledge on the dates some of these weapons were actually created aside from the WW-II era ones.
  15. ssk001991

    Carrying abilities

    How about using resources to build a working truck in the base improvements menu? You can take your truck into a encounter (not to drive around) but to stage at a map exit point of your choosing so you can load up additional loot when you max out your backpack. The flatbed truck can store several backpacks worth of loot and you can run back for more loot after emptying the contents of your backpack into the truck. Once your ready to leave you take the truck with all the loot home. Building the truck should cost fuel, metal parts, wire, electronics, glass, and possibly nails. Each upgrade for the truck should enable it to carry an additional backpack's worth of loot (one whole page) and the inventory should be displayed in pages as too not take up too much room on screen. With the addition of iodine tablets your should have enough time in a encounter to collect that much loot without dying to radiation. Just a thought.