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Server wait times are killing the game

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The title says it all really but I'll go into further detail.

I play from Australia and my internet connection is relatively good but pre 1.1 update I think it was, wait times went anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds and longer if I played early mornings, to now blowing out to 3 minutes plus.

It's a killer! Most people don't have that patients, not when you can go pick up most other titles and bang! Be straight into a server.

Is there a solution or is this just the reality of dwindling player base?

Could we not speed up the process in where if not enough local players are found you switch to the nearest region and pick up those servers?


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I guess you pick the maps yourself? Random goes a lot faster then picking a map. Also there are peak Times whrn getting into servers only takes seconds.

Other times everyone is waiting for several minutes. It's been a while back I got into battles where solo's and duo's got mixed. Maybe this is a reason the server takes more time to get set up?

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Also playing from Aus and have the same issue. My average wait time is 3-5 mins, my worst is 10 mins which has happened a few times.


I'm still pretty new to the game and enjoying it so far but the wait time to join games it a bit of a drag.


Not sure what the server minimum is but maybe could be reduced and load us into a smaller map, if random map is selected. 


I have noticed the longer wait times seem to have more populated maps, which is good, but not at the cost of less game time than I spend at my shelter.

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1 minute ago, MercWarlord said:

It's been a while back I got into battles where solo's and duo's got mixed. Maybe this is a reason the server takes more time to get set up?

While playing solo last night I noticed a duo in the pre game screen, thought it was a bug.


Is it possible for duo's to join solo players?

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12 minutes ago, Tartansnake said:

While playing solo last night I noticed a duo in the pre game screen, thought it was a bug.


Is it possible for duo's to join solo players?

Only when server times take to long. It happens to try and avoid the waiting forever problem. The people in the duo's are usually as surprises this happens as the solo-bunch they join.

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I agree with Merc, duo's get added to fill an encounter. One advantaged being that there will be 2 crates in the drop.

Also, it would be good for an official explanation from the Devs for regional differences in wait times. I've seen a listing on another forum showing that the number of players is higher than some other well known titles, so maybe it's not necessarily down to shortage of players, but which servers regions can actually log into.

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MercWarlord 95% of my games are quick play for that exact reason but 3 minute wait times are stretching it.

When I play early morning here with American friends, connections to servers can be almost instant and I get that. 

Larger player base means quicker connections to servers.

Peak times here are after 3pm and even then you're lucky to connect in under 3 minutes.


@Oldninja an official explanation would go a long way to easing the wait time.

I know it's turned people away from the game, why wait 3 to 5 minutes for a game when other games are picked up so quick?

Region selector for servers?

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It’s been clarified that solo players are dumped into a Duos match when the duo queue doesn’t meet minimum player requirements. That’s why the crate has two boxes.

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Hi Kuljack,

I honestly thought it was the other way around. Duo's filling an insufficient solo queue!

But your comment re why there are 2 crates does make your point sound logical.

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I'm in the U.S. central timezone and I personally have noticed the wait times go down from about a minute and half to 30 sec.

For me, when it took longer then a minute I would cancel and just retry, that would usually get me in alot quicker.. granted not a really a "fix" but might help you in your current situation.

I can deal with random teaming in solo from time to time if it's genuinely random, but straight duo's in single would not be cool..glad I haven't seen it myself..

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Sadly cancelling and retrying simply prolongs the wait.

I just hope there's an easy fix and the Devs see this post and do something about it.

In an hour of gaming I'm lucky to get 3 maps in even with being there as the radiation sweeps in right at the end.

Close to 15 minutes of waiting for servers and then the load and exit screens on top of that.

As you say, servers waits are any where from 30 secs to a 1min in the states, you could fit 5 to 6 games in that hour with those wait times.

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