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can you somehow detect if map has sea?



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//send me a logic (from alllogics) or a position and a distance (400 is about right) and I'll tell you if it's a coastal town
// if sent a logic and a 0 distance, I will use the targetradius distance from the town logic
 #include "..\includes.sqf"
params ["_town", "_dist"];
private _ret = objNull;
if (((typeName _town) isEqualTo "ARRAY" ) and {_dist < 1} ) then
	_dist = _town getVariable "targetradius";
_nrobjs = (nearestTerrainObjects [_town, ["hide"], _dist, false, true]) select {((getModelInfo _x) #0) in ["bw_setsmall_tubey_f.p3d","bw_setbig_tubey_f.p3d","bw_setsmall_tubeg_f.p3d","bw_setbig_tubeg_f.p3d","bw_setsmall_brains_f.p3d","bw_setbig_brains_f.p3d","bw_setbig_corals_f.p3d","lavastonecluster_small_water_f.p3d","lavaboulder_04_water_f.p3d"]};
if (_nrobjs isEqualTo []) then
	_ret = false;
	_ret = true;

Here's a function I use that is reliable on Altis, Tanoa and Malden. Obviously it's ripped out of an existing mission, but I expect you can pick the relevant bones out of it.

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@Tankbuster that's interesting function, thanks! 

I was thinking of using surfaceIsWater command on the map edges.

Or maybe some map config value.

Will look more to this later

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13 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

if (_nrobjs isEqualTo []) then
    _ret = false;
    _ret = true;


!(_nrobjs isEqualTo [])



13 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

if (((typeName _town) isEqualTo "ARRAY" ) and {_dist < 1} )


if (_town isEqualType [] && _dist < 1)


That code seems a bit old 😄

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7 hours ago, Dedmen said:


!(_nrobjs isEqualTo [])




if (_town isEqualType [] && _dist < 1)


That code seems a bit old 😄

That code predates the introduction of isEqualType, so yes, it is old. Sometimes I look back, or stumble over code from the mission that was written in 2015 and think "Which idiot wrote this?.. ah..."

  • Haha 1

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Also perhaps this would work:

_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize");
_isSeaOutThere = (count (selectBestPlaces [[(_mapSize/2),(_mapSize/2)], _mapSize * (sqrt 2), "sea", 100, 1])) > 0;


As for checking certain positions, surfaceIsWater sounds like a plan, but just in case, possible alternative could be ([0,0,0] stands as an example for any ATL position on the terrain surface) :

_isSeaThere = ((ATLtoASL [0,0,0]) select 2) < 0;


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20 hours ago, Rydygier said:

Also perhaps this would work:

_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize");
_isSeaOutThere = (count (selectBestPlaces [[(_mapSize/2),(_mapSize/2)], _mapSize * (sqrt 2), "sea", 100, 1])) > 0;


As for checking certain positions, surfaceIsWater sounds like a plan, but just in case, possible alternative could be ([0,0,0] stands as an example for any ATL position on the terrain surface) :

_isSeaThere = ((ATLtoASL [0,0,0]) select 2) < 0;


There's already worldSize.

I'd try like this:

_positions = [[0,0],[worldSize,0],[worldSize,worldSize],[0,worldSize]];
_positions findIf {surfaceIsWater _x} >= 0;

Checks all 4 map corners for water.

Maps with Ocean on it usually tend to have at least 1 map corner in the water.

Can't think of anything that'll invalidate this check for now, heh.

Maybe some edge case map with islands on all 4 corners and ocean on the rest? Hm.



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@Grumpy Old Man I was thinking the same. It works, unless there is a map where there is water in the center. A lake or something. But such map probably don't exist in Arma... I have seen those kind of maps in some strategy games though

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2 hours ago, gc8 said:

@Grumpy Old Man I was thinking the same. It works, unless there is a map where there is water in the center. A lake or something. But such map probably don't exist in Arma... I have seen those kind of maps in some strategy games though

surfaceIsWater doesn't work for inner lake anyway. Just for sea (salt water ? :sigh: )

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